
Pity the Democrat voters

Pity the Democrat votersHave pity on all those Democrat voters who played by the rules.  They watched Sanders get kicked to the curb in 2016, but thought it would never happen again.  They will soon see, after the Iowa fiasco and all the crooked caucuses and primaries, that all their work and votes for Biden will get thrown down the toilet or into the burn bag and get destroyed--real soon.  

The cognoscenti who rule the party will shortly find a new standard bearer to replace poor old Joe Biden

The cognoscenti who rule the party will shortly find a new standard bearer to replace poor old Joe Biden, if Joe's fits of rambling nonsense on TV are any indicator of his readiness to meet a fired up President Donald Trump in a no holds barred debate setting.  Sadly, throwing away all the votes of those they courted for years at the last minute and going full totalitarian is the way that 46% of our nation, the Democrats, in the greatest republic in the history of the world, selects their front runner.  They make damn sure that the voters on the left are never given a chance to pick their White House slate.  It's always done in the back room. Sure, the Democrat political crowd has tent shows, caucuses, picnics, luaus, fund raisers offering signed photos of Smiling Chuck and Frowning Nancy, Punch and Judy programs, magic shows, liar's poker with 10,000 dollar bills, speechifying with promises that the rich will be made poor and the poor will be made rich by the hidden hands of a beneficent government while palm readers under a red lit tent predict a rosy future for those voting Democrat. This hokum is just what they do in other places around the globe.  You know, like Russia, where every vote is always for Putin, and in Ethiopia, where the current WHO Director-General, the good Dr. Ted Adhanom-Ghebreyesus, earned his spurs by doing and saying whatever China wanted and gained his position thanks to votes "purchased' by China through their "investments” in Africa.

Biden was as frozen as his mask of Botox®

Some processes, like the Iowa caucus and its associated madcap computer glitches, rendered an already arcane system nearly indecipherable.  Of course, Iowa had at least one Democrat candidate who purchased the same operating system as the DNC which, according to unaffiliated programming geniuses, enabled that great anti-Trump elucidator and erstwhile South Bend mayor, "Big Tiny Little” Pete Buttigieg, to announce that he had run the table in the Iowa folderol before the caucuses had finally sputtered to a stop.  As of today, April 18th, a wag from Coon Rapids has reported that some 34% of the Iowa precincts have yet to report.  The same 'Shadow' smartphone app used by the DNC cost Mayor Pete $10K less than what the DNC paid, according to the operatives. Off to an exceedingly shaky start, when that great prevaricator, Sen. Kamala Harris, caught "Tio Pepe" Biden, as Sleepy Joe is known among the immigrant pals of Robert F. "Beto" O'Rourke, Pepe's already named assault rifle tsar,  and tone deaf to busing and with no chance to make amends by sniffing her coiffure, Biden was as frozen as his mask of Botox®. Joe then swiftly back pedaled to his patented "deer in the headlights" look, which is an artifact of his propensity for those Botox® injections before he switched over to major facial reconstructive surgery, including brow lifts, behind the ear tucks and eyelid surgery, replete with scarring, which came with mixed results, according Dr. Anil Shah, MD FACP.  All of the foregoing requires Old Sleepy Joe to pull both his ears back to be able to both see long distance and to hear mid- and high frequencies.  What a caper.

But there's something else wrong with Joe Biden

But there's something else wrong with Joe Biden.  He disappeared for awhile, he can't read a teleprompter, he's got some criminal "women's issues” which he and his shrinking staff vehemently deny and will do so in court, and he has some sort of creeping dementia or senility, which cannot be overlooked.  Statements like these are floating out there in the aether which give pause - "We have to take care of the cure. That will make the problem worse no matter what — no matter what.”  "I'm looking forward to appointing the first African American woman to the United States Senate.”  Or, "My name is Joe Biden. I'm a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate.  Look me over, if you like what you see, help out.  If not, vote for the other Biden." "Oooh, no, the dirty little people who actually showed up and voted, picked a goofball… Joe Biden.  We didn't think that it was so bad," limn the Soros/Clinton/Pelosi/Sharpton/Warren/Obama cabal deep within their isolated and hermetically sealed bunker complex where their teletypes to the NY Times and WaPo are plugged in and where Hillary can dictate the perfectly dismal economic news the cognoscenti demand over the phone directly to the Times' chief cheap scrivener, Paul Krugman.   "We'll have to lasso a total boob from outside the voting booth,” they cry in unison, an honest and forthright man, a real mensch, another Abe Beame.  "Why, yes, the uniquely Honorable Andy Cuomo of New York will fit the bill, the mourning suit and Trump's Oval Office chair if we can find a short ladder for him climb up there and a sturdy pillow for Andy to sit on,” they all said.

Cuomo's demonstrated his anti-capitalism, anti-Christian, anti-Trump, anti-gun, anti-cop, anti-periodic table

 Yep, Cuomo's demonstrated his anti-capitalism, anti-Christian, anti-Trump, anti-gun, anti-cop, anti-periodic table of the elements, anti-American views for all to see on TV.  Plus that nincompoop of a nutter brother of Andy's over at CNN, er, Chris, would make a perfect front-man to lie in front of the sycophants, petty satraps and cheerleaders in the media from the White House as Press Secretary and lap dog. All in all, we must pity the Democrats who actually voted for Joe Biden.  We knew it was a mug's game from the get go. Some of them probably did, too.  But, like The Six Hundred, with less effect, they rode into Democrat valley of the shadow of doubts and still voted.
All that work for nothing Iowa precincts have yet to report The dirty little people who voted picked a goofball Time to lasso a boob

John Burtis -- Bio and Archives

John Burtis is a former Broome County, NY firefighter, a retired Santa Monica, CA, police officer. He obtained his BA in European History at Boston University and is fluent in German. He resides in NH with his wife, Betsy.

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