
John Burtis

John Burtis is a former Broome County, NY firefighter, a retired Santa Monica, CA, police officer. He obtained his BA in European History at Boston University and is fluent in German. He resides in NH with his wife, Betsy.

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Most Recent Articles by John Burtis:

Live Science sells out

Live Science sells out, Antifa and BLMQuite frankly I am appalled at Live Science's recent and all too obvious jump on the political left's band wagon and their proselytizing the Antifa and Black Lives Matter propaganda hook line and sinker. For a brief few months, I felt at ease discussing cosmology and astrophysics--two hobbies which I enjoy in my retirement. I was able to profer a few of my limited but nevertheless scientific and mathematical insights I had gathered over a lifetime of reading, beginning with 'The Universe and Dr. Einstein' by Lincoln Barnett, © 1948, which my mother gave me when I was five or six years old in the mid 1950s.
- Thursday, June 11, 2020

What’s Up Doc?!

Lady Gaga, and TedrosWhen I think of the vaunted World Health Organization, under the guidance of the onetime big tooth on the crushing cog of the cruel Marxist dictatorship which used to run Ethiopia, erstwhile kidnapper and that great and good healer, good old Doctor Tedros Adhanom-Ghebreyesus PhD, I am reminded of the old vaudeville act of Abbott and Costello and WHO’s on first, especially when their routine, like WHO’s and old Doc Tedros’s, follows the money:
- Thursday, April 23, 2020

Pity the Democrat voters

Pity the Democrat votersHave pity on all those Democrat voters who played by the rules.  They watched Sanders get kicked to the curb in 2016, but thought it would never happen again.  They will soon see, after the Iowa fiasco and all the crooked caucuses and primaries, that all their work and votes for Biden will get thrown down the toilet or into the burn bag and get destroyed--real soon.  
- Saturday, April 18, 2020

We've regressed

The Nazi Euthanasia Program-- AKTION T4We've finally regressed to the Nazi T-4 Program in all but name. You know, where we get to murder all "life unworthy of life". That was the Nazi line which ok'd doctors to sign off on mental illness, chronic alcoholics, folks with gross anatomical abnormalities, folks with incurable diseases, people with STDs, babies with birth defects, babies afflicted with hydro- and macro-cephaly, babies with Down's syndrome, and send them to places like Bernburg, Brandenburg, Grafeneck, Hadamar, Hartheim, and Sonnenstein.
- Saturday, February 2, 2019

The Hidden Hand

The Hidden Hand noun -- an unknown force or influence believed to be the cause of certain, often unfortunate, events -- Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers The Scarlet Letter: The Scarlet Letter explores guilt and revenge Judge Brett Kavanugh is, by all accounts, a terrific jurist and a decent gentleman who believes, who trusts, in our Constitution and carries a copy with him.
- Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Remarks by Mr Hamzeh Daoud, your Resident Assistant

Remarks by Mr Hamzeh Daoud, your Resident Assistant President Marc Tessier-Lavigne Stanford University Dear President Tessier-Lavigne I am writing to register both my concern and my fear about the violent writings one of your resident RA’s, a Mr Hamzeh Daoud.
- Monday, July 23, 2018

Mean root cause of murder

When will our politicians recognize and denounce the mean root cause of the murder of the four Dallas police officers and the one DART police officer and the wounding of the others last Thursday night? No, it's not poverty, a lack of jobs, or education, that causes ISIS.
- Sunday, July 10, 2016

The madness of queen Hillary and I'm not standing for it!

So, I guess we now know, er most of us anyway, at least those of us who watch Fox News and heard Hillary's latest mea culpa, about the use of her own email system to conduct the foreign affairs of the most powerful nation on earth because she daren't use "two phones", when every doggone kid in America, or at least in Beverly Hills and Grosse Isle has three. Or had three when she was only capable of trundling one Blackberry around and God knows how much they weigh, or even two of them.
- Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Obama's Lectures Go On and On and We Are Stuck in His Classroom Until 2016

I don't know about you, but I am weary of being lectured on race by a president who spent, what, twenty years soaking up gentle Jeremiah Wright's pleasant sermons about our so called white supremacy? A president counseled by Jesse Jackson, Jr., and Al Sharpton, the latter who stole the former's girlfriend and who rose to prominence by perpetrating a fraud on us all with Tawana Brawley.
- Thursday, May 1, 2014

