
George Giftos

George Giftos is a retired travel agency executive, in management for agencies by Fugazy World Travel, U.S. Industries, Carlson Companies. George is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force.

Most Recent Articles by George Giftos:

Republicans don't fold. Respect the difference!

The obvious difference dividing conservatives from liberals is, a conservative factors in the past with an eye on the future, maneuvering the present to most benefit our country. Forgetting remarks made in the past, the liberal lives in the present  by holding a wet finger in the air, to feel the direction the wind blows,in order to tack their direction toward what will garner them the most votes and power.

Radical left progressives infiltrated the democrat ranks with narratives injected into their Marxist menu of changes they claim will save democracy. A preferred autocrat method, being adopted by the left to achieve this, is to indoctrinate our children with subjects that are inappropriate to consume by minds in the process of development. Evidenced by the intent and action of liberal school boards introducing new curricular, bordering on ponography and disgusting life styles.

Supplying fodder to the social media, that is replacing the ABC's and science teachings needed for them to progress to a more meaningful life.

Not one Democrat voted for the GOP Parents Bill of Rights Act.

Something to keep in mind in 2024.

- Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Nourishment for the misinformed

Nothing will change unless countries affected by the six main Mexican cartels, join together with forces from the Mexican government and form a coalition, to wipe them off the face of the earth. Unless China is not restrained from exporting material to manufacture opioids, Fentanyl and methamphetamines will never stop flooding the country, slaying our youth. If the Biden administration continues its open border policy, whatever action is taken will be in vain. I question the mentality of whoever believes the spoke persons for the president, profesing the border is under control and closed, but can't explain the over 5.5 million illegals. Among them drug and human traffickers, terrorists and criminals who have been intercepted, with many more disappearing into the country undetected since Joe Biden's inauguration, and not being acknowledged, but distributed throughout red states, to change demographics with ineligible voters
- Thursday, January 5, 2023

I would however consider adding another exception to abortion

I'm a Constitutional independent traditional prolifer with exception, that are endangerment to mother's life, incest and rape. If the personality of a fetus can be determined before hand, that it can become another Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Joy Behar, Joe Biden, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or Eric Swalwell, I would however consider adding another exception to abortion.
- Saturday, December 10, 2022

Advise for the Duped

A liberal is someone whose charitable deeds are derived from somebody else's toil. It can be equated to Margaret Thatcher's definition of socialism when the problem is, that you eventually run out of other people's money. It is something to contemplate to whom you will assign your vote to.
- Friday, November 4, 2022

Equality and equity are not on the same flight path

In spite of conditions around us entering this world, we all have the same opportunities to grab on to and advance through life, The choices we make determine the condition of our fate. When your choice is to sit on your duff, exerting little effort to fulfill any dream you may have, don't expect rewards. When societal trends present obstacles for ethnic and racial groups, it is a challenge against becoming a victim for the elite to hang their hat on and advance their depravity. As an observer, I look upon neo liberalists as exponents of equity to all, for unequal effort, as opposed to conservatives, who promote competition and compensation on the level of effort and contribution to the purpose.
- Saturday, September 10, 2022

The menace on the road of Democracy

I don't know how statistics are compiled, but it is reported one million democrats switched to the republican party. This does not reflect how many became independent. People who voted for Joe Biden for president realize they gave the keys to the car to somebody who doesn't know how to drive, and now has our country plowing through every pothole his Executive Orders created, without a clue how to fill them up.
- Friday, July 8, 2022

Let Truth be Known

Joe Biden's policies are pebbles in a shoe, making it very painful walking the hazardous terrain, he has planned for our country to follow. Noticeable cognitive impairment is a warning to question his ability for leadership out of perilous times, around the potholes those policies have created.
- Monday, May 16, 2022

