
Just how much the NDP is out of touch with reality, even delusional

Your vote matters, here's why

Editor's Note: Flippant, but right on the money, Barry Jackson's note to his MP during Canada's federal election campaign which speaks for so many propaganda-weary Canadians, should go viral. (Background: Jamie Nicholls is my local NDP Member of Parliament. Yeah, I know, inasmuch as I believe in small, transparent, honest, accountable government, it hurts to have a left-wing loon as my federal representative.)
Yo Jamie I got this junk from a loser called Ed Broadbent. I read it, then read it again, thought for a minute and then found myself almost in tears I was laughing so hard. Goebbels was the first to make famous the principle that a government could tell the most outlandish lies and if it kept repeating them often enough the people would begin to believe them. Here are five that literally jump out at you. The trouble is, they are the basic theme of the email. Which shows just how much the NDP is out of touch with reality, even delusional. Only fascists could think they could tell whoppers like these and get away with it.


  • "Friend."
  • "This election is about change."
  • "After ten years of Stephen Harper, we know we can be a better country."
  • "Stephen Harper has failed Canadian families, hurt our reputation on the world stage, and attacked our rights and freedoms."
  • "Your commitment today is a promise to yourself and the Canada you want for your future."
So, here's my reply to Mr. Broadbent: Where do I start? First, you're presumptuous as hell to presume that I'm your friend. Trust me, I'm not. We haven't even met, for heaven's sake. Your leftist/collectivist political agenda is retrograde and I find it insulting that you believe that I would endorse it. How could you be so stupid? Second, you claim that this election is about change. If it were really about change, the people would finally wake up and realize that leftist politicians are buying their votes with their money. And look what change did to Obama's America. That country is in a precipitous downward spiral from which it may never recover.
Third, after ten years of Stephen Harper at the helm, Canada is the envy of the world. No, under a NDP government Canada cannot in any way be a better country. Well, actually it could, if Harper wasn't obliged to govern from the left to placate the incessant whiners who clamour for more goodies from the state. In any case, if we take previous provincial governments as an example, we can count on you to spend us into bankruptcy and tax us into the stone age. When Reagan said government is not the solution but the problem, he could very well have been alluding to the NDP. Fourth, Harper has not failed Canadian families or hurt our reputation on the world stage or attacked our rights and freedoms. Exactly the opposite is true. You are being intellectually corrupt when you twist the truth to advance your regressive interventionist agenda. Fifth, you claim that my commitment to you is a promise to myself and the Canada I want for my future. This statement is nonsensical to the point of absurdity. Read it - it's patently ridiculous. I would never commit to you - I don't want my country to commit national suicide. I commit myself to my God, my family and to the virtues that govern my personal life and my relations with the friends I love. As for the Canada I want for the future, believe me, Big Government jerks like you do not figure into my wish list. Remember when President Kennedy said, "Ask not what your government can do for you; ask what you can do for your government"? It would have been more truthful of him to say, "Ask what your government is doing to you." The late, great William F. Buckley, Jr., nailed it when he said, "The trouble with fascist governments is that they always make war on their own people first." Barry Jackson St. Lazare, Quebec
Friend, This election is about change. After ten years of Stephen Harper, we know we can be a better country. Canadians are brave – we’re not afraid to stand up for change – and last spring Albertans proved it could be done. But that change didn’t happen on its own. It happened because people like you stepped up and voted, and in a few weeks, we need to do it again. That’s why I want you to make a commitment today – a pledge to do the single most important thing in this election: Vote. Stephen Harper has failed Canadian families, hurt our reputation on the world stage, and attacked our rights and freedoms. We can turn things around. Tom Mulcair has dedicated his life to public service. He’s stood up for Canadians against Stephen Harper’s wrong-headed policies, including Bill C-51. The difference between four more years of Stephen Harper or defeating him with Tom Mulcair could come down to a handful of votes three weeks from now. This is the most important election in a generation – and your vote matters very much. Your commitment today is a promise to yourself and the Canada you want for our future. Join me in committing to vote today, and ask your friends to do the same: All my best, Ed

Barry Jackson -- Bio and Archives

Barry Jackson, who was born in Montreal “several years ago”, says he does not have a picture of himself to show in this bio,  “though apparently all of my wife’s friends swoon when I enter the room (lol).”

“With a BA psychology my friends think I’m subjecting them to some kind of psycho-babble analysis whenever I look them in the eye.

“I spend endless hours researching American politics. Why? Because that’s where the action is. For several years I’ve been writing a book called The Encyclopedia of Political Incorrectness. There’s such a voluminous stream of new material every day this project may never be put to bed.”