
Toby Westerman

Toby Westerman is editor and publisher of International News Analysis (inatoday.com), which provides original reports specializing in documenting the world-wide rise of the neo-communist momvement -- as powerful as it is rarely mentioned in the centralized media. Westerman demonstrates the working relationship between fundamentalist Islam and the neo-communist movement in his book, Lies, Terror and the Rise of the Neo-Communist Empire: Origins and Direction.

Most Recent Articles by Toby Westerman:

The New York Times Strikes Again -- Says Russian Propaganda War 'May Be Impossible To Stop'

The New York Times is nothing if not consistent. The so-called "newspaper of record" has spent decades giving support to the propaganda efforts of Moscow and its allies beginning with the advent of the Soviet Union. In the 1920s and early 30s the New York Times Moscow correspondent, Walter Duranty, promoted pro-Soviet propaganda, although he knew the Communist Party line was false.
- Wednesday, October 18, 2017


With the appointment of the former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, General Michael T. Flynn, to the post of President-elect Donald Trump's national security advisor, the debate over America's proper relationship with the Russian Federation is now coming into sharp focus. Flynn is regarded as close to Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, so much so that he was seated at the lead at the lead table during the anniversary gala for RT (Russia Today), Putin's favorite vehicle for external propaganda. Whatever the truth about Flynn's personal view of Russia and its leader, the stark reality of the goals and methods of the Moscow elite must be part of any worthwhile analysis of U.S.- Russian relations.
- Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The vulnerability of Putin and his bomb

The media have been alive with reports that Russian president Vladimir Putin was ready to use atomic weapons if the West forcefully intervened to prevent Moscow's annexation of the Crimean peninsula, a part of the nation of Ukraine. Putin's use of force and his readiness to resort to nuclear weapons indicate what is at state for Moscow in the annexation of Crimea and in eastern Ukraine as well.
- Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Murder Incorporated in the Kremlin

Nemtsov was the most prominent of the protest leaders against the Russian war in Ukraine, and he paid for it with his life.
- Sunday, March 1, 2015

Muslim fanatics and the canary

Before the advent of modern sensing devices, miners would use canaries to warn of the presence of the colorless, odorless gases which might build up inside the mine and kill without warning. When the canary stopped singing, it was time to evacuate the mine.
- Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Jesus is with us, whether the Left likes it or not

The assault on Christmas continues and appears to be gaining ground. "Happy Holidays" and other vapid greetings have all but replaced Merry Christmas. Forgotten is the season of Advent, during which we prepare for the coming of the Christ Child. Because Advent is discarded by the general society, Christmas Day comes as almost an afterthought, a climax to an intense commercialism which lacks any fundamental meaning.
- Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Ebola, ISIS and Putin

The nation is justifiably alarmed at the appearance of Ebola in the U.S., especially in the nation's most crowded city. ISIS, a band of vicious, land-grabbing religious fanatics, is sowing havoc in the Middle East and carrying murder to North America. These are two serious problems afflicting the United States, but certainly not a cause for panic - except that the current presidential administration seems loathe to seriously address either issue.
- Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Putin's Pride -- Danger for the World

As the Obama administrations draws down our forces to pre-WWII levels, and even front-line military officers are dismissed when in action against the enemy, Russia is doing something quite different. Russian president Vladimir Putin is proudly boasting of his nation's "offensive and defensive" weaponry which is so advanced that "other armies in the world" do not yet have their equal, according to a Kremlin-controlled Russian-language website.
- Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Associated Press and Cuban Tyranny

The Associated Press recently published a detailed exposé on a U.S. anti-Communist effort in the tropical gulag of Cuba. The AP appeared horrified that the operation was intended to "provoke unrest" on the island prison camp. The report was one of a "series" which reveal current "secret American political activity" in Cuba.
- Sunday, August 10, 2014

Russian Dominance in Europe?

Russia's ability to exert its will in Crimea and threaten eastern Ukraine did not arise accidentally, but by design. Russia's successful use of threats, infiltration by special operations units, and outright invasion would have been impossible without the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, which enabled Moscow to be the beneficiary of subsequent large scale financing and technical assistance from the West.
- Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Deadly Myth: America The Invulnerable

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in December 1991, the Americans have comforted themselves with the knowledge that the United States was the world's only superpower. The attacks of 9-11 demonstrated that there were still bad people who wanted to hurt the U.S., but these individuals were restricted to terror groups in caves somewhere in Afghanistan or Pakistan or the insane governments of Iran and North Korea.
- Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Russian Revolution: Urgent lessons for U.S. Today

This year is the 96th anniversary of the Russian revolution, one of the most earthshaking events in human history. The terms "history" and "96th anniversary" are apt to cause the eyes of many if not most Americans to glaze over, but American life today is being molded directly by the ideas and events set in motion in Russia in 1917.
- Friday, October 25, 2013

On The Comeback Trail—The Communist Party In Russia

The Communist Party in Russia has reportedly dealt the ruling United Russia party a serious blow in one of the regions of the Russian Federation by winning recent local elections in two districts and strengthening its presence in several others. The showing by the Communists is regarded by experts in Russia as a warning to the government in Moscow that the Communists are gaining strength and there may be additional Communist victories in future elections.
- Monday, October 7, 2013

Moscow-Beijing Axis—A Threat Real or Imagined?

For years this column has argued that there is a solid alliance between Russia and China, and that this alliance constitutes a direct military challenge to the United States. To ignore this threat endangers the security of the people of the United States. This seems to be a minority opinion, however, and one of the many experts who disagree with this analysis is Jeffrey Mankoff, the Deputy Director for the Russia and Eurasia Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C.
- Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Did China buy Nicaragua?

A potentially disastrous foreign policy situation for the U.S. has arisen: Communist China now appears to have all but purchased the Central American nation of Nicaragua.
- Thursday, June 20, 2013

Russia poised to achieve nuclear superiority over U.S.

In his second term as Russian president, Vladimir Putin has made the rebuilding of Russian military forces, including its nuclear striking capabilities, a top priority. Advanced missiles, bombers, and submarines are either on the drawing board or coming into operational service, just as the United States is on the verge of drastic cuts in its armed forces.
- Monday, January 28, 2013

Of Things To Come

America has made a choice in the November 2012 elections, and the security of the nation will suffer for it. There is no honest debate as to what lies before an increasingly debt-ridden, militarily weakened United States in a world growing ever more dangerous.
- Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Spy Dreams, Future Nightmare

The online English language version of the state controlled Russian news agency RIA Novosti recently published an "exclusive interview" with Lt. Gen. (ret.) Nickolai Sergeyevich Leonov, a long-time spymaster, leftist politician, and friend to Russian president Vladimir Putin.
- Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The New World Order of Russia, China and a weak U.S.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov declared that the Obama administration's "Reset" in relations with Russia "cannot last forever," and must be followed by a closer relationship, according to a Reuters news report. Lavrov, however, is willing to wait until the outcome of the elections in the U.S. for more specifics.
- Monday, October 8, 2012