
John Anthony

John Anthony, Founder of Sustainable Freedom Lab, LLC, is a nationally acclaimed speaker, researcher and writer. He is a leading expert on globalist impacts on local affairs and the effects of federal agency regulations on local rule and property rights. Mr. Anthony’s Property Value Defense Network informs public officials and attorneys nationwide of the dangers of regulatory laws. His workshop, Shattering America’s Trance, teaches conservatives effective techniques for cross-political communications and is now available as an online course.

Most Recent Articles by John Anthony:

CDC Ups Attacks on Families and Children

anthony101222The day of reckoning is here. For more than a year I have been saying the purpose for hustling through approval of ‘vaccines’ that neither prevent nor stop COVID’s spread, that make people sicker, and that cause death, was to get approval for inclusion in the early Childhood Vaccination Schedule. After all, why inoculate a group (6 months to 4 years) of which 75% are already naturally immune to a virus which has not killed a single healthy child, with a drug in which the only trial participant who got sick enough to be hospitalized was ‘vaccinated’?
- Wednesday, October 12, 2022

America's Future: The Case for Optimism

America's Future: The Case for OptimismThe daily assaults on America's culture can make it hard to find hope. Attacks on our monetary system, the imprisonment of political dissenters, the DOJ's vendetta against Trump and anyone pro-America, Soviet style censorship, and the attempted gender modifications of our children seem too much like world control is here.  Yet, every issue we face is the result of a single problem. When we recognize, solve, and attack that, we can restore the nation we love. Let me explain.
- Wednesday, October 12, 2022

CDC's 4 Step Scheme That Destroyed Medical Credibility

CDC's 4 Step Scheme That Destroyed Medical CredibilityStill think it is inconceivable so many trusted hospitals and medical professionals would inflate COVID hospitalizations and deaths making the pandemic appear worse than it was? Consider this. In February of 2020, the CDC released projections of COVID's spread largely based on the flawed Imperial College agent-based simulation model. The model predicted up to 1.2 million US deaths lacking action.
- Tuesday, August 2, 2022

4 Actions That Will Crush The Great Reset

4 Actions That Will Crush The Great ResetThe Great Reset is floundering in Europe and the US is struggling to get people vaccinated. Now is the time to press hard to end their tyrannical fantasy. Unless the legacy media is your main news source you know the Great Reset has already shattered many of the freedoms Americans took for granted. Freedom of speech, property rights, the right to feel secure in your own home, and bodily autonomy have all been violated for the sake of the community.
- Saturday, July 16, 2022


BIDEN’S DISINFO BOARD 2.0 SPAWNS GLOBAL CENSORSHIPIt took the Biden administration just 28 days since “pausing” his Disinformation Board to authorize the “White House Task Force to Address Online Harassment and Abuse”. This next phase of state censorship is not confined to DHS. His task force involves the Secretaries of State, Defense, Commerce, HHS, Education, DHS, VA, and more. Their task is to develop a method to address online abuse and harassment by preventing and protecting against “technology-facilitated gender-based violence.”
- Saturday, June 25, 2022

Is it time for Ben Carson to step down?

Let me be clear, I like Dr. Ben Carson. I was a supporter of his during the 2016 primaries and appreciated his many books long before he considered running for public office. His story is one of courage and perception. But, since his confirmation as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Dr. Carson has unfortunately displayed little courage.
- Monday, October 9, 2017

How to Annihilate U.S. Socialism and Force Washington to Listen

Socialism's barbs have sunk deep into the heart of America's soul. We see the Titanic struggle as Democrats and Republicans jointly hamper Trump's attempts to return choices to the people. Washington will never willingly stop its progressive control, but we can make them.
- Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Obama's last ditch regulations that devastate your property rights

In the final days of Obama's presidency two rules slid under the radar that drive explosive local planning and building costs, transfer control of certain grant-related planning to the government, and render local officials helpless to combat them.
- Thursday, March 16, 2017

This happens if Trump fails to rein in HUD

If you want to know what will happen to your hometown if Trump allows the Department of Housing and Urban Development to continue its devastating control of local rule, look at Whitehall Township, Pennsylvania. It is the latest community to surrender to HUD’s aggressive tactics.
- Thursday, February 16, 2017

Trump can halt HUD's AFFH, today!

Yes, President Trump can halt HUD's Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing program even before Dr. Carson is confirmed. If you follow the news, you probably noticed that President Trump is moving quickly on his campaign promises.
- Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Draining the cultural swamp in our children’s minds

While Donald Trump maneuvers to cleanse government's cesspool, communities face a bigger challenge at home. Academics, classroom teachers, newspapers and television, movie stars and the Cultural Arts are seducing our children into believing it is their duty to relinquish their rights for a coveted scrunch into the bloated backseat of the global collective.
- Tuesday, January 3, 2017

How Dr. Ben Carson can heal the wounds of Obama's racism

Barack Obama's obsession with what he calls America's "legacy of racism," has been an EpiPen for the resuscitation of racial violence and discrimination burning across our country. HUD often provides the platform for the President to act on his prejudices.
- Thursday, December 15, 2016

God, Classrooms and Property Rights

When our Founders wrote the Declaration of Independence, they knew that property rights were essential to freedom and prosperity. Under the feudal system, Kings granted property to workers in turn for outstanding service. But the crown never completely surrendered its ownership
- Tuesday, December 6, 2016

An open letter to President-elect Trump

Dear President-elect Trump: Aware Americans want the federal government out of our healthcare, out of our schools and away from our property rights and community rule.
- Saturday, November 26, 2016

A Trump Strategy to Neuter HUD's Attacks on Local Rule

When President Reagan took office in 1980, he promised to reduce the number of federal agencies and rules. Eight years later, his Presidential Task Force on Regulatory Relief failed to eliminate a single agency or even one of the thousands of federal regulations.
- Tuesday, November 15, 2016

How HUD Makes Lousy Programs Look Great

When federal agencies promote programs, like Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, or Common Core they conduct sophisticated and often deceptive marketing campaigns that cover up there downsides. Flowery slogans like, "transportation options are fundamental to having a shot at the American Dream," and "Economic diversity is the path to better outcomes for all American children," may sound moving. The truth about the programs is often disturbing.
- Thursday, October 27, 2016

Gutting America's Socialism

With or without Hillary at the helm, we can stop socialism in America. Recently, Sustainable Freedom Lab hosted a three-part podcast series called Socialism in America. Our guests had travelled to over 70 countries, lived under socialism and communism and even begun businesses worldwide and in the United States. We had a software installation expert who works closely with project teams in socialist countries and is in a unique position to understand what these workers think of the United States.
- Thursday, October 20, 2016

The 9/11 Message that Terrifies Washington

Perhaps the greatest attribute of the American spirit is that even in the aftershocks of the worst wreckage, we seek to learn. Rather than flounder in horrors that should have never happened, we pursue ways to assure they will not again.
- Sunday, September 11, 2016