
Sher Zieve

Sher Zieve is an author and political commentator. Zieve's op-ed columns are widely carried by multiple internet journals and sites, and she also writes hard news. Her columns have also appeared in The Oregon Herald, Dallas Times, Sacramento Sun, in international news publications, and on multiple university websites. Sher is also a guest on multiple national radio shows.

Most Recent Articles by Sher Zieve:

Are US Politicians Ushering us into The Day of the Lord?

Are US Politicians Ushering us into The Day of the Lord?Yesterday, the intrepid and extraordinary Mike Lindell laid out the PROOF that the 2020 election was stolen from President Trump and other Republicans running for office.  It was explosive in its findings and laid out the exact numbers stolen from Trump which were transferred to Biden & Company meticulously and listed the exact numbers, when the thefts occurred and who stole them...down to the individual IP addresses that did so.  60% of them came from China.  The evidence is both overwhelming and with any honesty that may be left...irrefutable. 
- Saturday, February 6, 2021

The End of 200+ Years of the US Constitution or the Beginnings of Renewed Liberty?

The End of 200+ Years of the US Constitution or the Beginnings of Renewed Liberty?The United States of America was established July 4, 1776…244 years ago. Today—September 21, 2020—there is a possibility that it may end--as founded--on November 3, 2020 or shortly thereafter. The upcoming election will—no more and no less—determine whether or not the USA will remain as a strong and credible world power, be restored to its Constitutional-Republic governance, adhere to the Bill of Rights and retain consent of the governed via its ideology of individual sovereignty; that is the people control the politicians…not the other way around.
- Wednesday, September 23, 2020

We are Being Summarily Destroyed

We are Being Summarily DestroyedThe original COVID-19 attempt to lockdown the US citizenry and destroy the Trump economy by shutting down businesses and our work force did not quite go as Democrats had planned. As soon as the country began ever-so-slowly reopening, the economy—which President Trump had been instrumental in forming—began to again come alive. The Luciferian Left Democrat Party cabal was stunned. They had planned this out from the beginning so that there would be no chance of the US Trump economy coming back…so that their candidates would win the November elections. Then, the now-fully-Marxist Democrat Party would retake our country and place our citizens and other inhabitants into economic bondage…forever; or until they had stolen everything from us. Think Venezuela. But, it didn’t work.
- Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Control Has Always Been The Central Core of Tyranny

Control Has Always Been The Central Core of TyrannyThe rule of law—and our attendant US Constitution—has now been suspended by Democrat governors (in Maine the governor is dictating new laws supplanting our founding legal document) in multiple Democrat-run States and the process is increasing.  It's almost as if they had merely been awaiting some crisis that they "would not put to waste." 
- Monday, May 4, 2020

The Plan for the Internal Destruction of the USA was Way Too Easy

The reality that the Republic of the United States of America is under assault and that we are a gnat’s eyelash away from losing our country—and much of the rest of the world--to the Communist Luciferian Left comes as no surprise to many of us. If there was still any doubt that the purpose of our adversaries is that takeover, one need only look at their latest effort to create fear and mayhem over a “new” disease that appears to cause far fewer deaths than the more well-known and experienced flu. However, the Leftists’ current campaign to tout this recent strain of Coronavirus (one of many which we’ve experienced as the ‘common cold’ for hundreds of years) has pushed populations of humans off the rails and into the cold unforgiving arms of insanity. Both men and women are fighting each other over “provisions” in stores.
- Tuesday, March 17, 2020

President Trump Impeached for Being an Excellent Leader and too Popular with We-the-People

President Trump Impeached for Being an Excellent Leader and too Popular with We-the-PeopleAgain, these are unprecedented times in the United States of America. Our President is being impeached for actually following through with his campaign promises and—since he’s been on office—drawing exponentially more voters to his side than when he won his first term of office in 2016. Despite the fact that the impeachment charges are Unconstitutional (there is no “obstruction of Congress” charge in the US Constitution) and the fact that the charges are not based on any discernible facts and legal positions, the worst individuals leading the lower-house charge in our history have decided to impeach President Trump and will go to a lower-house vote next week.
- Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Democrat Party:  An Existential Threat to the US Constitution and the USA

