
David L. Hunter

David L. Hunter is an Associate Editor at "Capitol Hill Outsider" and a "Newsmax" contributor. He's on Twitter and blogs at davidlhunter.blogspot.com, He is published in The Washington Post, The Washington Times, "FrontPage Mag," and extensively in "Patriot Post," Canada Free Press" and "American Thinker."

Most Recent Articles by David L. Hunter:

Rubio's China Threat and Reagan's Socrates Solution

America’s greatest economic and military adversary“This is not a game. I can think of no more significant issue from the perspective of history than what is happening now.” — Senator Marco Rubio on Chinese domination of the geopolitical landscape and the global marketplace Mr. Rubio’s stirring speech provides a sound and compelling overview of the near-term, multi-generational threat that China poses as it becomes the sole world superpower. In fact, China has transformed itself into a superpower faster than any country in the history of mankind, and has become America’s greatest economic and military adversary.
- Tuesday, July 30, 2019

'Alice' in Obama-land

Who's been painting my roses red?/ Who dares to taint/ With vulgar paint/ The royal flower bed? /For painting my roses red/ Someone will lose his head... That's enough [finger-pointing]! Off with their heads! - Queen of Hearts from "Alice in Wonderland" (1951)
- Monday, May 16, 2016

'Foxy' Trump: non-binary president

Whatever the label, Donald Trump is as sly as a fox. (By comparison, the MSM's harebrained analysis of him and the GOP is as insightful as a squawking and confused Chicken Little.) As the political landscape rightful quakes with the People's voice through The Donald's brash persona, is the sky falling? Well, it is, but only for beltway insiders—of either party.
- Thursday, May 12, 2016

Paul Ryan: Democrat's beard 2.0

"I'm not there right now [in supporting presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump]... [T]his is all pretty new for us." - House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) in 2016
- Monday, May 9, 2016

Democrats' true-life lemonade failure

In February, when “D.C. government's dysfunctional lemonade stand,” was published in “Canada Free Press,” it was intended as something written in metaphor. Today, it turns out not to be that, but a concept both factual and prescient.
- Monday, April 18, 2016

Obama's “Hillary” offensive

President Obama's political slow-roll related to Hillary Clinton's unsecured, private server has officially begun. Unfortunately, conservatives don't watch Mr. Obama's usual sycophantic haunts like the low-rated MSNBC (where, for example, another liar—similarly disgraced former NBC anchor Brian Williams—was put out to pasture, apparently never to be heard from again). Recall, “Fox News” and their motto “fair and balanced” (conservative-leaning). For that very reason, Mr. Obama has generally avoided this most watched cable network like the plague.
- Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Obama: a 21st century Nero?

Myth has it that Roman Emperor Nero (15 December 37 AD--9 June 68 AD), fiddled while Rome burned. Historians tell us this story isn't 100 percent true. Violins didn't technically exist in 64 AD, but Nero--and the six-day Great Fire of Rome that destroyed approximately three-quarters of the city--were real enough.
- Monday, March 28, 2016

Obama's Chicken-Little Fascism

Truth be told, chickens really do roost together. Specifically, I refer to Donald Trump's "no respect" stooge, Mr. Obama and the communist duo of ruling dictators, the brutal Castro Brothers. For 55 years, since stridently anti-communist Democrat JFK and the 1960s Cuban Missile Crisis when Russian Soviets tried to posit US-striking nuclear missiles on the island (disbanded after a successful U.S. naval blockade), America's relations have been in a Cold War deep-freeze.
- Tuesday, March 22, 2016

2016: "Nice" Losers, Nasty Winners

The presidential candidate of Midwestern nostalgia, Ohio governor John Kasich, is a nice man. Unfortunately, the 2016 election cycle is a meat-grinder: equal parts unpredictability and contentiousness, not decency. Therefore, “nice guy” candidates like the highly likable and eminent Dr. Ben Carson, in the same Kasich mold, trail badly in the polls.
- Monday, February 29, 2016

Unearthing first president's slavery bones

In Courtland Milloy's “Washington's birthday got spotlight right: On his slaves” he fails to practice the ancient wisdom in the Latin phrase De mortuis nihil nisi bonum: “of the dead (say) nothing but good.” Last Monday—on what would have been George Washington's 284th birthday—our intrepid race-scribbler visited our first president's home, Mount Vernon.
- Thursday, February 25, 2016

President as celebrity-in-chief

TV's “The Apprentice” P.T. Barnum-style pitchman Donald Trump is riding the high tide of politician as celebrity. It may lead to an exclusive Pennsylvania Avenue address, but if so, he's not the first to get there.
- Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Rare political football fumbles

Generally, I swear by the learned views of Washington Times columnists rather than at them. But these political "bedfellows" must have collectively got off the wrong side of the mattress Tuesday morning.
- Thursday, February 18, 2016

Missing toilet paper and asinine Democrats

In America, toilet paper is so plentiful, it's like it grows on trees or something. It's literally available everywhere. From big-box stores with industrial-sized multi-packs to conventional local retailers to neighborhood convenience stores. It's even available in dollar stores for the frugal. Likewise, it is found in unexpected places such as technology specialists like Staples. (Why does one need to buy toilet paper with one's new internet-ready laptop? Let's not speculate.) Yet, regardless of the quality of the business, all of these vendors have the same thing in common: all are for-profit, Capitalist enterprises.
- Monday, February 15, 2016

The Corrupt Ivory Tower of Socialism

If elected leaders were fundamentally altruistic--unselfishly devoted to the empowerment of their fellow man--the theory of collectivism might have promise. The widespread sentiment would have to be consistently along the philosophical lines of JFK's "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." But it's not. The present generation of "Democrats" promote the polar opposite perspective.
- Tuesday, February 9, 2016