
Barry Jackson

Barry Jackson, who was born in Montreal "several years ago", says he does not have a picture of himself to show in this bio, "though apparently all of my wife's friends swoon when I enter the room (lol)." "With a BA psychology my friends think I'm subjecting them to some kind of psycho-babble analysis whenever I look them in the eye. "I spend endless hours researching American politics. Why? Because that's where the action is. For several years I've been writing a book called The Encyclopedia of Political Incorrectness. There's such a voluminous stream of new material every day this project may never be put to bed."

Most Recent Articles by Barry Jackson:

Your vote matters, here's why

Yo Jamie I got this junk from a loser called Ed Broadbent. I read it, then read it again, thought for a minute and then found myself almost in tears I was laughing so hard. Goebbels was the first to make famous the principle that a government could tell the most outlandish lies and if it kept repeating them often enough the people would begin to believe them. Here are five that literally jump out at you. The trouble is, they are the basic theme of the email. Which shows just how much the NDP is out of touch with reality, even delusional. Only fascists could think they could tell whoppers like these and get away with it.
- Sunday, September 27, 2015