
Tom Deweese

Tom Deweese the publisher/editor of The DeWeese Report and is the President of the American Policy Center, a grassroots, activist think tank headquartered in Warrenton, Virginia. Older articles by Tom Deweese

Most Recent Articles by Tom Deweese:

Living with Equity in a Free Society


Social Equity has become the root for almost every policy coming from government, school curriculum, human resources on the job, and even in our entertainment. It’s a revolution intended to change our entire social structure to affect how we all interact with each other.

To understand the full impact “equity” will have on our daily lives, let’s look at its intended definition, as prepared by its promoters. United Way of the National Capital Area (a long-time charity) defines Equity as “The quality of being fair and impartial. Social equity is impartiality, fairness and justice for all people in social policy. Social equity takes into account systemic inequalities to ensure everyone in a community has access to the same opportunities and outcomes. Equity of all kinds acknowledges that inequalities exist and works to eliminate them…Social equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome.”

- Sunday, March 19, 2023

An Agenda for World Domination – Or Am I Just a Nut?

For the better part of 30 years I have been trying to sound the alarm over the dangers of Agenda 21 to human society. For my efforts I have been labeled a conspiracy theorists, spreading fear and hate against a reasonable and sound desire to simply protect the environment for future generations.

- Monday, March 13, 2023

They Are Not Protectors of the Planet But Destroyers of Human Society

They Are Not Protectors of the Planet But Destroyers of Human SocietyThey told me that if I took the red pill I would be able to see reality – the truth of what is really going on around us. Well, I just happened to have a red pill and I took it. Like traveling through time, things rushed forward, I grew dizzy, and then I saw things around me become crystal clear! Suddenly, I could see that the American people, and their every action, are being ruled, regulated, restricted, licensed, registered, directed, checked, inspected, measured, numbered, counted, rated, stamped, censured, authorized, admonished, refused, prevented, drilled, indoctrinated, monopolized, extorted, robbed, hoaxed, fined, harassed, disarmed, dishonored, fleeced, exploited, assessed, and taxed to the point of suffocation and desperation.
- Monday, December 26, 2022

Appointed Boards Are NOT Lawmakers!

Appointed Boards Are NOT Lawmakers!This alert is directed specifically to local, county, and state elected representatives. As for local residents and activists, I ask that you share this with your elected representatives and demand that they take action to protect you from the jaws of power hungry corporations that are working through appointed boards, run by hired bureaucrats, to impose an agenda to control and destroy American food, energy supplies, property rights, and liberty.
- Friday, November 4, 2022


America is in a life or death battle for its very soul, both in its public school classrooms and in its Christian church pews
"The first step in liquidating a people is to erase its memory, destroy its books, its culture, and its history.Then have somebody write new books, manufacture a new culture, invent a new history. before long the nation will begin to forget what it is and what it was. The world around it will forget even faster. The struggle of man agasinst power is the struggle of memory against forgetting." -- Milan Kundera
When Communism "fell" in the late 1980's, those who were busy scheming to impose global governance on the sovereign nations had a problem. Suddenly, the only super power in the world was the United States – the only nation on Earth based on the ideals of limited government, individual liberty and free enterprise. If American bedrock ideals of freedom took hold in the emerging nations of the old Soviet Empire, global governance was impossible.
- Wednesday, November 2, 2022

A Wonderful World Verses Brutal Hatred

A Wonderful World Verses Brutal HatredI wrote this article a couple of years ago. The Progressives continue fanning the flames of racism to further divide us. So, in response, I wanted to reissue this article to help expose their lies – the true source of the growing division. Tom DeWeese Webster’s Dictionary defines Racism as “The assumption that the characteristics and abilities of an individual are determined by race and that one race is biologically superior to another.” Another more direct way of saying it is “Blind hatred of another simply because of his/her race.”
- Wednesday, September 14, 2022


CARBON CAPTURE PIPELINES = ENVIRONMENTAL IDIOCRACY!I have just returned from one of the most important speaking tours I have ever undertaken. In fact, it wasn't really a speaking tour – I was barnstorming the state of Iowa. I was there to cause trouble and stir up the citizens – AND I DID IT! You see, in Iowa, along with North and South Dakota, Minnesota, and Nebraska, the push is on to enforce a plan to capture CO2 and bury it in the ground. Of course, the excuse is to protect the earth from Climate Change!
- Friday, August 12, 2022

