
Neil Braithwaite

Neil Braithwaite writes political commentary and satire.

Most Recent Articles by Neil Braithwaite:

Time to shut down Google, Twitter, and Facebook on grounds of National Security

Time to shut down Google, Twitter, and Facebook on grounds of National Security,It can be proven beyond a doubt that Google, Twitter, and Facebook used, and continue to use, censorship, false accusations, content manipulation, and blatant liberal bias against President Donald Trump, his administration, his campaign, his supporters, and even non partial individuals who come forward with factual information that lends credibility to his policies and programs and/or could negatively affect Joe Biden and his campaign.     This past Wednesday in The Washington Examiner, Michael Lee wrote about Google's manipulation of the 2020 election. Here are a couple of excerpts from that piece:
- Monday, November 30, 2020

46 Gold Medals – No Apologies

There’s nothing in sports that quite compares to going head-to-head against another country’s athletes in Olympic competition. It’s us against them – America versus the world.
- Monday, August 13, 2012

All Aboard Obama’s Transformation Train

"All aboard!" yells the conductor, from the steps of the car just behind the powerful locomotive looking back down the line for late boarding passengers and finally signaling the train's engineer that it's safe to leave the station.
- Friday, February 10, 2012

It’s the Fourth Quarter in America

It's the fourth-quarter. One team is standing on the sidelines beaten and battered trying to figure out if it can pull off a miracle come back. It's the fourth-quarter in America, too. Just last month 1.2 million formerly employed people disappeared into the black hole of a political unemployment equation – never to be counted again. This isn’t a game to those millions of Americans who are out of work or under employed – this is their life. But the other team doesn’t see it that way. To them it’s about winning at all costs – even if it means playing outside the rules.
- Tuesday, February 7, 2012

America’s Whining CEO

So how fast would it take the board of directors of any fortune 500 company, forced by angry stockholders, to dump a CEO that did nothing but whine since he was hired except make excuses and blame everyone else but himself for his poor job performance and lack of results?
- Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Herman Cain, Pro Football and Racism

Many voices in the mainstream media along with several liberal Democrat political pundits have posited that conservatives and Republicans dislike President Obama because they are racists, and actually support Herman Cain in an effort to hide that racism.
- Monday, November 21, 2011

Will OWS End Well?

From Music to Arts festivals to NASCAR race weekends, events that span several days are very appealing and exciting for hard core fans. These kinds of events often allow fans and enthusiasts to camp out on sight and get a 24/7 fix of their favorite entertainment or pastime.
- Monday, October 24, 2011

Marion Jones – Diplomatic Ambassador?

In a glaring example of bad judgment, the State Department has chosen former Olympian and convicted perjurer, Marion Jones to represent the United States as a diplomat to Serbia and Croatia in an effort to encourage those countries devastated by war and natural disasters.
- Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Not So Sweet Home Alabama

Last week, after a judge’s ruling upheld the majority of Alabama’s new immigration law, it was reported that hundreds of school children were withdrawing from or just not returning to school. Why? Because Alabama's new immigration law requires schools to document and verify each student's immigration status. In this case, the law effectively establishes a community policing program focused on immigration, similar to other community policing programs already employed in schools and hospitals across the country to identify possible child abuse.
- Monday, October 3, 2011

The real reason Gov. Christie won’t run for president

For all those rabid Gov. Chris Christie for president conservatives still holding out hope that their man will change his mind and get in the race, there are some very important facts regarding the honorable governor Christie that their presidential political crush may have caused them to overlook. (Listen up Ann Coulter)
- Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Obama Inherited Bush’s OBL Operation

Along with everything else President Obama inherited from George W. Bush that he refuses to take responsibility for, he also happened to inherit the strategy and infrastructure put in place by “W” that culminated in the tracking down and killing of Osama Bin Laden.
- Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Embracing the “Extreme”

imageRepublicans have a golden opportunity to turn the political table on Democrats who have labeled them as “extreme,” after Rep. Paul Ryan submitted his budget. The term extreme has always been a successful political weapon used by Democrats to attack Republicans on everything from social issues to taxes and conservative economic policies.
- Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Trump-ing Obama

If the Republicans are considering running another politician against President Obama, they can expect the same results as 2008 - defeat.
- Thursday, April 14, 2011

Obama’s True Religion

We all know that a person’s words are one thing, but when those words are backed up with actions, a true picture of that person will always begin to emerge.
- Sunday, August 22, 2010

Obama to America: Get over 9/11

Supporters of the mosque being built near Ground Zero are saying they stand for religious freedom in America.
- Monday, August 16, 2010

Time to call in a specialist

imageApnews.myway.com reported on President Obama’s weekly radio address this past Saturday saying, “President Obama said the GOP leadership has chosen to "filibuster our recovery and obstruct our progress" by blocking votes on agenda items the president says would breathe life into the economic recovery.” Hearing President Obama once again blaming the Republicans for a lifeless economic recovery, when he holds all the power in Washington and is calling all the shots, I couldn’t help coming up with the following absurd scenario to highlight how I believe a lot of people probably feel about our president these days: Barely clinging to life after numerous resuscitation attempts, the gravely ill patient lies helpless on an ER gurney at the mercy of the attending young intern.
- Tuesday, July 20, 2010