
If Republicans want different results they need to stop doing the same thing over and over

Kevin McCarthy for Speaker —The Definition of Insanity

Kevin McCarthy for Speaker —The Definition of Insanity
The big political news right now is the coming election for Speaker of the House.  Current House minority leader, Kevin McCarthy, is fighting for his political life.  But why isn’t Kevin a lock for Speaker if he’s already in the position of minority leader?   Well, there’s his record, his past actions and positions that aren’t exactly in-line with conservatives.  

This fake conservatism is something the Founders warned against

  1. McCarthy’s shown that  he’s amenable to deep state projects or at least won’t block them.  
  2. He threw President Trump under the bus for the January 6th hoax.  Told colleagues that he’d “recommend Trump’s resignation”, publicly said on the House floor that Trump “bears responsibility” for the mayhem.  
  3. He’s pledged he won’t impeach Biden.  
  4. He raised money for establishment candidates over MAGA and fumbled the 2022 elections at the goal line.
And the list goes on.  But forget his work history, forget his stance against President Trump, against MAGA, even forget the botched 2022 elections.  The elephant in the room is that McCarthy is more of the same.  Whether it’s Paul Ryan, Kevin McCarthy, or any other establishment Speaker, they’re all reading from the same playbook.  They talk up conservatism but lead from the left, cater to the establishment   This fake conservatism is something the Founders warned against.  
Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism”. ~ George Washington
That’s McCarthy all right.  But hold on.  Some of our conservative heroes/heroines support Kevin.  Shouldn't we trust their judgment?   Not this time.  Steve Cortes, (who I adore), is acting like an abused wife or in this case husband.  Yeah, Steve’s been hard on Kevin in the past, screamed to the rooftops that Kevin’s not fit to be Speaker.  Yet he now says we’re better off with the devil we know.  Kevin has changed, aligning with the people, shifting to the right.  This is the bully telling his battered spouse the abuse will never happen again, they’ve changed.   And Steve argues, who else could fill Kevin’s shoes?  He  says, “no credible alternative candidate exists.”  Wrong.  Jim Jordan would make a fabulous Speaker.  He’s never bent over for the Democrats, fights for conservatives, and definitely has the experience.  Oh, I know he says he doesn’t want the job but Jim’s enough of a patriot that I believe he’d step up if asked. Or others, there are several ‘credible candidates’, more credible than McCarthy.   Then we have Marjorie Taylor Greene, who not for the first time is telling us we just don’t understand how Congress works.  It’s bad “strategy” to oppose Kevin.  We could end up giving the “gavel to Liz Cheney,”.  She doesn’t get it that we do understand how Congress works and that’s exactly why we want it to change.   But we can’t change Congress if we have no voice.  And if our representatives keep playing politics instead of listening to the people who elected them, then they will continue to be deaf to our cries.  Can’t have it both ways.  For those who argue it’s OK under Kevin, could be worse, I say it could also be better.  Maybe we will get another Nancy Pelosi but at least we will have fought for what we believe instead of hoping McCarthy will come around, will make things right this time. ;
To sit back hoping that someday, someway, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last—-but eat you he will.” ~ Ronald Reagan

Stench of Washington is overwhelming, permeates our homes, our lives

The stench of Washington is overwhelming, permeates our homes, our lives.  The only way to clear the air is to get rid of the rot.  We can’t just rubber-stamp the establishment choice and expect real change.  Kevin may be a nice guy but he’s been in Washington too long, allied with the wrong people, adopted the wrong policies.  It happens to most swamp creatures sooner or later.  
Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny. ~ Thomas Jefferson
If We the People want to take back our country, we must have the courage to disrupt the current power structure, to fight for our Republic.  If our Congress is to truly represent us then they must listen to us, respect our wishes.     For those who support Kevin McCarthy for Speaker, know that you’re advocating for what’s always been done, telling the people to suck it up one more time because this time Kevin McCarthy will work for the people; this time will be different.  
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ~ Albert Einstein
If Republicans want different results they need to stop doing the same thing over and over.  They need to take different paths, make different decisions, stop all the political calculations and just do what’s right for the people.  It’s not too much to ask, it’s why they got elected.  
Do the right thing. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” ~ Mark Twain

Peggy Ryan -- Bio and Archives

Peggy Ryan is an IT specialist. Currently she is an author and political commentator. She’s been widely published on multiple conservative Internet sites. Peggy Ryan can be reached at PeggyRyan1203 @ gmail.com