
Mike Henkins

A once fat man still smoking his pipe and living in Maine with two beautiful ladies of which he is lucky to call one wife and the other daughter. Eh-Yup.

Most Recent Articles by Mike Henkins:

Why the Republican Establishment Lectures, and Why No One Listens

The National Review, that once considered go-to publication of all things conservative, seemed to have started a wave of Republican Establishment PIMOs (Professors in Mind Only) grabbing whatever publication, podium, or audience that was nearest and commenced on lecturing those contentious snotty sleeve wiping brats outside the beltway what is obvious to every blue blooded babe still in Gucci nappies inside the golden city are born knowing:
- Thursday, February 4, 2016

Trump Supporter, 101

There seems to be much speculation as to what causes a person to support Donald Trump. Almost every Washington D.C. Establishment pundit, consultant, and bathroom attendant has a theory. Some of it pure speculation, some of it derived from Pew research polls, focus groups, and think tanks. All of it has been gleamed over with microscopes, late nights have been logged, and countless gallons of Starbucks has been consumed.
- Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Why Sarah Palin is Standing with Mr. Trump

There has been much said already about the consequences of the recent endorsement of Gov. Palin of Donald Trump. All of it is written through the lens of the individual’s perception and influenced by who they currently are supporting in the Republican primary. Much of it from a negative point of view claiming Gov. Palin has lost her conservative values and has sold out to the Evil Empire of Donald Trump. All of this is completely off the conservative reservation and resides in the world of panty twists, jilted lovers, and brides left at the altar.
- Thursday, January 21, 2016

A Blue-Collar Response to a Gold-Collar World View

Earlier today while enjoying my morning Dunkin Donuts coffee and taking a few puffs of Captain Black in my favorite Country Gentlemen corn cob pipe, I noticed an article posted at Lucianne.com that I felt needed a rant from a self-proclaimed blue collar everyman in response. Luckily, I found myself available to deliver it. The article in question is “To Attract Disillusioned Voters, the GOP Must Understand Their Concerns” written by Henry Olsen from National Review. The following statement struck a blue collar nerve within and I feel must be addressed.
- Thursday, January 14, 2016

Stymieing of Trump's Uprising formally known as the State of the Union address

On Tuesday night President Obama delivered the yearly State of the Union address to the nation. This is an event where the President speaks to how well the nation is doing under his management. It is also an event in which the opposition party stages politically motivated gestures to gain some much needed publicity and the Washington D.C. pundit class spends hours analyzing it all.
- Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Donald Trump: The Tea Party Candidate

The similarities between Donald Trump and the Tea Party movement are blazingly obvious. Perhaps that is why the Washington D.C. Establishment and its pundits either cannot make the connection or refuse to acknowledge it all together. It is not as if there is a lack of information out there for the Establishment political pundit to not have stumbled upon and made a connection.
- Tuesday, January 5, 2016

America's Brewing Ramen Noodle Revolt

If you believe the government the rate of inflation is only about 1.6%...If you live outside Washington D.C. and in the real world, where inflation is measured by what goes in and out of your wallet or pocketbook, you know that the real number is much higher because you are feeling its effects daily.
- Sunday, February 23, 2014

Republicans: Obama violating Constitution, but we are not going to do anything about it

The title above is a sarcastic play on words of a recent Fox News article titled “Republicans: Obama violating Constitution, but little can be done about it”. Though I mean it statistically, it seems to be the truth. The original title is based on a comment made by Senator Mike Lee, a Republican from the state of Utah, during an interview on “Fox News Sunday”. During that interview Senator Lee said:
- Monday, February 17, 2014

Mighty Mitch McConnell's Hat Trick

It is no secret that politicians are pros at the art of self back slapping and tooting their own horn. These skills are only rivaled by their ability to find anyone but themselves to blame for just about anything. What sets a pro's pro apart from the rest is to do all three things at the same time, a political hat trick if you will, and do it with a straight face. Mitch McConnell demonstrated last week that he truly is a pro's pro, and then some.
- Sunday, February 16, 2014

A brief lesson and warning for the current Republican “leadership”

There is one indisputable ingredient in any relationship that if does not exist, the relationship will disintegrate. It does not matter if the relationship is between a couple, best friends, a team, or a political organization. Without this glue that bonds the relationships together, it all falls apart. It cannot be purchased or demanded by threat. Its value is priceless, but free to be given to anyone. The ingredient I speak of is TRUST.
- Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Republican Establishment reaches the Event Horizon

event horizon noun: Astronomy. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter or radiation can escape. Origin: 
1970–75 Dictionary.com Unabridged
Clearly this is a perfect metaphor of the Republican Establishments rush to dive into a political black hole of its own making. In what seems to be a last ditch effort to remain at the taxpayer buffet that Washington D.C. has become, the Republican Establishment, with the aid of the Chamber of Commerce and other big business lobbying firms, seems ready to go full thruster into the immigration reform black hole it has created. The astounding part is the fact that it either has absolutely no one at the controls that has a clue, or those in control haven’t a care that immigration reform is going to be without a doubt the 20-ton straw that will not only break the camel's back, it is going to crush and grind it into the pavement as well.
- Friday, January 31, 2014

The Republican Establishment Sinking of the U.S.S. America

Let us face facts. The Republican Establishment is hell bent on proposing some form of immigration reform. Their desire comes not from the goodness of the heart or continuation of the sentiment of Emma Lazarus's poem,"The New Colossus" which is stamped on the base of the Statue of Liberty.
- Sunday, January 26, 2014

Is Big Business Trying To Cheat The Free Market System?

It is no secret that Big Business is lobbying for Immigration Reform in Washington D.C. Signs are that House Speaker John Boehner and others in the Republican party are ready to give Big Business what it wants. Both have their suspected reasons, The Republican Establishment sees an opportunity to gain inroads to the Hispanic vote. Big Business on the other hand is looking at the bottom line and spies an opportunity for a cheaper labor force. It is for this I believe they are cheating the free market system.
- Monday, January 13, 2014

Is Paul Ryan Trying To Get a Section 8 Discharge From Politics?

The award winning sitcom M*A*S*H of the '70s and early '80s was based on a surgical unit in Korea during the Korean War. One of the characters was Corporal Klinger, a soldier who dressed in woman’s clothing hoping to convince the Army he was insane and therefore would qualify for discharge per Section 8 of United States Army Regulations.
- Sunday, January 5, 2014