
The culture at the NHS needs to change if more unborn children are to be given a better shot at life

British Mums who turned down medical abortion advice now raising healthy babies

British Mums who turned down medical abortion advice now raising healthy babies
British mums who refuse to have abortions, despite being given medical advice to the contrary, are continuing to discover to their delight that they are bearing children that not only live but have every chance of a normal life, despite the doom and gloom predictions that overshadowed their choice.
Following on from three cases documented on Canada Free Press last year two more cases have emerged of parents who decided against abortions and to instead give their children a chance at life. Vicky Davies had been told that Samuel, the boy she was expecting, had his stomach and intestines in his chest (congenital diaphragmatic hernia - CDH) because of a hole in his diaphragm, and she was advised to abort because of the low survival rate with the condition. Davies, 33, said she is speaking out to give hope to others. She told the Daily Post “Everything was going normally and I was at my routine 20-week scan, ready to find out if we were having a boy or a girl, when our whole world just came crashing down. We were taken to a room and told that Samuel’s stomach organs were in his chest and that there was a possibility of Down’s Syndrome, so I was advised to have an amniocentesis test. This uses a needle to go through to the fluid in the womb and carries a 2% risk of miscarriage.” Despite being counseled about aborting Vicky said “I couldn’t even imagine it. I know they have to give you all the options but I knew I just had to give him a chance at survival.“ A planned induced birth was then scrapped when Samuel decided to arrive 5-weeks early.
Vicky was rushed to Liverpool Women’s Hospital where she gave birth. Mum was unable to hold her son after giving birth and he was put straight into an incubator, with medical staff saying he might not make it through the weekend. On day six the doctors told Vicky they could do no more for him. But according to Vicky “Samuel just thought, ‘no, I am going to fight'.” And fight he did! The little boy became strong enough to have an operation in June to move his stomach and intestines down and now he has started feeding from a bottle. Now moved to Glan Clwyd hospital in North Wales, closer to home, a relieved Vicky said “It is just so wonderful to be able to hold him now and to change him and feed him like any normal mum.” It seems there are some in the medical community who want to recommend the path of least resistance without regard to whether the rights of the unborn are protected. Vicky said “I want to raise awareness of CDH and show people that it is not all negative, your baby can survive this.” Jackie Robson’s baby Faith is now eight months old but before she was born she was diagnosed with part of an artery missing. According to the Christian Institute medics offered an abortion at 22 weeks, but Jackie responded: “By that point I was feeling the baby move.” Britain allows legal abortions up to 24 weeks. Reports from the Scottish Daily Mail stated that Faith was born three weeks early, at 5lb 2oz, and taken to the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Yorkhill, Glasgow. She then had a major operation, which involved her heart being stopped and cut open. However, just over a week later Faith was home and now Mum says: “You wouldn’t know there was anything wrong with her. She’s an inspiration, she’s incredible”. Yet despite these continuing stories some National Health Service (NHS) personnel continue to push for abortions seemingly at the slightest danger. The culture at the NHS needs to change if more unborn children are to be given a better shot at life. Samuel is not the first ‘no-hoper’ to make it at Liverpool Women’s Hospital where there must be some great faith going on. Last year the hospital staff passed up their legal option to abort to save Baby Lucas – as documented here at Canada Free Press. But the attitudes must change from seeing simply a pregnant mother to that of a mother and an unborn child so that both lives are strongly considered in any medical decisions that must be taken during pregnancy.

David C. Jennings -- Bio and Archives

David Jennings is an ex-pat Brit. living in California.

A Christian Minister he advocates for Traditional & Conservative causes.

David is also an avid fan of Liverpool Football Club and writes for the supporters club in America

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