Curb hysteria

The ballyhoo about Roe v Wade, a brief leaked from SCOTUS is inconceivable, because it isn't a definitive document changing the status of the ruling. Even the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg didn't think it was the right case to settle the abortion issue. Overturning R v W doesn't stop abortion. It returns its determination to the states to be refined and voted upon by the people. That's how our democracy works. It is not a Constitutional right. "My body, my choice," says a lot about the person and the choice that has caused the need to abort a child. I don't believe God appreciates being upstaged by a smartass mortal. In my quaint belief, I see bodies are on loan to a soul while maneuvering activity on a planet in the universe. Compromising the confidentiality of the court must be prosecuted to the limit in order to maintain its integrity.
- Monday, May 9, 2022

Consequence by not Learning from the Past

I have deep concern for some programs the Biden administration has implemented. Having found after my informative years, through living experience in the mid 30's, that they are a danger to our democracy. In not so many words, Pres. Biden indicated, while children are in the woke school curriculums, they belong to the state. It rings a bell, whenfrom July,1926 to May,1945 Germany instituted "The Hitler Youth". Will the "Biden Youth" last 'till November,2024? In his latest project, he instructed the DHS to create the "Disinformation Governance Board, headed by Nina Jankowicz, formed to oversee Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter and restoration of free speech. WHAT? Another bell has rung, equating it to Joseph Goebbels' department of propaganda. Having no credibility, Miss Jankowicz has a notorious reputation for offering a load of misinformation that should be at the top of her list to remedy.
- Monday, May 2, 2022

Wakeup Call or Perish

It is worrisome realizing some people hide their head in the sand to avoid unpleasantries or catastrophe, thinking it won't happen by ignoring it. But by this action, it tends to exacerbate the probability, In matter-of-fact conversation, the response is mostly defensive, to hide insecurity, that turns into arguments in defense of the indefensible. They allow you to say only what they want to hear, A conservative's doctrine is dogmatically a threat to the depravity of the radical wing of the Democrat party and to the liberals who adhere to its principles. It is worrisome when you realize some of these people could be family or cherished friends, who have been duped to carry and spread the false narratives of the corrupt media and Marxist indoctrinators in academia; not accepting that they have been brainwashed into thinking they are saving democracy and doing good for society and the country.
- Monday, December 13, 2021

Respect is not automatic

Among the underclass are unproductive trouble makers with an attitude, whom political progressives and the liberal left media designate as oppressed victims of the conservative and capitalist system, and are actually victimized by their disingenuous saviors, to be used among other things, in their quest for power. The present administration's aim is to increase their base with these specimens of limited intelligence, from a minority, to become a majority and flood the polls with Neanderthals to their bidding.This poses a danger, because ignorance is prone to error. Respect is not an automatic privilege, but must be earned. This is something foreign in the liberal narrative, because it gives to the unproductive what they haven't earned and label it empathy.
- Friday, April 16, 2021

Prescription for a Sick America

The many ills our nation is facing today have been compounded by the media and persons in influential positions that affect the mood of its people, through their narratives of personal beliefs. Judeo-Christian traditions have fallen and become victim to cancel culture. A detriment to the moral fiber of decency in today's climate. The elements that have infiltrated the Democrat party are stoking the ashes of racism, to use as a weapon against opposition, not having anything constructive to offer the public, only to enhance their position of power. • Rioting is not peaceful demonstration. • BLM does not matter if law enforcement directives are intentionally defied. • Pork is not infrastructure. • Reinventing the meaning of words does not alter a problem. • Rewriting our Constitution is not improving the intent of our founders. • Emotion cannot replace common sense and tough love for remedying a wrong.
- Wednesday, April 14, 2021

A Rose is a Rose

During the Obama administration, facilities were constructed to house unaccompanied children entering the country illegally, escorted to the USA/Mexican border by coyotes, or abandoned by a parent. These same facilities were referred to as cages when the Trump administration occupied them for the same purpose. To house unaccompanied children until a solution was found for their disposition. Anticipating an influx of illegals and unaccompanied coyote escorted children entering the country again, due to Biden's open border threat, he is reactivating the facility, giving it a virtual HGTV type renovation verbally, instead of in actuality. A rose by any other name.
- Tuesday, March 2, 2021

