
As we celebrate this holy season of Christmas, let’s invite the hope and mercy of the infant Jesus into our fight to return our republic to our founding principles and morals.

Omnibus bill came by design

Tis the Christmas season! Santa Ryan and Santa McConnell slid down the chimney of chicanery to hand out more lavish gifts to the puppet president, their Democrat comrades, and the globalist elites, intentionally at U. S. citizen/taxpayer expense. Thankfully, but belatedly, it appears that some people are finally willing to admit that the government has gone rogue. We are being fed the ‘company line’ that timing and circumstances forced Ryan’s hand in pushing through the treasonous omnibus bill. Actually, the timing and circumstances were ‘by design’!
All of what is happening was predictable. All one needs to know is the Domestic Terrorist Profile (DTP), unveiled by the state of Missouri in March 2009, and U. N. Agenda 21/2030. Knowing about these two attacks can open one’s mind to all that has happened, is happening and will happen. These are bipartisan attacks, designed to pummel the peons, while protecting the attackers and their invisible puppeteers. Lust for power and control, and the elimination of any opposition to being controlled, is at the heart of every attack upon us. The invisible puppeteers have perfected a Modus Operandi for ramming their damning agenda upon us. It is very effective. Because they own those atop both political parties, it doesn’t make any difference which political party is ‘in power’. It makes no difference what the motivation is for their traitorous legislation (belief in socialism, blackmail due to incriminating photos/videos, or just plain greed and lust for power), results speak louder than the loudest lies used for getting elected and reelected. We are told that Muslim terrorists are taught it is ‘ok’ to lie when they are attempting to advance their agenda. Regardless of any pretense of religious affiliation, it appears the vast majority within the GOP have adopted the Muslim terrorist method of lying, in an effort to get elected and reelected. Once elected, they abandon their campaign promises and oaths of office to repeatedly stab the U. S. citizen/taxpayer in the back; thus the term, ‘backstablishment’. The Maginot Line offered more protection for the French from the Nazi invasion during WWII than the Gutless Opposition Party (GOP) ‘backstablishment’ has offered the party sycophants and loyalists, and the U. S. citizen/taxpayer. We have long passed the luxury of looking at issues separately and at eye-level. We must see how all of the issues are interrelated within the total aggregate and agenda of purposely destroying our sovereign republic. This includes fear mongering, intimidation, creating unrest and malfeasant and abusive spending, while removing God from our culture, destroying traditional family mores, our healthcare, educational and legal systems, our military, our economy, especially by crushing small business, the killing of innocents and the deliberate importation of people here illegally, including criminals and terrorists, the destruction of our quality of life through the bogus climate change charade and U. N. Agenda 21/2030 dictates, and, ultimately, the evisceration of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Every action is designed to steal our freedoms and wrestle control into the hands of the self-appointed elites. This is all ‘by design!
So, while the propaganda machine focuses upon the GOP presidential ‘debates’ and the terrorist attack in San Bernardino, it provides cover for the most dangerous terrorist ‘sleeper’ cells embedded within the U. S. The most dangerous terrorist sleeper cells are centered within the District of Corruption (our nation’s capital), New York City, Hollywood, and the supporters of ESSA and those atop the vast majority of our colleges and universities. Inside D. C., the cell consists of the inhabitant of the puppet hut at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, his czars and cabinet leaders, almost all of those within both political parties within congress, congressional staffers who collude with lobbyists in writing treasonous legislation, rarely read by congressional members before a vote is cast (allowing for ‘plausible deniability’), the lobbyists who are the umbilical cords between the invisible elites and those within congress, and those atop unconstitutional agencies and departments who are imposing destructive edicts upon the U. S. citizen/taxpayer. The sleeper cell, centered in New York City, consists of virtually all who are employed in the ‘traditional media’. This propaganda machine has two responsibilities. The first is to, subtly, and even not-so-subtly, advance the invisible elites’ globalist agenda. The more ‘noise’ it produces on the air, in print and elsewhere, the more distracted the U. S. citizen/taxpayer becomes. This isn’t limited