
David C. Jennings

David Jennings is an ex-pat Brit. living in California. A Christian Minister he advocates for Traditional & Conservative causes. David is also an avid fan of Liverpool Football Club and writes for the supporters club in America David Jennings can be found on Twitter His blog can be read here

Most Recent Articles by David C. Jennings:

UK Police Commanders staring down the barrel of 96 Manslaughter Charges

In the longest running inquest in British legal history and possibly the biggest policing cover up ever, a Coroner's Jury found retired Police Superintendent David Duckenfield and other senior commanders responsible for the unlawful killing of 96 soccer fans.
- Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Blatter Wins Re-election but FIFA Is Now a Boat That Won’t Stop Rocking

Dawn raids on glass towered corporate offices from Zurich to Miami! Indictments, extradition proceedings, executives in jail! But meanwhile the Kingpin of the entire operation puts on a brave face and says he will clean up the corruption, the same cleaning up he’s been promising for over a decade. You might think you’ve just stumbled across a preview of the latest Jack Ryan adventure or maybe a Washington expose by Bill O’Reilly. But this is the world of professional football (soccer), and the man at the top of the totem pole is every bit as skilled in politics and corruption as the Clinton’s.
- Friday, May 29, 2015

UK Political Establishment still Befuddled over UKIP’s Continuing Success

Nigel Farage, UKIP
An old adage is, if it isn’t broken don’t try to fix it. Reality in the British political establishment is the exact opposite. The political system is broken and needs fixing and everyone on the outside can see it. But the insiders continue to scratch their heads as UKIP (the UK Independence Party) score one victory after another campaigning on the idea of real change.
- Saturday, November 22, 2014

Poppy Day Bomb Plot Foiled

Eight years ago, when UK security forces arrested a number of people planning on blowing up airliners, the raids included homes in the bustling market town of High Wycombe which sits on the M40 about 30 minutes north of Heathrow.
- Sunday, November 9, 2014

Scotland steams forward with policy to override parental rights

Scotland may have rejected the opportunity to leave the UK altogether last month but it’s provincial assembly, which more or less acts like an independent state, is continuing to implement its national ‘named person’ policy despite significant concerns and objections.
- Monday, October 27, 2014

Scotland Teeters on the Edge

On Thursday Scotland (including 16-17 year-olds) will go to the polls to vote on what amounts to full sovereign independence from the rest of the United Kingdom which would presumably, amongst more serious matters, necessitate a full re-design of the (rest of the) Union Jack flag.
- Sunday, September 14, 2014

British Mums who turned down medical abortion advice now raising healthy babies

British Mums who turned down medical abortion advice now raising healthy babies
British mums who refuse to have abortions, despite being given medical advice to the contrary, are continuing to discover to their delight that they are bearing children that not only live but have every chance of a normal life, despite the doom and gloom predictions that overshadowed their choice.
- Sunday, August 10, 2014

Support for assisted suicide in the UK wanes

As parliament processes assisted suicide legislation the British public are increasingly turning against the concept and once again Prime Minister David Cameron finds himself on the wrong side of social opinion. Brits who initially support the idea turn against it as facts come to light from countries that have already legalized it, particularly Belgium, Holland and Switzerland.
- Sunday, August 3, 2014

Radical Imams penetrate prisons on both sides of the Atlantic

Imams with links to radical Islam and been successful in infiltrating the British prison system as Chaplains, and are using their access to radicalize some of the nation's more than 11,000 Muslim prisoners whilst pointing them toward extremist paths.
- Monday, July 21, 2014

Persecution of family-run bakery reaches the floor of the House of Commons

Gareth Lee, an LGBT activist in Northern Ireland ordered a cake from the Asher Baking Company with the slogan ‘Support Gay Marriage’ and a picture of Sesame Street’s Bert & Ernie in an embrace. It would also contain a logo of the homosexual pressure (lobby) group Queerspace.
- Sunday, July 13, 2014

UK Christian Street Preachers vindicated, charges dropped

Christian Concern reports that “Police in Scotland have dropped all charges against two Christian evangelists who were arrested for allegedly using 'offensive' language whilst preaching in Dundee and Perth. (This) after months of representation by the Christian Legal Centre.”
- Sunday, June 29, 2014

Earthquake in EU elections! ‘Sensible’ Right win in Britain!

Scientists often warn about ‘the big one’ coming when it comes to earthquakes. The political establishments knew there was some shaking coming but the full force of change from the weekend's European elections is only just beginning to be felt.
- Monday, May 26, 2014

The UKIP Dawn!

Euro results hit Sunday Night with some pre-election polling showing UKIP headed for 1st place
- Friday, May 23, 2014

UK Conservative party running radical Islamist candidate in next week’s elections

Newham, London-The Labour Party controls this borough 100% occupying every seat on the Council, but they have become increasingly unpopular in recent years. Under the leadership of Mayor Sir Robin Wales, the council has wasted the typical sums found in lefty governments but has more importantly opposed the building of a "mega mosque" also known as the London Markaz in the area. This has caused Sir Wales' popularity in the borough of immigrants to crash.
- Saturday, May 17, 2014