It Ain't Gonna Play in Peoria

Hoping Biden's, the progressives and their press division's lies will grow by manufacturing fertilizer with their brand name and logo, "BS," the travesty will continue with more spectral evidence against former President Trump and any believers and supporters of his productivity that benefited the country during his tenure. The one ring circus is coming to town again on Tuesday, without the Ringmaster (Chief Justice John Roberts) or Constitutional permit, which makes it an illegal spectacle. It's a sadistic show of cruelty against 74 plus million concerned conservatives and independents protecting American values. The Democrats are sending in their clowns, to repeat the dismal performance that bombed, when Donald Trump was still President; but like that first attempt, "it ain't gonna play in Peoria!"
- Monday, February 8, 2021

Joe Biden and the 'Quad'

In preparation for the incoming democrat administration, I'm searching for a special mask that will protect me from virtual obnoxious odors emanating out of the mouths of Joe Biden and the 'Quad,' Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler and Schiff, when listening to them on TV. During any presidential press conference, the Press Corps will be required to wear kid gloves as well as a mask and distancing, during posing questions to Biden or any of his lackeys. My resentment comes from indications their intention is to consolidate power and proceed with a mission to isolate and cancel me out, along with over seventy-four million other Americans on their list questioning the legitimacy of securing the election and who don't agree with their socialist agenda, that has been advanced with a base enhanced by at least 15 million fictitious voters and control of the Big Tech information monopoly.
- Saturday, January 16, 2021

The Plight of Double Standards

The November 3, 2020 presidential election was the biggest crime ever perpetrated against true American people, to undermine tradition and protection under our Constitution. Abetting the crime are liberal media sources, stepping out of their role of calling balls and strike, to become advocates and a driving force in support to this heinous crime. It is retaliation for failure to put over a false narrative of Russian collusion in the 2016 election, even before President Donald Trump was sworn into the office of the presidency. The Mueller Probe was a waste of over 3 productive years at a cost of nearly 32 million dollars, prompted on the word of one anonymous whistleblower.. Yet sworn affidavits by hundreds of identifiable whistleblowers can't even stir one justice outlet to review their testimony.
- Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Cul-De-Sac Demonstrations

The self interest and inept officials we the people voted into office under pretense of First Amendment rights, are now replacing one dark blemish in our history with another one. Revisionists are allowing hoodlums, anarchists and indoctrinated college kids, who have yet to figure out the difference between their rear end and their elbow. to abet destruction and any trace of the mistakes in our past. Hiding them leaves their progeny open to repeat them. This domestic terror is not affecting just one group, but the very fabric of our nation and all its decent citizens who are not among the members of ANTIFA and BLM, because they love their country and don't want to see it torn apart. It is becoming a struggle to avoid the results of enslavement of the people of Venezuela, Cuba and anywhere else, when anarchism wins.
- Sunday, July 5, 2020

Wearing a mask for politicians

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer, Representatives Adam Schiff, Gerald Nadler, Maxine Waters, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib will be doing the country a great service if they wore masks over their face so we won't have to look at their ugly face.
- Friday, April 3, 2020

Jackass Journalism

I would listen to Radio Moscow at night from my shortwave radio during the cold war years and hear propaganda spewed by Pravda and Tass, the Russian news services. With modern telecommunication technology, Radio Moscow is no longer in service and nefarious schemes can be hacked into almost any communication device by a malevolent country.
- Saturday, February 29, 2020

Pansy Diplomacy

It will be revealing to know how today's Democrats would have reacted to Harry Truman, in contrast to Jimmy Carter's and Barack Obama's pansy diplomacy, contrived on naivety and appeasement. Delving into the archives for statements made by prominent Democrats critical of President Trump today, contradict anything close to coinciding with his policy narratives.
- Thursday, January 9, 2020