
Tom Deweese

Tom Deweese the publisher/editor of The DeWeese Report and is the President of the American Policy Center, a grassroots, activist think tank headquartered in Warrenton, Virginia. Older articles by Tom Deweese

Most Recent Articles by Tom Deweese:

Reward a hero - buy GM

Bob Lutz, Chairman of General Motors is a rare man. He actually says what he thinks and this time what he thinks is absolutely right.
- Saturday, February 16, 2008

Compassionate Socialists like Joe Kennedy

You've seen his face on TV telling us about "our good friends in Venezuela" who provide reduced-price heating oil for the poor. Joe shares heart-rending stories of how his wonderful partnership with South American strongman Hugo Chavez has helped so many downtrodden Americans. It's all so warm and loving and special. Isn't Socialism compassionate?
- Saturday, February 16, 2008

Beware: “Free” medical care will kill you - on purpose!

The great debate on medical care is taking place in this year's presidential campaign. Much is made of the fact that care costs too much and that government isn't doing enough to provide coverage for the poor and elderly. Be careful - you may regret ever-encouraging government - controlled medicine.
- Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Proposed polar bear listing threatens YOUR future!!

The Department of the Interior and its Fish and Wildlife Service are getting ready to trample on your rights, drive up your cost of living, and regulate virtually every aspect of your life. You need to act immediately - or your energy and economic life will soon be dictated by climate change alarmists in government agencies, courts and environmental groups.
- Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sustainable Development: The Root of All Our Problems

In his book, Earth in the Balance, Al Gore warned that a "wrenching transformation" must take place to lead America away from the "horrors of the Industrial Revolution." The process to do that is called Sustainable Development and its' roots can be traced back to a UN policy document called Agenda 21, adopted at the UN's Earth Summit in 1992.
- Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Why is Public Education Failing?

It's a fact. Most of today's school children can barely read or write. They can't perform math problems without a calculator. They barely know who the Founding Fathers were and know even less of their achievements. Most can't tell you the name of the President of the United States. It's pure and simple; today's children aren't coming out of school with an academics education.
- Tuesday, December 18, 2007

American Education Fails Because It Isn’t Education

The debate over public education grows more heated. Regularly, reports are released showing that the academic abilities of American students continue to fall when compared to those in other countries.
- Friday, December 7, 2007

Patriots vs. Politicians

Many of the younger generation must be truly bewildered over the emotions older Americans display when expressing love, devotion, respect and reverence for our country. A tear in the eye for a patriotic song... a hand over the heart as the national anthem plays... a salute to the flag as it passes in a parade. Why would we older folks do that?
- Monday, November 12, 2007

Save Us From the SAVE Act

You may have received pleas recently to support Rep. Shuler's "SAVE Act" and ask that your Congressman do the same. This bill was supposed to be recently endorsed by Rep. Tancredo and Rep. Sessions. A quick check in Thomas ([url=http://www.thomas.gov]http://www.thomas.gov[/url]) for the "SAVE Act" garnered the reply,
- Sunday, November 11, 2007

Thought Control Alive and Well at University of Delaware

Last week we learned a mandatory University of Delaware (UD) program requires all students living on campus to acknowledge that "all whites are racist." This school of higher learning offers white students "treatment" so they can overcome "any incorrect attitudes regarding class, gender, religion, culture or sexuality" they held when they entered the school.
- Saturday, November 10, 2007

LOST Directed to Full Senate Vote!

Immediate Education of Senate Needed to Protect U.S. Sovereignty! Last Friday the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted 17-4 to surrender U.S. sovereignty to Third World countries and the corrupt United Nations! They did this by sending the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, better known as the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST), to the full Senate for ratification. LOST is now on a fast track for approval, so we must act faster to torpedo it.
- Friday, November 9, 2007

SINK the Law of the Sea Treaty

The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee is scheduled to vote on the Law of the Sea Treaty this Wednesday, October 31. The Committee's meeting will start at 10:30 AM and the treaty is the first item on the agenda. PLEASE TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION!
- Monday, October 29, 2007

Stop H.R. 1483, the “Celebrating America’s Heritage Act”

We wrote you last August asking you tell your U.S. Senators not to approve a series of bills establishing new National Heritage Areas, while establishing a national program. Unfortunately, the Senate did not listen. According to Peyton Knight, Director of the Center of environmental and Regulatory Affairs at the National Policy Center, "On Wednesday or Thursday of this week (October 24th or 25th), the U.S. House of Representatives will vote on a massive national heritage area bill, H.R. 1483, the "Celebrating America's Heritage Act."
- Monday, October 22, 2007

Anti-NAU Warriors Beginning to Move the Rock Uphill

Just a year ago most would have predicted there was no way to stop the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) which many believe will become a North American Union (NAU). The proponents are rich, powerful and determined. From the White House to huge, wealthy international corporations, these proponents of the SPP are used to getting their way. The little people back in their grassroots are just silly pawns to be manipulated or ignored.
- Saturday, October 13, 2007