
Frank Polacek

Frank Polacek an Air Force veteran; served a yr. (1967) in Viet-Nam; owned a trucking business; worked as a diesel and heavy equipment mechanic; a welder and structural fabricator. Retired for health reasons but try to remain politically active.

Most Recent Articles by Frank Polacek:

Treason against your country and your freedom

The democrat party has sunk to the lowest possible level, it has selected and is actively supporting an admitted Marxist communist for the highest office in the once Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. In doing this, the democrat party has exposed its true colors for all to see and revealed its true seditious anti-American agenda.
- Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God

As we celebrate this 4th of July, take a moment to consider and reflect upon some forgotten founding history incorporated into our Declaration of Independence. Genuine American history, having been replaced and obscured by “Social Studies”, is no longer taught in our schools and has long since been lost to our memory, but fortunately that history is preserved in our archives available to anyone with an interest in searching it out.
- Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Message to the TEA Party

My message has been that before an enemy can be confronted and defeated, he must first be exposed and identified. The well organized and well funded liberal domestic enemy within, stealthily oozing from their Trojan Horse like insects from a hive, communicate with each other in secret ambiguous code words, catch phrases, and propaganda slogans, like sustainable, comprehensive, single payer, quantative easing, sequestration, etc., which can mean just about anything to unwary and clueless mainstream real Americans not in their loop of influence.
- Sunday, October 21, 2012

Keep America genuine with only OEM parts

It is amusing to see the Marxist pinko left squirming and squealing in panic over Romney's selection of Paul Ryan as his running mate, vitriolically excoriating him for the unforgivable sin of agreeing with our Founding Fathers and exalting our venerated founding principles.
- Thursday, August 16, 2012

Producer-Consumer Ratio

I wonder what these Occupy Wall Street protestors, who call for the looting of banks which store their neighbors’ life savings, and abolishment of the capitalist wealth producing industry which provides them with employment and all the goodies they lustfully enjoy, have done to help create any of the wealth they now demand “redistribution” of? It seems they are always first in line to demand their “fair share” of the cream off the top but want nothing to do with milking the cow or cleaning the barn.
- Tuesday, November 29, 2011

America's Christian founding heritage and Thanksgiving

As a brief reminder of our country’s Christian founding heritage, excerpted below are some of the official Civil War era “Thanksgiving Proclamations of the State of Minnesota” – yrs. 1860, 1861, and 1862.
- Monday, November 21, 2011

The 14th Amendment -- America's nemesis

Until the 14th Amendment was added to the Constitution, the 1st Amendment 's restraints on the exercise of "federal" power simply did not apply to the States. The revolution initiated by the adoption of the 14th Amendment involved the imposition of new and far reaching constitutional restraints upon the States.
- Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Separation of Church and State and the Establishment Clause

This rung on the ladder addresses the most voraciously debated instrument of Marxist sedition we have in this country, the grossly misunderstood concept of "separation of church and state" and the equally misunderstood "establishment of religion" clause of the 1st Amendment.
- Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The "Evolution" myth

The "myth of evolution" is the most seditious of all attacks being made upon the foundational core principles of our Constitutional Republic.
- Thursday, January 13, 2011

Adding more rungs to the ladder of knowledge

We have been reviewing evidence of the Tax Free Foundations' "public policy" agenda and the dogmas they advance in their stated objective to influence, alter, and corrupt the minds of our people in order to program us into becoming mesmerized obedient world citizens in a Marxist world community. Here is another common and effective change instrument of their Marxist sedition.
- Friday, January 7, 2011

From USA to USSA

Part 2 addressed Humanist Manifestos 1 & 2 showing them as the foundation of communism into which we are to be merged. Here are some excerpts from Humanist 2000 and its connection to advancing the UN, adding some more pieces to the puzzle. To wit:
- Sunday, December 19, 2010

From America to AmeriKa

In Part 1, we studied the Tax Free Foundations' plan to merge the USA with the USSR. Like Hitler's Mein Kampf, warning us of what is to come, here are some if their instruments and pieces of their master plan. The test of the Prophet is to see if his prophesies come true, so see how many of these things have now come to pass. This is the meat and potatoes of the Liberal agenda, to wit:
- Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tax free Foundations conspiring to Soviet-ize AmeriKa?

Have you wondered what those 'catch phrase' words "CHANGE" and "fundamentally transform" we heard so much about from Obama and the Liberal Democrats really mean and front for in their sinister worldview perspective? Consider this:
- Tuesday, December 14, 2010