
Nobody was harmed, or denied anything

I Can't Even Conceive Of The Ignorance...

On June 30th, 2014, nobody, and I mean exactly NOBODY got denied any type of birth control they want.
Everybody on the whole freaking planet has exactly the same birth control products available to them as they had on the June 29th. EVERYBODY. Hobby Lobby employees included. SAME BIRTH CONTROL PRODUCTS. The only thing that has changed is that one company won a victory about not having to wrap the cost of some (Not all. Not most. But some) contraception products into the price of their healthcare plan. The products that prevent conception? No change at all. If your plan covered it on June 29th, it will cover it on July 1st.
The products that stop pregnancy after conception is what they don't want to pay for, but they don't deny you the right buy them yourself. All of those products are still available on the open market. Most of them are cheap. A few aren't. But none are priced astronomically. And they are made a little bit more affordable by virtue of the fact that insurance premiums will be a bit cheaper if the insurance company is able to strike those products from their formulary. Hobby Lobby employees can still use their existing plan doctor who can still prescribe those products if a prescription is required. Employees have the right to buy other insurance, or be covered on a spouses plan, or if they are 26 or less, on their parents plan. And, many pharmaceutical products serve more than one purpose. If the doctor prescribes one of those products for a purpose other than ending a pregnancy, it will be covered by Hobby Lobby insurance. Nobody was harmed today, or denied anything. John Hayward was quoted in a column by the staff of Human Events. Here is an excerpt.
"The notion of Big Government sweeping aside religious faith to compel obedience to a collective agenda is utterly incompatible with the American model of government. Explaining this case to the authors of the Constitution would make for a long séance, because they'd keep laughing in disbelief and asking you to start over."
That's the way it see it.

Neill Arnhart -- Bio and Archives

Neill Arnhart lives in Southern Indiana with his wife, step daughter, two dachshunds named Ricky and Lucy, an Australian Cattle dog named Indiana (Indy for short) an inside cat named Elphaba, and about a dozen barn cats.  Aside from living in the US, he has lived on the island of Trinidad, and in Venezuela, back when it was nice place.

When not rousing the rabble with sarcastic essay’s, he hides behind the secret identity of a mild mannered insurance agent, specializing in Medicare, and other matters concerning senior citizens.