
These are increasingly dark days in this world but, our hope lies elsewhere

The Plan for the Internal Destruction of the USA was Way Too Easy

The reality that the Republic of the United States of America is under assault and that we are a gnat’s eyelash away from losing our country—and much of the rest of the world--to the Communist Luciferian Left comes as no surprise to many of us. If there was still any doubt that the purpose of our adversaries is that takeover, one need only look at their latest effort to create fear and mayhem over a “new” disease that appears to cause far fewer deaths than the more well-known and experienced flu. However, the Leftists’ current campaign to tout this recent strain of Coronavirus (one of many which we’ve experienced as the ‘common cold’ for hundreds of years) has pushed populations of humans off the rails and into the cold unforgiving arms of insanity. Both men and women are fighting each other over “provisions” in stores.
The latest manufactured world-hysteria has caused people to buy and hoard toilet paper, napkins, other paper goods and bottled water in such vast quantities that the manufacturers of said product have been unable to keep up with the demand. Markets are being gutted of foodstuffs in a panic mode that I’ve never seen before. People are physically fighting inside stores over packages of the aforementioned “white gold” TP, while others are simply stealing the product from others’ shopping carts and then running away with their ill-gotten prizes. Civilization seems to be breaking down all around us over a “new” virus strain that appears to be killing far fewer people than, even, the common cold. And it, also, appears to be intentional. On July 23, 2015 a request for patent was made and, after those opposing the patent had been heard, the patent was upheld on June 19, 2019. One of the peculiarities of this patent offering was and is: "Attenuation and Restoration of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Mutant Lacking 2’-O-Methyltransferase Activity", JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY, vol. 88, no. 8, 29 January 2014…” And, now the world is—quite literally—shutting down. Commerce around the planet is ending due to a cold virus that appears to be—at its worst--less virulent than the [common] flu. Humankind seems to have lost its mind and is, now, going along with its self-immolation. It is, also, providing the globalists with what they have wanted for millennia…total control over humans. And due to said humans going along with the charade and madness, the Luciferian Left are currently winning. Folks, isn’t it time to chill out and calm down? Haven’t we all had enough of this madness? How long will it be for people to wake up to what’s really going on? When a panic of this measure is activated, you/we can be certain that something far more insidious is being developed by our enemies—both foreign and domestic--in the shadows and we’re to self-absorbed to see it. Above all, please remember the one who clears panic and uncertainty from our lives. These are increasingly dark days in this world but, our hope lies elsewhere. “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will”—Romans 12:2

Video captures women’s brawl over toilet paper at Woolworths

Sher Zieve -- Bio and Archives

Sher Zieve is an author and political commentator. Zieve’s op-ed columns are widely carried by multiple internet journals and sites, and she also writes hard news. Her columns have also appeared in The Oregon Herald, Dallas Times, Sacramento Sun, in international news publications, and on multiple university websites. Sher is also a guest on multiple national radio shows.