to political diatribe. This includes virtually everything in the entertainment industry. This includes the folksy talk shows, 24-7 sports programming, paparazzi magazines, etc. The propaganda machine will do anything and everything to prevent individuals from being informed about the crucial issues of our time. The second responsibility is to ensure crucial issues are never part of a larger discussion, and, if, by chance, an issue becomes a part of a larger discussion, to provide the agents of misdirection an opportunity to obfuscate the truth. Hollywood is a satellite operation of the propaganda machine. It introduces and infuses anti-God, pro-Satan issues in a ‘favorable’ light. I used to enjoy watching ‘NCIS’, ‘Blue Bloods’ and ‘Castle’, but, as I realized the subtle nudging of accepting homosexuality, the bogus climate change charade, etc., I don’t waste my time watching them anymore. As sad as this circumstance is, comedy on TV has devolved to the point that only one in league with Satan can sit through more than a minute, or two, of an episode, unscathed. A shower can’t remove the stains to the mind and heart after watching these shows. ESSA will prove to be worse than Common Core and NCLB, and colleges and universities have long been incubation centers for unrest against God and our culture. I’m not insinuating that our culture is perfect; it is far from perfect, but it is more perfect than any other culture in the world. Our republic is unique in that it was founded upon Judeo-Christian beliefs, ethics, morals and principles, which Satan hates. Thus, a plethora of attacks are waged upon us, because those who seek to control us, all of us across the globe, cannot allow a Godly, moral, ethical and principled republic to exist. This is the antithesis of what Satan desires, and the supposed, elite puppeteers are mere puppets of Satan. All that is happening is ‘by design’, Satan’s design! Back to the GOP ‘backstablishment’. As heinous as the actions of the puppet president and the other bad actors are, the actions of the GOP ‘backstablishment’ are even more heinous and treasonous. The Democrats tell us how they are going to destroy us, and, once in office or appointed to a position, they go about their predicted and perverse destruction. Conversely, the GOP backstablishment tells us how they are going to save us from the Democrats to get elected. Once elected, they abandon their campaign promises and oaths of office to join the Democrats in destroying everything sacred to the majority of us. The members of the GOP backstablishment are equally as dangerous as the Democrats, criminal illegals, and the Muslim criminals and terrorists, purposely being imported by the puppet president and his comrades, at the behest of their puppeteers. Fittingly, as the final nails are pounded into our nation’s coffin, the GOP is a dying political party. All that remains are the spasms of a dying snake. Emerging is a Politburo, which, by definition, is the main group of people in a Communist government who make decisions about policy. When history is written, accurately, Fuhrer Boehner, Zipper-Lip McConnell and Mick Mobster Ryan will be as responsible as the litany of puppet presidents, Nazi Pelosi and Sleazy Reid have been in participating in the purposeful destruction of our once great republic. Before anyone goes apoplectic because of my adjectives for the gangsters atop the GOP backstablishment, I am an American of Irish, German and Scottish ancestry. Predictably, McConnell is scheming with the puppet president to hold the vote on the traitorous TPP during the lame duck session in 2016. As villainous as Boehner was, Mobster Ryan will be even worse. This is worrisome, because, not only is he running the House as a nefarious Irish mob, he’s third in line for the puppet presidency. To any engaged observer, his insistence that he cannot be removed from the SOH position for thuggery, malfeasance or treason was a warning that he intends to continue imposing the destructive agenda so skillfully deployed by his predecessor. Our victory against the evils being imposed by Satan’s puppeteers is a victory for the Holy Trinity. As we celebrate this holy season of Christmas, let’s invite the hope and mercy of the infant Jesus into our fight to return our republic to our founding principles and morals. Merry Christmas, and may Almighty God bless us and the USA with His divine design!

A.J. Cameron -- Bio and Archives

A.J. Cameron was born in Kansas City, MO, and raised in Prairie Village, KS. He is a graduate of Rockhurst High School and University of Kansas, and is a the former president of the Native Sons & Daughters of Greater Kansas City. Having worked for international and local, start-up companies, A. J. brings a wide range of insight to many of the challenging issues of the day. A.J. seeks to engage readers on key issues with views grounded in time-tested principles and common sense.