
News in Brief

They're understanding the ESG is kind of at the heart of something that is going on. They understand that social, emotional learning is the heart of the brainwashing in our schools

The plan is simple, they’ll sell their carbon credits to the rich to supplement income & the rich will do as they like

I wonder ... is that why we're already funding ANOTHER "forever war" in Ukraine?!

Here at Fox, other corporations, there will be things they’re gonna have to change because the state of New York requires it”

He was impeached after this speech by Uni-party in Texas

Amazingly nobody was killed in the accident only the driver got injured

American Agenda

"Here's the hard and cold reality..."

"Listen to the members of this House who were targeted? What will it take for him to end the cover-up?"

Byron Donalds for Speaker News on the Net | May 30, 2023
He takes no prisoners

“They didn’t count on the fact that our side, the good guys, were actually recording this 24 hour footage to be used later, as in right now. We have more video coming out”

If he misses today's deadline to turn over subpoenaed documents to Congress, I am prepared to move contempt charges against him

Tonight’s half Manhattanhenge News on the Net | May 30, 2023
Tomorrow is full Manhattanhenge

"Is anyone seriously suggesting that we should stand the economy on its head, force up energy prices, damage business, jeopardise employment, because 0.04% of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide?"

"The government is 40% bigger than it was pre-Covid. Let’s go back to pre-Covid levels of spending."

Reports indicate a mass shooting has taken place on the Hollywood Beach Boardwalk in Hollywood, Florida

Posing a danger even weeks after the main fire has been extinguished. This is how prevention works

Biden: Memorial Day 2023

Here is also Lindsey Graham on 03/05/2022, calling for Russian citizens and military members to assassinate Putin

What a "bump" with the camera

They done went and made his day News on the Net | May 29, 2023
Surprise motherf.... Problem solved

Elites, NGOs & Governments colluding to create demand through fear. If you build ‘it’ we’ll make sure there’s a market for it! A global crisis to create a demand

Now it’s “crack heads with government meds”

In every country Farmers are under attack! Stand by your farmers, before they simply give up!

Predictive programming is a form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by our leaders

Inserting Reprogrammed Memory Cards

I can’t believe he said that News on the Net | May 29, 2023
Joe's take on nurses and Hospitals

He was turned back. Evacuation route is taking us towards Highway 103

Look at the Tens of people that came out to support Trudeau in Winnipeg