
Peggy Ryan

Peggy Ryan is an IT specialist. Currently she is an author and political commentator. She’s been widely published on multiple conservative Internet sites. Peggy Ryan can be reached at PeggyRyan1203 @ gmail.com

Most Recent Articles by Peggy Ryan:

Kevin McCarthy for Speaker —The Definition of Insanity

Kevin McCarthy for Speaker —The Definition of InsanityThe big political news right now is the coming election for Speaker of the House.  Current House minority leader, Kevin McCarthy, is fighting for his political life.  But why isn’t Kevin a lock for Speaker if he’s already in the position of minority leader?   Well, there’s his record, his past actions and positions that aren’t exactly in-line with conservatives.  
- Wednesday, January 4, 2023

The Great Reset -- How Donald J. Trump Flipped the Script

The Great Reset -- How Donald J. Trump Flipped the ScriptCongressional hearings are often-referred to as a show, political theater if you will.  How ironic since that's exactly what our entire government, media, and culture has become, a show.   The production, 'The Great Reset' depicts a populace evolving to a perfect society, no hate, racism or sexism.  Greedy oligarchs will be stripped of their ill-gotten gains, their riches distributed among the masses.  And this society will not rape the earth for their fuel, it will go green, will rescue the planet.  
- Friday, August 19, 2022

Fight the Fraud or Become Part of It

Fight the Fraud or Become Part of ItI was devastated on January 20th, 2021, not because my guy lost the election, he didn’t.  It wasn’t even the swearing in of an imposter.  No, what triggered my soul-darkening despair was the staggering number of so-called Americans who participated in this coup, who helped the enemy put a puppet regime in the White House.   Those uncounted foot soldiers were necessary to subvert our elections. The corrupt, compromised elites are a small group, don’t have the reach to successfully overturn elections in 50 states.  No, the cabal needed boots on the ground to run their operation at a local level.  
- Thursday, January 20, 2022

The Jonestown Approach to Vaccination

The Jonestown Approach to VaccinationOk, full disclosure: I'm one of "those people", the unwashed aka the unvaccinated.  Why?  Well so far it's still a free country so I don't have to take responsibility for the health of a nation or treat my decision as a moral choice, my body, my decision.   I've been vaccine-ambiguous from the start.  My research on an American Thinker article, America Held Hostage showed people weren't/aren't dropping like flies, bodies didn't/don't litter the streets, and hospitals weren't/aren't overwhelmed with COVID patients.  And our kids face nearly-zero danger from the virus.
- Sunday, August 22, 2021

The New Regime Takes Power

The New Regime Takes PowerFor the first time in this country, American's voices are silenced, our enterprises taken down if we dare to oppose government.  Twitter and other social media giants  banned the President of the United states from their sites.  Cities and businesses are ending contracts with the President.  Trump supporters are losing their jobs and their businesses.  Its all-out war on millions of American citizens for our political views.  
- Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Joe Biden's New Clothes 

Joe Biden's New ClothesIn the fairy tale, The Emperor's New Clothes, an emperor hires two swindlers who claim they can weave a magical cloth that is invisible to anyone who is "unfit for his office or unforgivably stupid".  The Emperor hires the weavers to make material for his councillors so he will know who's unfit.   The swindlers work late into the night and pretend to weave on empty looms.  The Emperor's prime minister and councillor are sent to monitor the work.  They can't see the material but if they admit that, they'll be exposed as stupid or unfit for office.  Instead they praise the work, say the cloth is beautiful, "What patterns! What colors!"  
- Thursday, November 19, 2020

Tyranny Under Color of Law

It's chilling to see American citizens forced to wear masks.  Too reminiscent of Nazi Germany when over a half million people had to wear a badge to identify as a Jew.    "Jews over the age of six in Germany are required to wear a yellow, six-pointed star with the word "Jude" (German for "Jew") across the front in black, sewn to their outer clothing at all times."    If we can be ‘ordered' to wear a mask why not a badge, a wristband, a chip
- Sunday, May 31, 2020

We Can't Let The Cure Be Worse Than The Disease

We Can't Let The Cure Be Worse Than The DiseaseRecently, Rush Limbaugh was off the air for several days to undergo chemotherapy for stage 4 lung cancer.  Initially he did well on chemo but then serious side effects kicked in.  His legs swelled to where he needed a wheelchair to get to where he was going .  He developed a blood clot in his left leg, a high fever and other severe reactions.  He had to stop the chemo.  
- Friday, April 10, 2020

