
A.J. Cameron

A.J. Cameron was born in Kansas City, MO, and raised in Prairie Village, KS. He is a graduate of Rockhurst High School and University of Kansas, and is a the former president of the Native Sons & Daughters of Greater Kansas City. Having worked for international and local, start-up companies, A. J. brings a wide range of insight to many of the challenging issues of the day. A.J. seeks to engage readers on key issues with views grounded in time-tested principles and common sense.

Most Recent Articles by A.J. Cameron:

The Charlottesville Chaos Was Predictable!

While most people are distracted with living, earning an income, taking care of children and/or parents, attempting to relax, etc., there are people in the shadows who, instead of working to unite us, are working, tirelessly, to divide us along every natural dividing line. Unfortunately, the Charlottesville chaos was predictable!
- Sunday, August 13, 2017

An Open Letter to Rand Paul and Members of the Freedom Caucus!

Mr. Paul and members of the Freedom Caucus, the American people are counting on you and supporting you to ensure that Obamacare is fully repealed. If you are to repeal Obamacare, it must be FULLY REPEALED on the first attempt, or it will NEVER be repealed.
- Friday, April 7, 2017

Saved By The Dem Bells?

Now that President Trump has been sworn in and delivered his inauguration speech, there is a greater focus upon the confirmations of his nominees. Hopefully, we may have dodged a bullet, regarding the potential confirmation of Betsy DeVos as the Secretary of the Department of Education (DOE). Thanks to the Democrats request of additional background information of Ms. DeVos, her confirmation hearing has been delayed until January 31st, and we may be able to prevent her confirmation to this key position.
- Wednesday, January 25, 2017

An Open Letter to Senator Sessions!

At the exhortation of Ann Corcoran, I am writing an open letter to you, Mr. Sessions, in the hope that you, and others, will work to prevent the traitorous importation of non-U. S.-vetted ‘refugees’ into the U. S.
- Monday, October 3, 2016

U. S. Education - Ask And You Shall Receive (As You Are Being Deceived)!

While Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey are envying, from their graves, the circus centered around who will be the next inhabitant of the puppet hut at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, many core issues are not being discussed. Depending upon where you live, school may be beginning this week.
- Sunday, August 14, 2016

Comey Reinforces the Paradigm!

Thank you, Mr. Comey. Your comments and inaction in holding Hillary Clinton responsible for her clandestine email actions have reinforced the paradigm that virtually everyone in a leadership position in the government is a traitor to the people of our country.
- Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The Elites Never Disappoint!

Brexit offers hope for freedom-loving people all over the ‘globe’! In a time of contracting power and wealth towards self-appointed elites and ‘royalty’, Brexit may be the 2016 ‘D-Day’ in the war of those who are outside of their oppressors’ exclusive aristocracy. But, even with this victory for freedom, the elites never disappoint. Now that they lost a major player and funder of the European Union (EU), the assault is on.
- Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Haley Shuffle!

I was never a fan of the ‘Ickey Shuffle’, but it was more entertaining and substantive than the ‘Haley Shuffle’. Another supposed conservative has sold out genuine conservatives and the U. S. citizenry to join the Ryan-McConnell led GOP backstablishment. Personally, I’ve never considered her the real deal, so I’m not shocked. Anyone who ascends the ‘Greed Over Principles’ (GOP) backstablishment is an enemy of the U. S. citizenry, just as much as any Democrat.
- Thursday, January 14, 2016

Was the ObamaCare Vote a False Flag?

I trust everyone enjoyed a wonderful Christmas. It is a blessed time of the year. Now it is time to resume addressing the grave issues we continue to face.
- Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Omnibus bill came by design

Tis the Christmas season! Santa Ryan and Santa McConnell slid down the chimney of chicanery to hand out more lavish gifts to the puppet president, their Democrat comrades, and the globalist elites, intentionally at U. S. citizen/taxpayer expense. Thankfully, but belatedly, it appears that some people are finally willing to admit that the government has gone rogue. We are being fed the ‘company line’ that timing and circumstances forced Ryan’s hand in pushing through the treasonous omnibus bill. Actually, the timing and circumstances were ‘by design’!
- Saturday, December 19, 2015

An Open Letter to ‘The Trumpster’!

Mr. Trump, congratulations on your ability to overcome the various attacks by Republicans and the puppeteer-controlled propaganda machine. We are a long way from the nomination of the next GOP Presidential candidate in 2016, and I have several suggestions for you.
- Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Toto was on the Debate Stage, too!

We should thank Fox News for hosting the debates on Thursday evening. Hopefully, the bloom is finally off of the rose. The network did more in two hours than I have been able to do for quite some time. Toto was also on stage, pulling back the curtain of deceit and exposing the fact that Fox News is, indeed, in word and deed, a prominent member of the globalist puppeteers’ propaganda machine.
- Wednesday, August 12, 2015

An Open Letter to Pope Francis!

Pope Francis, this is a tad difficult to write, but addressing evil, especially in high places, is usually challenging. For this lifelong Catholic, the manner in which you, Pope Francis, became Pope was distressing. I have tremendous respect for the Papacy, but my confidence in the Papacy has been shaken since March 13, 2013. The question that has lingered since the questionable resignation of Pope Benedict XVI and your election as Pope has been, ‘Are you truly a man of God who will act appropriately as the Pope and Bishop of Rome, a globalist puppet, or, indeed, a Satan-inspired globalist?’
- Thursday, June 4, 2015

Why Aren’t the Republicans Running Away with the Midterm Election?

Why Aren’t the Republicans Running Away with the Midterm Election?
Obama’s ratings continue to deteriorate, even within his base, yet Republicans continue to struggle in races that could put them over the top in the Senate. Why aren’t Republicans running away with the midterm election that should be a wave election?
- Sunday, October 26, 2014

Let’s Quit Blaming Obama for Everything Bad that is Happening!

Isn’t our Puppet President getting a bad rap, and too much credit, for his actions since his dual oaths of office in 2009? Supportive or antagonistic, don’t we hear or read daily, “Obama did/has (fill in the blank)”? Are people ever going to realize that while it is easier to praise or attack an individual versus an invisible group of puppeteers, Obama is just a cog in the wheel, turned by the invisible puppeteers? Shouldn’t we quit blaming Obama for everything bad that is happening, and focus upon the real culprits destroying the U. S., Europe, and the world, at large?
- Monday, October 13, 2014

Kansas is Leading the Way in Securing Students' Data!

The puppeteer-controlled media propaganda machine has attempted to convince concerned parents, grandparents, guardians, teachers, administrators and states' legislators that a couple of states have opted out of Common Core, when, in fact, they haven't. So, it is exciting to learn that there is positive news on the education and Common Core fronts. While the Kansas legislature continues to uphold nationally imposed, Common Core control of education, in place of local control, it has taken a major step in restricting the data abuse that is embedded within Common Core. Because of this, the state of Kansas is leading the way in securing students' data with legislation that may be a template for other states to copy.
- Wednesday, June 4, 2014