
Nothing could be a better argument for supporting Donald Trump

8 years of Obama have left many Americans frightened

Not counting the everyday murder and mayhem in the usual places: Chicago, Detroit, etc., in one week from 9/19 to 9/26/16 there were 32 people killed or injured in 5 separate incidents in the United States. St. Cloud-8, Champaign-5, Boston-6, Burlington-5 and Houston-8. 2 incidents were stabbings, 3 were shooters. In addition, there were 2 police involved deaths in the same time period. Only one of these incidents set off riots and 24/7 media coverage. That was the Charlotte shooting. It seems that the rest have become the normal for Americans. 8 years of Obama have left many Americans frightened. If you think malls are struggling now, consider that 3 of the incidents were in malls. 2 were related to college life. If there is a takeaway from the past week, it might be to avoid places with lots of people. Do we want to live like this? I certainly do not. Nothing could be a better argument for supporting Donald Trump.

Linda Barrington -- Bio and Archives

Linda is a 30 year resident of Florida having lived for nearly 20 years previously in Africa.  I am a mother, a volunteer caregiver, a tennis player, a news junkie and an avid supporter of the American founding fathers’ principles.