The Democrat Party:  An Existential Threat to the US Constitution and the USAThere have never been such times as these in the United States of America.  We the People are facing not only the growing insanity of a, seemingly, never ending search by the Socialist Democrat Party for even more deliberately inane items of political correctness but, now they are besieging us with new attempts to weaken and destroy the US presidency and the Constitution itself.
- Friday, December 6, 2019

Democrat Orwellian Police State moves into full operation

Democrat Orwellian Police State moves into full operationThere can no longer be any doubt about the motives of the debauched Democrat Party. With help from the (still-Brennan’s) CIA and the other “intelligence” agencies, they are implementing their DEFCON 1 plan of ‘whatever we need to do, whatever lies we have to tell and whatever and whomever we need to destroy is now acceptable…even if we have to bring down the country. If we can’t regain our full power over it all…it needs to be destroyed, anyway’.
- Wednesday, October 2, 2019

There is nothing the Democrats won’t do in order to win in 2020

There is nothing the Democrats won’t do in order to win in 2020The Democrats have firmly drawn their lines in the sand and thrown down their gauntlet against our country. They will do anything and everything—no matter how abhorrent to humanity—to win elections in 2020. President Trump will never stop being under fire from the Democrats planning to impeach him, no matter how many painstaking reports show—and prove—he is not guilty of anything they have claimed…let alone any “high crimes and misdemeanors.” Democrat Rep. and Chairman of the House Judiciary committee Jerold Nadler has announced the beginnings of a Democrat impeachment investigation (fully supported by the House Democrats), despite the now-infamous Mueller Report that found nothing impeachable in any of President Trump’s words or actions. Unfortunately, this is not the end of their chicanery and attempts to bring down the USA as we have known it.
- Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Does CNN--Finally--Need to have its Broadcast License suspended or pulled?

Does CNN--Finally--Need to have its Broadcast License suspended or pulled?This will be short and to the point. As most of us know, since well before the 2016 elections CNN has been broadcasting not only extraordinarily negative news concerning President Donald J. Trump but, stories about him that are intentionally misleading and those that are patently false. However, its latest expedition into the CNN fake news genre has taken us into depths that even CNN employees had never before reached and, perhaps, hadn’t realized possible…even for their non-stellar cast of characters.
- Thursday, September 12, 2019

On Losing or Saving our Country

On Losing or Saving our CountryIt might be extremely beneficial to be able to pinpoint the exact moment we began losing our country. In that way, we could examine, pull apart and observe the actions and/or inactions that led to our demise and begin again without making the same mistakes and, thus, create a new mode of operations to both recognize and avoid the pitfalls that led to the current debacle(s) now killing the United States of America. Unfortunately, we began losing her a very long time ago, due to neglect in not following and protecting the precepts upon which many of our ancestors founded this beautiful experiment in self-governance. We forgot the "self" aspect of it and left our fate to those who now govern (actually more of a "rulership") us in the ways they decide will benefit them; not our country or we-the-people. Suffice it to say, neglect is never a way to run a viable company--it will inevitably fail--and certainly not a country.
- Thursday, August 22, 2019

Mueller: ‘I couldn’t find a Trump-Crime…so it’s Time to Impeach him!’

Mueller: I couldn’t find a Trump-Crime…so it’s Time to Impeach him!I have never before witnessed such a sham of a legal system or—even worse—experienced the horror that the real criminals were the ones running it. The additional horror is that other gangsters have and/or are replacing those who have been fired (some likely awaiting the day when they will be arrested) or have run for the proverbial hills upon realizing what may soon be revealed.
- Friday, May 31, 2019

Border in Extreme Crisis: SHUT IT DOWN!

