
Linda Barrington

Linda is a 30 year resident of Florida having lived for nearly 20 years previously in Africa. I am a mother, a volunteer caregiver, a tennis player, a news junkie and an avid supporter of the American founding fathers’ principles.

Most Recent Articles by Linda Barrington:

VP Pence and his wife deliver a message of strength, resolve, cooperation and friendship

Don't you just love sending Mike Pence out into the world to represent us? It brings joy to the heart to see images of VP Pence and his wife as they deliver a message of strength, resolve, cooperation and friendship. We don't have to be weak to work with others and we don't have to be non-committal to be good partners, and we certainly do not have to cede our sovereignty to be part of a global community. As human beings, we are encouraged to set boundaries for ourselves. Don't over commit, don't over spend, protect our personal space and protect our privacy. All apply to our nation as well. I'm very proud to be represented by VP Pence.
- Monday, April 17, 2017

It is frightening to witness the rabid and unrelenting attack on President Trump and the American people

It is frightening to witness the rabid and unrelenting attack on President Trump and the American people. He is our President, duly elected by the laws of this country. If one tenth of the money and energy put forth to cause him problems were invested in working toward solutions, everyone would be better off. If I am any indication, the American people are tuning out. We know what needs to be done, we know the President is working on solutions, and we don't need or want the constant barrage of sensationalized headlines. We are educating ourselves, networking, and moving forward. We are tired of the "sky is falling" rhetoric from the left and the support of that message on the evening news.
- Monday, March 6, 2017

John McCain -- deeply entrenched in the Washington DC good ole boys network

Anybody who knows the John McCain story has to respect the mental and physical toughness of the man and we cannot doubt his patriotism. He has been in Congress for 35 years, 31 of them as a Senator. He served under Reagan, both Bush's, Clinton, Obama and now Trump. He is deeply entrenched in the Washington DC good ole boys network. As you look back over his career you can't help but wonder how much of his current issues with Donald Trump and his actions stem from the remarks made by Trump in the campaign? It is easy to understand the hurt and anger McCain most certainly felt. But, if he is letting personal vengeance cloud his positions and actions, that is a problem. McCain should acknowledge and honor the mood of the American people who elected Trump. No matter his differences with Pres. Trump, the security of our people must come first. The temporary halt on some immigrants would allow time to fix the system, establish better screening and to put in place adequate tracking of those entering. Lots of Americans feel that Pres. Obama abdicated his responsibilities regarding immigration and in doing so put Trump in the position of being the mean guy. McCain should respect that and work with him, not act as he is presently.
- Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Two completely different sets of rules in our country

If you don't believe there are two completely different sets of rules in our country, consider this: There was barely a murmur from the press when President Obama, before his second term, whispered to Russian President Medvedev, that he would have more latitude after the election. Yet, when President elect Trump tries to defuse the damage done by Obama and the United Nations with Israel, the press applies a different set of standard. Seems in the media, Obama can do nothing wrong and Trump can do nothing right. As I said, two sets of rules.
- Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Melania is a devoted mother. That used to be a sign of character, not a flaw.

Nobody blinked an eye when Michelle Obama's mother lived in the White House for 8 years on the taxpayer's dime and few voiced opposition to it. I suspect most parents felt it was a good parenting choice so that the Obama family could handle the rigors of the Presidency and still give the 2 girls stability. It allowed Barak and Michele to travel and the girls to be home with their grandmother. Yet, with Donald and Melania Trump facing difficult parenting choices for their young son Barron, the criticism is swift and biting. Back off, please. Nothing is more difficult than making parenting decisions. Every child is different, every family is unique and life's challenges can be overwhelming. Everything I see and hear, liberal and conservative, Melania is a devoted mother. That used to be a sign of character, not a flaw.
- Friday, November 25, 2016

Time to break the hold of the ruling elite Washington insiders. They are not our friends

If you haven't figured out why not to vote for Hillary Clinton then might I ask you a few questions? What has she done for you so far in her years of government work? Are you better off financially? No, but she is. Have you had a job promotion? No, but she has. Are you physically safer? No, but she is. Do you have better healthcare? No, but she does. Much as we'd like to think elections are about us, they are not. Ask yourself, how much good works could be done with the money spent on elections. The gross amount funneled into elections and passed on to media outlets for advertising indicates there is much to gain from being elections. This year, the biggest prize is the Supreme Court. If we are ever going to begin to make a course correction toward financial solvency, secure borders, shrinking government meddling, and mended fences abroad we must elect Donald Trump and then spend the next 4 years holding his feet to the fire. Now is the time to break the hold of the ruling elite Washington insiders. They are not our friends.
- Wednesday, October 26, 2016

8 years of Obama have left many Americans frightened

Not counting the everyday murder and mayhem in the usual places: Chicago, Detroit, etc., in one week from 9/19 to 9/26/16 there were 32 people killed or injured in 5 separate incidents in the United States. St. Cloud-8, Champaign-5, Boston-6, Burlington-5 and Houston-8. 2 incidents were stabbings, 3 were shooters. In addition, there were 2 police involved deaths in the same time period. Only one of these incidents set off riots and 24/7 media coverage. That was the Charlotte shooting. It seems that the rest have become the normal for Americans.
- Monday, September 26, 2016

War is being waged around the globe

Can there be any doubt that war is being waged around the globe? Can there be any doubt that there is a faction of the world population that is intent on forcing its beliefs upon the rest of us? Can there be any doubt that these individuals face the fight with a willingness to die for the cause?
- Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The people are done with the business as usual

On both sides of the aisle, the two major political parties are a mess. The Democrats are backing Clinton who becomes more toxic with each revelation about her actions as Secretary of State. The Democratic voters are looking to Sanders as a revolutionary.
- Friday, June 3, 2016

Trump has wakened a sleeping giant

Ted Cruz has suspended his campaign. He’s not conceding just not campaigning any more. This probably clears the way for a Trump nomination at the convention.
- Thursday, May 5, 2016