
If we are ever going to begin to make a course correction toward financial solvency, secure borders, shrinking government meddling, and mended fences abroad we must elect Donald

Time to break the hold of the ruling elite Washington insiders. They are not our friends

If you haven't figured out why not to vote for Hillary Clinton then might I ask you a few questions? What has she done for you so far in her years of government work? Are you better off financially? No, but she is. Have you had a job promotion? No, but she has. Are you physically safer? No, but she is. Do you have better healthcare? No, but she does. Much as we'd like to think elections are about us, they are not. Ask yourself, how much good works could be done with the money spent on elections. The gross amount funneled into elections and passed on to media outlets for advertising indicates there is much to gain from being elections. This year, the biggest prize is the Supreme Court. If we are ever going to begin to make a course correction toward financial solvency, secure borders, shrinking government meddling, and mended fences abroad we must elect Donald Trump and then spend the next 4 years holding his feet to the fire. Now is the time to break the hold of the ruling elite Washington insiders. They are not our friends.

Linda Barrington -- Bio and Archives

Linda is a 30 year resident of Florida having lived for nearly 20 years previously in Africa.  I am a mother, a volunteer caregiver, a tennis player, a news junkie and an avid supporter of the American founding fathers’ principles.