Growing Drive to Destroy the Beef Industry

Growing Drive to Destroy the Beef IndustryThe American beef industry has long been a tasty target of the environmentalists and their allies in the animal rights movement. To understand the reason is to know that protecting the environment is not the goal, rather the excuse in a determined drive for global power.
- Monday, June 10, 2019

Green New Deal Reveals the Naked Truth of Agenda 21

The Green New Deal is pure SocialismSometimes if you fight hard enough and refuse to back down, no matter the odds, your truth is vindicated and prevails! For twenty years I have been labeled a conspiracy theorist, scaremonger, extremist, dangerous, nut case. I’ve been denied access to stages, major news programs, and awarded tin foil hats. All because I have worked to expose Agenda 21 and its policy of sustainable development as a danger to our property rights, economic system, and culture of freedom.
- Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Growing Assault on Private Property Are Single-Family Homes "Racist?"

The Growing Assault on Private Property Are Single-Family Homes RacistOne of the main indicators used by economists to measure the health of the nation's economy is housing starts--the number of private homes being built around the nation. In 2018 housing starts fell in all four regions of the nation, representing the biggest drop since 2016. While many economists point to issues such as higher material costs as a reason for the drop in housing starts, a much more ominous reason may be emerging. Across the nation, city councils and state legislatures are beginning to remove zoning protections for single-family neighborhoods, claiming they are racist discrimination designed to keep certain minorities out of such neighborhoods. In response to these charges some government officials are calling for the end of single-family homes in favor of multiple family apartments.
- Monday, February 4, 2019

Not One Inch…The Battle Cry For Property Rights

Not One Inch…The Battle Cry For Property Rights I have been pushing hard lately to let people know that, no matter how big and powerful the opposition, the assault from big government forces can be stopped. That’s why I want to tell you about a recent major victory in Louisiana where a wonderful, determined group of residents rose up and stopped the implementation of the Caddo Lake National Heritage Area. By the way, this is the second NHA we’ve stopped. The Crooked Road NHA in Virginia was successfully shut down by us a few years ago.
- Wednesday, September 19, 2018

It Matters How You Stand

Federal government's war against western ranchers and property owners Justice has finally been achieved as the federal government's war against western ranchers and property owners has taken a second major hit.
- Wednesday, July 11, 2018

The Last Cowboy At Pine Creek Ranch

The Last Cowboy At Pine Creek Ranch Wayne Hage, Sr was a friend of mine, as was his second wife, the late Congresswoman Helen Chenoweth. Both were courageous leaders in the battle to save private property from the tyranny of government takings.
- Saturday, April 21, 2018

A Challenge to the American Planning Association

A Challenge to the American Planning Association In nearly every community of the nation the policy called Sustainable is the catch-all term for local planning programs, from water and energy controls to building codes and traffic planning. The term “sustainable” was first used in the 1987 report called “Our Common Future,’ issued by the United Nations Commission on Environment and Development (UNCED). The term appeared in full force in 1992 in a United Nations initiative called Agenda 21.
- Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Sustainable Development: Code for Reorganizing Human Society

Sustainable Development: Code for Reorganizing Human Society It’s in every community in the nation. We hear it talked about in county commission meetings and state legislatures. It’s even used in advertising as a positive practice for food processing and auto sales. It’s used as the model for building materials, power sources and transportation policy. It’s sold as the bold visionary plan for the future. The nation is being transformed under the banner of “Sustainable Development.”
- Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Barbarians at the School House Door

The barbarians have finally broken down the school doors and are now plundering knowledge. Books are their target. Banning them is the goal. In New York City, administrators at the Life Sciences Secondary School have ordered all textbooks rounded up and removed. Books, they say, are antiquated. Instead, technology is to be the new god of learning.
- Monday, July 10, 2017

Five Actions Ben Carson Must Take to Control HUD’s Tyranny

After twenty four years of a relentless drive for centralized government power through Clinton, Bush and Obama, finally there is a chance to roll back some of the destruction to our Republic. Donald Trump has an historic opportunity to fulfill his promise to “drain the swamp,” meaning getting rid of the corruption, the power grabs, and the disregard for Constitutional law.
- Monday, January 23, 2017