
Neill Arnhart

Neill Arnhart lives in Southern Indiana with his wife, step daughter, two dachshunds named Ricky and Lucy, an Australian Cattle dog named Indiana (Indy for short) an inside cat named Elphaba, and about a dozen barn cats. Aside from living in the US, he has lived on the island of Trinidad, and in Venezuela, back when it was nice place. When not rousing the rabble with sarcastic essay’s, he hides behind the secret identity of a mild mannered insurance agent, specializing in Medicare, and other matters concerning senior citizens.

Most Recent Articles by Neill Arnhart:

Electoral College math

With the election looming, I’m hearing people complain about the Electoral College again. So…. A little Electoral College math.
- Sunday, February 16, 2020

Racism Kills. Right, Al?

Let me start by explaining what racism means to me. To me, racism means treating or thinking of someone in a particular way, when, with all other things equal, you would treat or think of someone of a different race, well, differently.
- Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Observations On The Health Care Debate

To me, the Federal government should do only those things that can’t be done by smaller levels of government (i.e. state, county, local) or by the private sector.
- Thursday, December 5, 2013

What is an assault weapon???

Well, if you try to stab someone with it, a pocket comb is an assault weapon. Should we ban them? What is a defensive weapon?
- Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Flip Flopping for Dummies

Let’s start by defining two terms. First, what is a flip flop? Second, who does it? The definition of a flip flop is, “Something that is a bad thing when a politician you don’t like does it, and a good thing when a politician you do like does it.”
- Thursday, August 30, 2012

Even If You Love The Idea Of Obamacare, Consider This

Let’s set aside for the moment whether you approve or disapprove of Obama care. I think we can all agree that many aspects of the health care system of the United States needs improvement. Personally, I believe that it would best be improved by free market solutions such as allowing insurance companies to compete across state lines, but that’s beside the point of this discussion.
- Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Over Compensating again, Janeane? Really?

What goes through your mind when you see someone bragging about their sexual prowess? I don't know about you, but I wonder if his ex girlfriend refers to him by the nickname "Stubby".
- Saturday, August 20, 2011

Somebody please get this to Leonard Pitts

Leonard Pitts recently wrote a column on how awful Fox News is for not giving the Rupert Murdoch story their full attention, 24/7. Okay, I’m exaggerating a little, but you get the idea.
- Thursday, July 28, 2011

Help, I’m being tortured

That’s right. I’m being tortured. I’m being tortured by the constant drumbeat from the left equating what we did to three terrorists with actual torture.
- Friday, May 6, 2011

Isn’t It Just A Little Bit Racist To Blame Racism For Everything?

Today’s Daily Dingleberry Award goes to Bob Shieffer, Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Ed Shultz, and all of the other people who see racism where it doesn’t exist. It must be election time, cuz republicans are racists again. That bastion of objective journalism (suppressed giggle), Bob Shieffer, said the following regarding Donald Trump and President Obama.
- Sunday, May 1, 2011

Be careful about wanting the government to provide social justice

Recently, the Louisville Courier Journal printed a piece by John L. Johnson, Executive Director of the Kentucky Commission on Human Rights, concerning comments made by Rand Paul regarding that part of the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 which mandated that private businesses could not discriminate based on race.
- Saturday, June 12, 2010

A letter to your congressman

A couple of days ago, I wrote to the Representative for my congressional district, Baron Hill, concerning the health scare bill. Not that I expect to change his mind on his vote. He is pretty far in Pelosi’s camp. But, not all democrats are as dazzled by Pelosi’s wonderful personality and charm. (Sarcasm intended. I hear that Tim Burton is contemplating a remake of The Wizard of Oz, and wants Pelosi to play the Wicked Witch. What a great idea. She won’t even need makeup.) A few lawmakers are sitting on the fence.
- Sunday, March 14, 2010

How Effing Stupid Does He Think We Are?

Just when you think he couldn’t be any worse. I got so mad when I heard the President’s speech on his “compromise” (snicker, snicker, chortle, chortle) health care plan, that I vented on facebook, and my mother posted a reply telling me to watch my language.
- Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Inside The Dark Labyrinth of a Democrat’s Mind

Come with me on a Journey. A journey fraught with peril. (Okay, I’m addicted to melodrama. Sue me.) We are going to a place where the laws of common sense, physics, and most of all, economics, are suspended.
- Thursday, February 25, 2010

How do you spell brazen?

In listening to the State of The Union Address, and other recent pondering of President Obama, I am constantly amazed at his ability to say things that he knows can be fact checked. Let me give you a few examples.
- Saturday, January 30, 2010