
Toby Westerman

Toby Westerman is editor and publisher of International News Analysis (inatoday.com), which provides original reports specializing in documenting the world-wide rise of the neo-communist momvement -- as powerful as it is rarely mentioned in the centralized media. Westerman demonstrates the working relationship between fundamentalist Islam and the neo-communist movement in his book, Lies, Terror and the Rise of the Neo-Communist Empire: Origins and Direction.

Most Recent Articles by Toby Westerman:

The Christian Holocaust

In a sinister twist, the so-called Mainstream Media are attempting to move the nation's attention away from the anti-U.S. rage of Muslim mobs, the flag burnings, and the assaults on U.S. overseas property to more mundane topics, especially Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's tax returns. Conservative news outlets -- Fox News, talk radio, and Internet sites - are the sources for information on a literally incendiary situation.
- Tuesday, September 25, 2012

From humiliation to conflagration: We do not know our enemies

A tidal wave of horrific mages of mobs storming our embassies have flooded all media, from TV sets to mobile devices. The numbing truth, however, is that these images are only the most obvious signs of a foreign policy which endangering not only Americans abroad, but threatens our very national survival.
- Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Moscow miffed at Mitt

Moscow wasted no time in expressing through its cooperative media its displeasure at both Republican nominee Mitt Romney and the Republican Party for advocating a tougher stand on internal oppression in Russia and its aggressive, anti-democratic foreign policy.
- Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Russian nuclear submarine as omen—Will U. S. continue to disarm

The world is justifiably concerned about a nuclear capable Iran, but the Islamic Republic's prime ally, the Russian Federation, is putting into active service a weapon with more destructive capability than Tehran could ever dream of possessing. While Iran's main target is America's ally, Israel, Moscow still aims its atomic weaponry primarily at the United States. As budget cuts place ever greater limitations on American deterrence, Moscow - and its allies -- are forging ahead in their construction of an ever greater military capability.
- Monday, February 13, 2012

China, Cuba and the espionage alliance against the U.S.

China's intelligence operations are the "core arena" for achieving the superpower status which the Communist elite in Beijing so passionately desires. Central to its spy activities is the island of Cuba which is strategically located for the interception of U.S. military and civilian satellite communications. China's spy services also cooperates closely with Havana's own world-class intelligence services.
- Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Medicare fraud pays for Cuban spy activities against U.S.

The Communist Cuban dictatorship is draining hundreds of millions of dollars from America's already financially strapped Medicare program and using the money to finance its military and espionage services, according to one counterintelligence expert specializing in Cuban affairs.
- Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Looming American tragedy

While the battle over the budget is vital to the nation, other events and developments which are essential to the survival of the United States are systematically ignored by the media, even though they logically figure into America's spending priorities.
- Wednesday, August 10, 2011

U.S., China, Taiwan and a bitter irony

Twenty years ago the Soviet union, correctly termed by U.S. President Ronald Reagan as the evil empire, collapsed as the world rejoiced. At that moment, America was the unquestioned superpower, the strongest nation on earth. Today, in one of history's great ironies, the United States is economically vulnerable, and Communist China appears to be the next world-dominating power.
- Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Appeasing Communist China, or driving to self-destruction in a Cadillac

Cadillac, a division of General Motors, was once synonymous with financial achievement and success in the world. Cadillac was as American as apple pie, if at the upper crust. Today, however, with the agreement by Cadillac to pay for the production expenses of a Communist Chinese Party propaganda film, the Cadillac brand now stands for something quite different: the appeasement of a power hostile to the United States in the name of financial gain.
- Friday, May 27, 2011

A note to defense budget cutters: America is at war, and not just with fundamentalist Islam

In the debate over how spending cuts will be inflicted upon the U.S. military, little is heard about the China threat, less about Russia, and nothing about the alliance between the two - a "strategic partnership" for a "new world order" that goes back to 1997 and the era of Boris Yeltsin and Jiang Zemin. To ignore this global reality threatens the security and very survival of the United States.
- Thursday, May 19, 2011

Libya, Syria, Russia—American Blind Eyes Look Fast

A new threat is arising in the Near East, one that cooperates with Islamic fundamentalist terror, but goes far beyond it. The regime of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad is deemed a "reform" government by elements of the Obama administration and others among the Washington foreign policy elite. They see this region as they do the rest of the world -- through blind eyes. Assad's Syria not only aids terrorist groups, but also is on the verge of providing the expanding Russian military a needed port in the Eastern Mediterranean.
- Thursday, April 14, 2011

Libya—A war only the bad guys can win?

Muammar Gaddafi is a secular Socialist leader facing open rebellion led by a faction or factions committed to militant Islam. The clash in Libya between the impatient-for-power fundamentalist Muslims and a ruthless Socialist order is a bloody portent of a future where the United States and its allies are the losers, no matter who wins. The United States and NATO have become embroiled in the struggle in the name of humanitarianism after claims of vast slaughters carried out by Gaddafi henchmen. While murder is part and parcel of any long standing tyrant, a healthy skepticism is warranted.
- Monday, March 28, 2011

Not Your Father’s Cold War

Cyber attacks penetrating U.S. hyper-sensitive security points, espionage activity directed at the United States at unprecedented levels, and ideological rivals pouring billions into armaments: It's not the politically correct thing to say, but we are in another - or continuation of the first - Cold War. Unfortunately, unlike the first round of the Cold War, we are having difficulty realizing we are in real danger.
- Monday, December 13, 2010

The China Nightmare

U.S. Secretary Hilary Clinton has recently called upon Communist China to be a "responsible player" in regional and global affairs. Clinton's hopes, however, are in vain. The truth of the matter is that China is an aggressive Communist power bent on intimidation and domination, and that the United States is engaged in a grave, four-decade long error in accurately assessing what the Chinese leadership intends both for China and the people of the United States.
- Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Spyrocracy and Global Deception

Russia, led by its "spyocracy," and China, dominated by the Communist Party, are engaged in an alliance which aids Marxist governments and movements around the world, and which extends its assistance to terrorist entities including the Islamic Republic of Iran.
- Tuesday, October 26, 2010

SPIES:  They Have Your Number—So Why Not Get Theirs?

For several years, Russia, China, and Cuba have been operating their spies against the United States (and other Western nations) at Cold War levels. U.S. counterintelligence resources are stretched paper-thin in an attempt to counter the threat, but some citizens have found a way to turn the tables on those who are watching us, and International News Analysis interviewed one of the spy monitors.
- Monday, October 4, 2010

China: A dragon you can believe in

The four-decade long attempt to cultivate China as a capitalist friend has failed miserably. Recent advances in its military, space, and cyber technology are making China a formidable rival, and, far from joining the ranks of capitalist society, the Chinese Communist elite see their nation's financial strength as leading to world Communism. China, for this reason, is also a determined ideological opponent.
- Thursday, September 9, 2010

The past as a forbidden place, Atrocity in Ukraine is 21st century warning

Past is prologue, and it is difficult to sell an idea as virtuous if it has resulted in the merciless deaths of millions of innocent victims. Such virtue makes people nervous, even if the mass murder happened almost eighty years ago. Slaughter has no statute of limitations, especially in the mind.
- Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Russia today: Victm or spy nation

Should Russia be considered a victim of Soviet-era totalitarianism - or is the present Russian elite working to advance a neo-communist revival? A highly influential academic, Edward Lozansky, thinks so and is working for Russian victimhood while ignoring the Communist revival in that nations.
- Saturday, July 31, 2010