
Obama campaign’s national contest to have lunch with the President

A teacher, a veteran, a postal worker and a fireman walk into a restaurant…

Sound like the start of a joke to you? Well the joke’s on you if you happened to be a Democrat who entered the Obama campaign’s national contest to have lunch with the President thinking you had as good a chance to win as the next guy.
What are the chances that a teacher, an Afghanistan war veteran, a postal worker and a fire fighter would be the four people pulled out of the proverbial hat as winners to have lunch with President Obama? Probably as statistically impossible as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and Glenn Beck had they all entered the same contest. Unfortunately just like every other liberal Democrat joke, it wasn’t very funny and the punch-line was totally predictable. Anyone with a grain of common sense knows this contest was probably set up from the start and that everything the Obama administration does is scripted and calculated for his reelection. But then again, it’s nearly impossible to find anyone in the main stream media these days that has a grain of common sense, let alone a sense of humor, that would report this sham.
Maybe the eventual Republican presidential candidate should take a page from Obama’s campaign playbook and promote a similar contest during the 2012 Presidential election. (Sure it’s a shameless attempt to get out the Republican vote, but if it’s good enough for Obama…) The only difference would be that this contest wouldn’t be rigged from the start and would have legitimate winners. To enter the contest, and for the best chance to win, voters need to check the Republican presidential candidate, along with every other Republican or conservative on their respective ballots this November. If the Republican presidential candidate and the majority of all other Republicans and conservatives win, then Americans win the ultimate prize – they get their country back. Sorry, no free lunch. Remember, you have to play to win!

Neil Braithwaite -- Bio and Archives

Neil Braithwaite writes political commentary and satire.