
Original equipment manufacturer, Auto parts, after-market Marxist-socialist counterfeits

Keep America genuine with only OEM parts

It is amusing to see the Marxist pinko left squirming and squealing in panic over Romney's selection of Paul Ryan as his running mate, vitriolically excoriating him for the unforgivable sin of agreeing with our Founding Fathers and exalting our venerated founding principles.
They find it abhorrent and reprehensible to hear him paraphrase every State Constitution (which some of them have actually sworn to uphold) which all begin by recognizing our rights as coming from God, not government, the very essence and substance of "Americanism". At the very least, he will remind people of our history and provoke and inspire them into re-thinking this country's direction. Employing the Alinsky tactic of "projection" - the transferring of their own guilt, flaws, and criminal activity onto their political opponents - they are feverishly struggling to divert attention from Obama's obvious failings, total incompetence, a sordid political turpitude by calling into question the tried and proven qualifications of adversary candidates. "Community organizer" is not an acceptable resume' qualification for any morally reputable calling; it is the credential of an instigator of civil insurrections and street mob riots, otherwise known as "communist instigator".
The benign fruits of this malignant poisonous tree have now become commonplace, a rampaging benign menace spreading like a plague over the country. They have turned our public places into crime ridden, disease infested landfills that even armed police are afraid to enter into, costing taxpayers untold millions in damages. And don't forget that these demented "occupy" misfits are carrying signs cursing the United States and what it stands for while belligerently demanding communism, enjoying the full support of Obama, his administration, and the Democrat party. What does that tell you? Their pathetic covet your neighbor's goods weeping and wailing about the "rich" (everyone but them) not paying their fair share (?) is the same pitiful song and dance I've heard from their ilk for 50 years. But it is the mooching liberal parasites that steal from and live off the wealth producing conservatives, not the other way around. Almost half the population pay no taxes while living off the toil of the other half, a minuscule top tier pay the bulk of the tax burden. Socialist France has proposed a whopping 75% tax on their "rich"; how is this "fair"? Their tortured Robin Hood metaphor is backwards as well; Robin Hood stole from a looting, plundering tax collector, returning the pillaged money to the needy impoverished wealth producers from whom it was forcefully extorted. Well, too bad; this country was not founded to appease and accommodate them. It was founded only for those people who agreed with our Founding Fathers - "Ourselves and Our Posterity", the genuine OEM model. All others are here as a privilege, as a symbiotic appendage attached ipso-facto to the original "host" body politic. That was the purpose of the 14th Amendment - to invite in, accept, and to legally adopt and assimilate the "after-market" Americans deliberately excluded by our Founders - an act of typical American generosity and hospitality - so that they may also share in the blessings of liberty that this country alone represents, and provides to its citizens. This country is what our Founders designed and intended it to be; not what some two-bit insurgent cult of invading, usurping interloping cake-eaters 200+ years later prefer it should be instead, and who conspire to fundamentally "change" it into one of their liking. Our Founders drafted and left us a Constitution to keep and preserve it the way they instituted it. It is our responsibility to preserve that birthright. When Henry Ford designed and manufactured the Model T and Model A (Ford automobiles), he did not intend for Chevrolet, Toyota, or Volkswagon parts to fit on them. The Ford factory (Yes, Henry Ford DID build that) was not intended or established for their benefit. Left wing pinkos see this as discrimination, racism, intolerance, right wing extremism, Chev-o-phobia, Toyo-phobia, a hate crime against disadvantaged "minority" automobiles. In their view, this is "politically incorrect" (a Marxist catch phrase and code words for "anti-American"). The very mention of this revolting asinine term should insult the intelligence of anyone having any intelligence to insult. It's like "admiring the Emperor's new clothes", an idea so abysmally stupid and absurd that only intellectuals believed it. Now assemble the pieces: Why should Ford engineers worry about Chevrolet parts not fitting Ford cars? They're not supposed to; they don't fit the Ford design profile of being "built Ford tough". Likewise, there cannot be an "America" made up of Marxist parts any more than there can be a Ford car "built Ford tough" with Chevrolet parts. Why, then, should "Americans" worry about anti-Americans (Marxist-socialist liberals, progressives, dumbocrats, etc.) not fitting into the American design model? They don't belong here any more than Chevrolet parts belong on a Ford car. Keep America pure and the American dream "American" by electing only genuine OEM American components. Reject any and all after-market Marxist-socialist counterfeits; they void the warranty. As the late, great, Forrest Gump so eloquently enunciated: "....And that's all I have to say on this here subject".

Frank Polacek -- Bio and Archives

Frank Polacek an Air Force veteran; served a yr. (1967) in Viet-Nam; owned a trucking business; worked as a diesel and heavy equipment mechanic; a welder and structural fabricator. Retired for health reasons but try to remain politically active.