
This was not an election it's an insurrection. There can be no retreat, no false hope for a better result next time.  The American people won't accept a dictator with the title of president, never.

America Will Never Be A Socialist Country

America Will Never Be A Socialist CountryPresident Trump likes to say that Bernie Sanders is the "greatest loser" of all time because Bernie's own party can roll over him like a tank in Tiananmen Square and Bernie says, "Thank you, sir, may I have another".   Well Bernie may have to relinquish that title.  Establishment Republicans and some alleged conservatives are the new ‘greatest losers'.  These people threw in the towel as soon as media declared Biden the winner.  Instead of pointing out that media is not an official source and no official source has called this, they immediately cede the election and demand America do the same.  

Democrats got caught with their pants down when election day turnout surpassed their trove of  supplemental ballots

Even more unbearable than the media hacks is the condescending lectures from ‘our side' that we have to find the upside of having our most precious right, our vote, outright stolen.  They tell us it's ok if socialists take the White House because after all, we didn't lose everything.   So we're to accept that a decrepit guy with no campaign, who threatened to kill our oil and gas industries, cut our power, order a national lockdown and national mask mandate, raise taxes, pack the court, and other unconstitutional acts got the most votes in Presidential election history, even more votes that the first black President in 2008?  Guess they don't see this as overthrowing our government, they think it's just another election. Wrong.  This takeover has been in the works for months and the only glitch in their plan came from the actual election.  Democrats got caught with their pants down when election day turnout surpassed their trove of  supplemental ballots.  Like 2016, they underestimated America's support for the President who again over-performed by massive numbers.   So Democrats/media/RINOs, governors, precinct captains, USPS need time to come up with enough supplemental ballots to fix this thing  So Pennsylvania, Georgia, and North Carolina, others all decide to have an early night and resume counting in the morning, or afternoon, or TBD.  And in an unprecedented move, they stop counting votes.   Then when counting resumes, states bar GOP observers from watching their ‘counts', put cardboard over windows so no one can peek in.  When they do let Republicans in they keep them far enough away to insure the count is done in private. 

Next in a corrupt game of electoral whack-a-mole, Democrats knock Trump's lead down in any state that portends an electoral victory

Next in a corrupt game of electoral whack-a-mole, Democrats knock Trump's lead down in any state that portends an electoral victory.  The President loses his vote advantage in every one of these states including Pennsylvania where he had a 700,000 vote lead the day of the election.  The ballots pour in under cover of darkness, millions across these states.  In Michigan over 200,000 Ballots for Biden appear overnight.  Dumps in some states are close to 100% Biden but definitely no chicanery there.   With these horrors playing out right before our eyes we have supposed allies telling us to stand down.  Many conservative voices tell us to buck up, look at the positives of a senate win, increased House presence.  They say Americans can still fight back in 2022, can take back the House, increase our Senate numbers.  And hey Donald Trump can run again in 2024 and he'll win!   What are these people smoking?  If socialists/communists can steal the Presidency and get away with it, nothing is out of their reach.   But then none of our conservative radio or tv voices or politicians who are supposedly on our side really have skin in the game.  I'm not saying they're not patriots that they don't love their country because they obviously do.   But the reality is that if a President Biden or more likely Harris orders a national lockdown, none of those people will lose their business, lose their ability to feed their families.   And  if that President shuts down oil production, fracking none of those people will lose their job, will fail to make the rent.  They won't buckle under skyrocketing gas and home heating oil costs.  And I'm sure if we have rolling blackouts those people will still have electricity, will stay warm.  Even if the situation becomes dire like other socialist countries (Venezuela) and America suffers food shortages, these people won't go hungry.  They like to talk like they're one of us but the reality is, they're not.  That's why these people are so quick to see the bright side, they've never really been in the dark.  

There's no upside to surrendering our freedom to a bunch of socialists infiltrators

So spare me the platitudes, there's no upside to surrendering our freedom to a bunch of socialists infiltrators.  If we respect and accept the results, we are respecting and accepting totalitarianism.  If we play dead and let them steal this election from the President, it's over.   We're watching real time media working with enemy insurgents Fox included.  They all have their talking points and the rhetoric doesn't change by more than a few syllables across networks.  This media already has a big investment in a successful coup because they've openly supported the insurrection.  They universally suppressed information on Biden's crimes and actively promoted a man who sold out America to China for personal gain.   For those who don't see the flashing warning signs of accepting the lie of a Biden win, listen up.  If you're telling us we'll win down the road, don't bother.  No one ever gets to reverse a communist takeover, not ever.  They will never allow the people to take away their power.  2022 will be another fake election with the winner decided by the ruling elite.   "The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them." - Karl Marx So to all those telling us to stand down, save it.   There's no bright side to the surrender of our Republic, no good news if we allow our democracy to die.  These traitors are attacking our Constitution, our liberty by polluting our election.  They're brazenly working to enslave us, to bring down the greatest country on earth.  

"America Will Never Be A Socialist Country"; "We Were Born Free And We Will Stay Free" Donald J. Trump

But we have a President who will fight for America with his last breath, who will never concede to socialism:  "America Will Never Be A Socialist Country"; "We Were Born Free And We Will Stay Free" Donald J. Trump This was not an election it's an insurrection. There can be no retreat, no false hope for a better result next time.  The American people won't accept a dictator with the title of president, never.      To those who obediently fall in line with the usurpers, who rush to acknowledge victory for the enemy, you're like the colonists who refused to fight for freedom, who ‘accepted' British rule.   In the words of patriot Samuel Adams:  
"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."

Peggy Ryan -- Bio and Archives

Peggy Ryan is an IT specialist. Currently she is an author and political commentator. She’s been widely published on multiple conservative Internet sites. Peggy Ryan can be reached at PeggyRyan1203 @ gmail.com