John Kerry: Comeback Kid Joachim von Ribbentrop

So, John Kerry is on his high horse in high dudgeon trying to dissuade the latest iteration of Old Joe Stalin, one Vladimir Putin, ex-KGB hetman and a former Stasi overseer, to stop his formal occupation of the Crimea, whose citizens have already thrown in with Vlad with one of those famous 99.86% "for" plebiscites that redounded to the Führer's favor in Austria back in, oh, 1938.
- Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Winter Soldier of Our Discontent

Boy, oh, boy, you really have to give the Democrat Party and its current Dear Leader, President Barack Hussein Obama (D-CT), a hearty "Huzzah" for using a long shovel-handled pitchfork to reach way down into the proverbial flag bag, as always happens in the second term when the personnel pickings are few and far between, and coming up with Senator John Kerry's (D-MA) patrician name to fill the newly opened slot of Secretary of Defense (SecDef).
- Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Obama, Napolitano, Resettlement

The longer the Obama regime remains in power, the more it begins to resemble a dictatorship. And from my perspective as a German historian, not just any dictatorship.
- Saturday, June 16, 2012

Our Ozymandias

Who would've thought when I was a kid that the POTUS, major US Government Agencies, the Democrat Party, major lobbying groups, and many well known scientists and other notorious luminaries would be actively working to turn my glorious country into a 12th century subsistence economy, sans military protection or any real or imagined borders whatsoever, a great wasteland devoid of all machines and internal combustion engines, where home chimneys are cold because burning wood is proscribed, a land where Robin Hood, William Wallace, and Saladin would all feel at home.
- Tuesday, January 31, 2012

You don’t need a Weatherman to know which way the wind blows

"You don't need a Weatherman to know which way the wind blows." Bob Dylan - Honest Weatherman, singer, songwriter, who wrote the title Bill Ayers - Bomb tossing Weatherman, gadfly Al Gore - Screaming Weatherman, possible pauper Dr. James Hansen - Shilling Weatherman, Soros employee When I first became a cop in the early 1970s, we were all on the look out for armed groups who were plaguing the US. We were dealing with the Black Liberation Army, the Black Panther Party, the SDS (the Students for a Democratic Society, who were for anything but), the Symbionese Liberation Army, which had kidnapped Patty Hearst, and the Weathermen. And when I say look out, I mean in addition to the daily bank robberies, residential and commercial burglaries, rapes, murders, drive by shootings, and the like which still plague Los Angeles today.
- Monday, August 15, 2011

The New Man

So I was talking to the new man administering one of my funds as we attempted to figure out the interest after a withdrawl.
- Tuesday, July 19, 2011

All in the Family - The Weiner Saga Continues

Thanks to a recent American Thinker, I am growing a bit concerned about the closeness of the now famous Mr. and Ms. Anthony Weiner and his mother-in-law, and the clan's close association with the Muslim Brotherhood and ditto Sisterhood, those marvelous Methodist friendly operations, such as they are.
- Monday, June 20, 2011

I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry

Don't worry, be happy about the current charnel house in Egypt. The Obama crowd has Mubarak, the people, the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, and the Mullahs of Iran just where they want 'em.
- Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Senate Bill 510 - Sheer Tyranny from the Lame Duck Congress - A time to cry out!

I urge you to read this bill carefully. It is an instrument of sheer tyranny, designed by that ruling triumvirate of tyrannical rule themselves: Obama, Reid, and Pelosi. I must also add that Monsanto will benefit a great deal from the passage of this bill. But why was Monsanto selected for this largess?
- Thursday, December 2, 2010

John Kerry rents Symphony Hall to honor himself

imageWill he show his own 16mm Vietnam movies which feature him crashing through the waist high delta swail with his muddy entourage in tow and the radar dome of his patrol boat just visible in the background as he grunts and grimaces and hollers meaningless orders and wildly gesticulates towards an empty horizon while his people stare back at him in abject terror while he waives his M-16? I hope so as its the perfect reflection of a mad Kerry campaign, save for his atavistic story about really being sent up river to Cambodia which he could swear to God proof if he could just find his old cap and his precious maps which everyone else thinks he still keeps in the battered briefcase he carries while campaigning - the brief case with the faded name tag showing his name, rank, and USNR, proof of his service.
- Wednesday, December 1, 2010