
Greg Penglis

Greg Penglis is the morning host at 1330 AM WEBY, 6-9 Central time. He is turning “talk radio” into “action radio,” by creating a “citizen legislature” out of the radio/internet audience. He also authored “The Complete Guide to Flight Instruction,” a blunt critique of our flight training system, and how best to get through it.

Most Recent Articles by Greg Penglis:

The Insanity of Gun Control

Gun Control is an insane and irrational concept that in reality, doesn't exist. It is all about the seizure of rights from honest people because of the actions of criminals. That, is irrational.
- Thursday, October 5, 2017

Why Keeping the DACA "Nightmares" Here is Unconstitutional

The way to defeat the Left, is not to argue against their false and made up premises with facts and logic, although that is the trap Republicans always fall into. The way to defeat the Left is to trump (sorry) their talking points and lies, (pretty much the same thing) with brand new and compelling arguments which never would have crossed their minds. So I came up with a legal theory as to why keeping the DACA Nightmares here, is unconstitutional.
- Monday, September 25, 2017

Replacement Declaration for the Poem at the Statue of Liberty.

Sick and tired of the whining by liberals and the liberal media, that the Emma Lasarus poem at the Statue of Liberty is somehow a legal mandate, I have written a replacement declaration. Please share this. I would like to start a campaign to replace that poem with something more relevant to the 21st century.
- Saturday, August 5, 2017

The Anti-Americans

I'm trying to figure out why Leftist Democrats are so desperate to return to the days of no economic growth, police being assassinated in their patrol cars by Black Lives Matter, and a President who bows to foreign leaders and abandons our embassies to terrorist attacks?
- Monday, June 12, 2017

To Carry a Gun

One of the great freedoms I can now exercise since leaving California is the right to own and carry firearms (keep and bear arms), which the Constitution guarantees the government will not even touch (infringe). Of course they do, especially in California and other liberal states.
- Monday, May 29, 2017

A Constitutional Budget

During this entire budgeting and continuing resolution process, there are two words that will never be put together. They are "constitutional," and "budget." Why? Because no one in Washington wants to be restrained by the Constitution when it comes to getting money, spending money, and especially spending money they don't have. Which is why we are some $20 trillion in for the National Debt. But it never had to be this way.
- Tuesday, May 9, 2017

How the Left Thinks

The problem with all Leftist arguments and debates on any position is that they completely blur any distinction between lawful and lawless, in an effort to confuse, distort, and force their position that since everyone is lawless in some way, no one is, and individualism still means everyone is the responsibility of everyone else, from each according to their wealth, to each according to their fair share.
- Sunday, May 7, 2017

Truth in Confirming a Supreme Court Justice.

If we are all being completely honest, the Democrats want a Leftist justice who will advance the socialist agenda in spite of the Constitution and has no problem making law. That is how Kagen, Ginsburg, Breyer, and Sotomayor govern from the bench.
- Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Random shots: Palestinians are a made up people, with no language, culture, homeland, or history

Anyone else get the feeling we've been standing still for 8 years, maybe longer, and if Trump had run instead of G.W. Bush, we would be so far ahead right now it would be amazing? Is anything more stupid that the two state solution for Israel, when the Palestinians are a made up people, with no language, culture, homeland, or history? How about a one state solution, Israel, and the others either get along or leave?
- Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Are You a Conservative, or Are You in the Liberal Propaganda Bubble?

I thought it would be instructive to offer you a quiz that you can take and share, to show whether you deal in truth, or whether you choose to believe the lies and propaganda of the Clinton campaign and the Leftist media. As was more than adequately demonstrated last night, Meryl Streep is deeply into the propaganda bubble, and so she actually believes her own lies.
- Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Making Sense of the Russian Hacking Accusation.

Let's try a little event history here to make sense of this Russian election hacking accusation. It's not exactly in order, rather it is how the events appear to connect and make sense to me, with lots of speculation on my part.
- Saturday, January 7, 2017

Second Amendment Sanctuary Cities; And, “Action Radio” in Action

If socialist, leftist cities like San Francisco, Chicago, New York, and a bunch of others nationwide, can pass Sanctuary City laws to harbor fugitive illegal aliens from federal law enforcement, then why can’t cities, counties, and other entities under the oppression of unconstitutional gun laws, create Second Amendment Sanctuary Cities where no infringing gun laws apply?
- Tuesday, December 27, 2016

CALIFORNIA: What Are We Going To Do With California?

When I moved here over 30 years ago, this was a fabulous state. It had about half the population, the towns in the San Francisco Bay Area were actual separate towns, the highways carried the traffic pretty well, there was adequate water in the reservoirs despite a three year repeating rain and drought cycle, and the governors were Republican. Illegal aliens back then weren’t as big a problem.
- Monday, December 19, 2016

Democrat Electors: Change your vote and vote for Donald Trump, why not go with the winner?

Dear Democrat Electors: It is time for you to rise up and stand with your country and your President. Change your vote and vote for Donald Trump. He won anyway, so why not go with the winner? Show what a great and just nation this is and how even though you were previously committed to a completely corrupt, socialist, organized crime boss with an insatiable lust for power, that you can rise above this and vote your conscience. So change your vote and vote for Trump.
- Friday, December 16, 2016

All Accusations Are True. Aren’t They?

Regarding the Russian election hacking. I've heard that CNN works for the Russian Government and is actually in on the hacking. Since they were connected by debate questions to the Clinton campaign, and are probably connected to the Clinton Foundation, I think the CNN / Kremlin connection has to be investigated. We should probably get this to the electors before they vote. I think Congress has to hold hearings on this immediately.
- Thursday, December 15, 2016

How to Deport Millions of Illegal Aliens, Without Employing a Single Stormtrooper.

Every time the issue of illegal aliens or deportation comes up, the Left, argues against something they know isn’t going to happen. But the reason the Left always brings the conversation to the line, “how are you going to round up and deport 15 million undocumented immigrants?” is not to get an answer, It is to get you to feel bad for even thinking about deporting anyone. Because they know it isn’t going to happen the way they describe, their argument is completely bogus. But it is incredibly effective, which is why you keep hearing the line.
- Thursday, December 8, 2016

Stop Obsessing Over the Meaningless Popular Vote!

I am quite fascinated with the obsession the Left currently has with the popular vote for President. As usual this is a matter of expediency, desperation to get their own way given the results of the election, and the usual public deception for how our system actually works. There certainly isn't a shred of principle involved. So let's investigate this a bit.
- Sunday, December 4, 2016

A Review of Trump's Contract with the American Voter

Since no media outlet in the country to my knowledge has or will sit down with Donald Trump before the election, and in a logical way go over and review his Contract with the American Voter, I shall do my own review. Considering what is at stake in this election, wouldn’t it be nice to have an explanation from Trump, and a critique, so the voters can make an informed decision?
- Thursday, November 3, 2016