
How dare we decide what it means to be a conservative indeed Speaker Ryan. Your gleeful passing of Omnibus did that for us

Why the Republican Establishment Lectures, and Why No One Listens

The National Review, that once considered go-to publication of all things conservative, seemed to have started a wave of Republican Establishment PIMOs (Professors in Mind Only) grabbing whatever publication, podium, or audience that was nearest and commenced on lecturing those contentious snotty sleeve wiping brats outside the beltway what is obvious to every blue blooded babe still in Gucci nappies inside the golden city are born knowing:
  • We are your betters.
  • We know how Washington D.C. is to be run.
  • We already have decided who will be the nominee.
  • The only reason we suffer you grubby little peasants is to perform your duty and vote for who we tell you to.
  • Asking why or refusing to do so is against our rules and will not be tolerated.
  • Once election season is over you are to sit down, shut up, and not complain when we ignore your concerns, the wellbeing of our nation, and any promise we have made to you.
And for many a year we, the great unwashed in flyover country, did as told because of one reason; we didn’t know any better. But that has all changed, Well, except for inside the beltway. They are still living in an age where they think they still determine who knows what, what they are not to know, and Google does not exist. Take for example House Speaker Paul Ryan. Yesterday, Speaker Ryan decided to lecture the Tea Party Movement in a speech he gave before Heritage Action, stating:
“And so what I want to say to you today is this: Don’t take the bait. Don’t fight over tactics. And don’t impugn people’s motives. It’s fine if you disagree. And there’s a lot that’s rotten in Washington. There’s no doubt about that. But we can’t let how you vote on an amendment to an appropriations bill define what it means to be a conservative. Because, it’s setting our sights too low. Frankly, that’s letting the president define us. That’s what he wants us to do. That’s defining ourselves as an opposition party, instead of a proposition party.”
Yes, you DID read that correctly. Speaker Ryan did actually say, in so many words, “we” meaning the Republican Establishment, cannot allow anyone but them to “define what it means to be a conservative. Because, it’s setting our sights too low.” There are several other lectures out there, the most popular with the P.I.M.O.’s is cataloged in an entire edition of National Review. The February 15, 2016 Volume LXVII, NO.2 “Against Trump” edition is now considered the course book for the Republican Establishment quietly unhinged hatred of Donald Trump. It is full of lectures on why the unwashed should hate Donald Trump and why “Trumpsters” are fools, dolts, and illiterate, obviously because they may like the man and his message. Though the entire edition focused on Mr. Trump, Sen Cruz is only slightly less hated than “The Donald”. Should the unlikely event that Mr. Trump drop out of the race, one can speculate that we can all look forward for another tome of enlightenment entitled “Against Cruz” to be produced soon thereafter. All of this with the intention of teaching the smelly blue jean work boot wearing underlings what a mistake it is to have ideas and opinions of their own.
The absurdity of it all is that but for a select few; no one they are attempting to lecture is listening nor pays attention to their eloquent snark filled ramblings. We now have resources of our own that use to determine what to think, who to believe, and, most importantly, who we should and should not pay attention to. In our world Google does exist to do other things than look our names up to make sure our bios and professional credentials are listed correctly. We, the uneducated rabble, are -- and this torques off the Republican Establishment to no end -- using Google to look up what they said the last time they lectured and promised us, and what the actual results were. What we found and continue to find the more we research, is that their actions in no way match the promises they are making or have been making for quite a while now. In some instances, we are finding the exact opposite is happening. In fact, using some street jargon they may not be familiar with so I will describe it in a way they may understand, we found they are full of what is in those Gucci nappies that their blue collar nannies replace on their precious one’s little bum. This is the reason why no one but the Republican Establishment P.I.M.O.s is believing a word they write or say. In the reality outside the golden 495 barrier we are treating their words like we would anyone else who has lied or mislead us in the past; we ignore them. We may read or listen to the P.I.M.O’s latest lecture, but usually for amusement or to find out what happened the last time they lectured us on why someone is the most electable guy ever or what the excuse was last time they failed to do what they took Oaths of Office to do last time. Unfortunately for them there are millions of us researching and sharing this knowledge. The truth no longer has to go through the Washington D.C. Establishment Censor Bureau or only reach us through well-manicured cocktail circuit pundits we see Sunday morning on the television. We’ve learned to not pay attention to them. Most cannot see the truth for what it is, and most likely never will be able to. The irony is that the truth is getting out by high school/community college blue-collar men and women doing researching and writing early in the morning sipping coffee, and in some cases in their underwear, like I am now. That’s a kick dead center in the Dockers -on-casual-day crotch of the Republican Establishment lecturer’s ego. It is leaving them frantically screaming their lectures louder and in high register trying to get through to people who have tuned them out completely. How dare we decide what it means to be a conservative indeed Speaker Ryan. Your gleeful passing of Omnibus did that for us. The answer is conservative means something far different than what you think it means and its time we start lecturing you. By the way, it's boxers, not briefs.

Mike Henkins -- Bio and Archives

A once fat man still smoking his pipe and living in Maine with two beautiful ladies of which he is lucky to call one wife and the other daughter.