Government, Media, and Gun Control

Government, Media, and Gun ControlThe New York Post blared the headline: "Now can Congress talk about gun control?"No, Congress should never, ever talk about gun control because it goes against the very Constitution they swore to defend. But what brought us to the place where Congress and even our President is willing to 'talk' about encroaching on our Constitutional rights?It was another mass shooting, actually two events back-to-back, a Walmart in El Paso, Texas where 20 people were killed and a bar in Dayton Ohio where the shooter took 9 lives.
- Sunday, August 25, 2019

Judge Kavanaugh Must Be Believed

Judge Kavanaugh Must Be Believed I have to say, I'm surprised Dr. Blasey Ford was able to become a doctor after being scarred for life by a 'groping'. Oh how insensitive of me, am I belittling a sexual attack?
- Friday, September 28, 2018

Another School Shooting - "Isn't Anybody in Charge"?

Another School Shooting - Isn't Anybody in Charge? I'm sick and tired of these pseudo-adults wringing their hands, playing politics, and acting like impartial observers as our kids are gunned down. Arguments, discussions, conversations, legislation, all dangerous delays that leave our kids as sitting ducks while these people play the role of grown-up, while they "talk".
- Thursday, May 24, 2018

The Enemy Within

In a recent interview, Sean Hannity asked Newt Gingrich about Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell's inability to lead, the Senate's failure to pass an Obamacare repeal. Newt danced around McConnell's role, its "we" he said, the President's not a bystander, he shares the blame.
- Thursday, August 24, 2017

Yes, There Is STILL a Coup in America

I wrote a piece for American Thinker, Yes, There Is a Coup On in America to call attention to the fact that our government, media, and Washington establishment is attempting a coup d'etat right before our eyes. I pointed out that per 18 USC Ch. 101, Hillary, Clinton, even without an indictment, was legally disqualified to run for President after her mishandling of classified information. I called out the FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) as accessories after the fact when they used their positions to cover her crimes and enable her to avoid prosecution, called out the corporate media complex that shielded Hillary from her crimes and served as her attack dog. This cabal openly defied our government, broke our laws, ignored regulations to make Hillary Clinton the Democrat nominee and it was all done in the open for all to see.
- Friday, December 16, 2016

60 Shameful Minutes

Leslie Stahl of 60 Minutes scored the first post-election interview with the President-Elect, Donald Trump. I tuned in as did millions of other Americans to share Trump’s historical victory. I didn’t know what to expect but started the evening with a sense of excitement to share Trump’s accomplishment. But my enthusiasm was soon dampened.
- Thursday, November 17, 2016

When the People No Longer Matter

Eric Bolling subbed for O’Reilly last week so I tuned in (can’t take Bloviating Bill). At the end of the show, Eric gets O’Reilly on the phone. Bill’s saying Hillary’s crimes might not be enough,to stop her, yada yada. But then Eric asks O’Reilly about Trump’s massive crowds, tens of thousands of screaming fans, thousands more outside who can’t get in, passionate, energized, motivated. Isn’t that a good sign for Trump?
- Tuesday, November 8, 2016

America’s “Come to Jesus” Moment

I’m hearing all the theories on why FBI Director, James Comey, reopened the investigation on Hilary Clinton’s illegal email server. Rush Limbaugh floated the idea it's a head fake, that Comey will come out a day or two before the election and announce there’s no there-there.
- Friday, November 4, 2016

Donald Trump’s New York Values

Remember the Republican primaries, the slew of vicious attacks on Donald Trump, the endless slander? Like Ted Cruz on that debate stage, arrogant, all puffed up and slamming Donald Trump for his “New York values”. Trump shot back reminding Cruz of the New York values witnessed on 911, said he found Cruz’s remarks offensive to all New Yorkers.
- Saturday, October 15, 2016

Trump's Galt-Right Movement

Ayn Rand's classic novel, Atlas Shrugged, opens with the question "Who is John Galt?" It's a question often repeated amid an ongoing quest to discover the answer. John Galt is a man who opts out of a failed society, who rejects a nation near collapse, an eroding economy, escalating crime, and an authoritarian government for a better life. Galt then recruits society's producers, smart, inventive people, the best of the best. They gather in a secret community, Galt's Gulch, and set to work to rebuild what they've lost.
- Friday, September 2, 2016