Border in Extreme Crisis: SHUT IT DOWN!We have almost reached the point of no return for our country. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Kevin McAleenan delivered the following urgent plea this week: "On Monday and Tuesday, CBP started the day with over 12,000 migrants in our custody. As of this morning, that number was 13,400. A high number for us is 4,000. A crisis level is 6,000…13,000 is unprecedented!" The USBP is overwhelmed—which appears to be just what the leaders of this ongoing invasion planned—while Congress sits back and still refuses to do anything to stop it! Mexico has given us nothing but lip service and has allowed the invasion towards the US borders to continue without lifting a finger. And, have no doubts folks…this IS an invasion.
- Friday, March 29, 2019

Invasion of the USA IS A National Emergency!

Invasion of the USA IS A National Emergency!This will be very short and to the point, folks. Candidate for president of the United States Donald J. Trump’s premier campaign promise—amongst multiple others—was to build “The Wall” at the US Southern border. The emergencies that have existed for years—and exist to this day--at said border include massive drug trafficking, massive human trafficking, illegal immigrants who are reintroducing diseases into our country that had all but been eradicated, increased rapes and murders and the changing of demographics in our country; demographics that are changing the face of our country—illegally. The promised and projected wall would correct the vast majority of the problems we have today at our US-Mexico border.
- Saturday, March 2, 2019

McCabe Admits his Treason!

McCabe Admits his Treason!In a move that veritably boggles the mind, fired FBI’er Andrew McCabe has admitted his role in the—mercifully--ineffective coup against President Trump and his administration…aka government. In an interview scheduled to air on next Sunday’s “60 Minutes,” McCabe detailed his and his FBI co-conspirators parts in the planned, plotted and implemented attempted coup against legally-elected President Trump--using a fake Russian dossier. Mueller’s and Rosenstein’s parts in the scheme were for Rosenstein to appoint former FBI Director Mueller to the position of Special Counsel to investigate Trump.
- Friday, February 15, 2019

Living Under the Dark Cloud of Luciferianism

Living Under the Dark Cloud of LuciferianismWhether it is fully realized by most of my fellow citizens or not—and I pray it finally is—we currently find ourselves in a war for our survival as both a country and a people. Gallup polling reports that 5 million Latin Americans plan to relocate to the USA—legally or illegally—within the next 12 months
- Monday, February 11, 2019

Invasion of the USA is NOT a Human Right!

Invasion of the USA is NOT a Human Right! There’s something very wrong with this world, today. We all know it. We all feel it. There’s something in the air that is causing anxiety and a general feeling of unease in the world at large. There are people who appear to be losing their minds on command and creating all manner of chaos and heinous crimes. Although mental illness has always been a part of some within the family of humanity it seems—recently--to have taken an ugly turn towards an even more aggressive madness in all too many.
- Thursday, November 1, 2018

Democrats now Physically Attacking Republican Candidates

If nothing else, Democrat operatives are good at following the orders of their betters. They have followed California Rep. Mad Max Waters’ command to go after Republicans “wherever you find them” and “I have no sympathy for these people that are in this administration who know it’s wrong for what they’re doing on so many fronts."
- Monday, October 22, 2018

Where is the FBI Investigation of Blasey-Ford?

Christine Blasey Ford If we’re going to rake the good Judge Brett Kavanaugh over the coals on a never-ending basis and require background checks (of him) by the FBI over and over again (until presumably it finds something to nail on him), should we not—at least—require a background check on his accuser?
- Sunday, September 30, 2018

Kavanaugh Debacle makes the case: Human experiment may not be working well

Kavanaugh Debacle After all of the false claims from Kavanaugh’s accusers and the increasingly more…and more bizarre stories (one completely incredible accuser said she attended 10—count them TEN—of Kavanaugh’s sex-train rape parties), I fully expect the Democrats to bring some other accuser forth shortly to claim that she has proof the good judge is a cannibal and another to say that she witnessed him performing Necrophilia.
- Thursday, September 27, 2018