
Sharon Sebastian

Sharon Sebastian, AGING: WARNING – Navigating Life’s Medical, Mental & Financial Minefields," is a columnist, commentator, and contributor in print and on nationwide broadcasts on topics ranging from healthcare, culture, religion, and politics to domestic and global policy. Sebastian's political and cultural analyses are published nationally and internationally. Website: AgingWarning.com

Most Recent Articles by Sharon Sebastian:

FDA And The Spread Of Brain Diseases: Shadow Economic Crisis (part 2)

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), charged with the mandate to protect the public’s food supply, openly admits its liability in the deaths of Americans, mostly in the form of heart attacks. That is far from the full story. What the giant government agency hides is its culpability in the recent rise in brain diseases that continue to claim both memory and lives.
- Friday, February 5, 2016

Epidemic of Dementia: Shadow Economic Crisis

The country is in the midst of an "epidemic of dementia." It rocks the foundations of families. Few perceive its prevalence because it begins on a micro level -- family to family. Without an effective means to connect shared experiences, families are unable to advocate and influence critical changes at both the state and national level. Some in the media write about dementia being widespread. Few detail its far-reaching, financial impact. Economists track the instability of the macro-economy while woefully unaware of the shadow economic crisis that is deepening from town-to-town and state-to-state across America.
- Sunday, January 24, 2016

Bush proves GOPe stunningly tone deaf

It is patently evident that the fate of the nation lies solely in the hands of the American people. Both political parties have serious flaws.
- Friday, January 15, 2016

'Big Short' short on Some Facts

It is a good thing when Hollywood attempts a portrayal of the facts without overtly distorting history beyond recognition in the process. So, hats off to the creative team behind The Big Short. It is necessary, however, to fill in the gaps with facts that may not fit into a film's limited timeframe. Real world events are always more unwieldy than a tightly knit movie script. There are no spoiler alerts in what follows. We all know the ending. It is how we got there that matters.
- Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Scamming Alzheimer's

Swindlers, scammers, and quacks fill the Internet. During times of desperation cons are quick to manipulate the vulnerable with fraudulent promises. Normally one dismisses them by thinking buyer beware and hoping that the gullible will not succumb to the hokum being plied to seduce the unwary.
- Friday, December 18, 2015

O'Reilly & Krauthammer Miscued on Clues to Obama's Climate Agenda?

The O'Reilly Factor's Bill O'Reilly pressed renowned columnist and commentator Charles Krauthammer for an answer. O'Reilly wanted to know why President Barack Obama is so relentless in his drive to convince the world that global warming is a bigger threat than ISIS. Krauthammer gave a frank psychoanalysis of Obama, but it failed to hold water on this topic.
- Monday, December 7, 2015

ABC, Hate Speech & Whoopi Goldberg

Like so many trapped in their own illogical thinking without knowing the facts, ABC Talk Show Host Whoopi Goldberg contorts both truth and history. Ironically, Goldberg's comments have historical bearing as they pose a threat to Christians worldwide. It is a threat that must not easily be dismissed.
- Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Road to War

John Kerry is wrong. The Secretary of State displayed a dire lack of knowledge when he stated that the world is "not in a war of civilizations." The enemy can only smirk at the naiveté or seeming ignorance of yet another American leader that blurs the reality of an ancient war in modern times. Kerry was right when he stated that Islamic radicals are recruiting "thugs" into their ranks. The criminal element has no cause. Their purpose is not religious. They are recruited as a front line of terror to be unleashed by hardcore jihadists.
- Saturday, November 21, 2015

Government’s Dangerous Sixth Estate

Threat, danger or a growing menace, it is all of those. Like in-coming from multiple directions, its onerous policies portend extensive upheaval and damage in the lives of Americans. It simultaneously provides free stuff for some while placing harsh restrictions on others. In time, all will suffer its consequences. It is what I call the Sixth Estate.
- Monday, November 2, 2015

Texas v. Tyranny:  Abbott warns Obama

America is in a gunfight. The bad guy government wants to disarm the good guy citizens. The battle: tyranny versus freedom. The Obama government has started the bleeding-out of Constitutional rights and protections for all citizens through its ramped-up attacks and erosions of Constitutional amendments. On patrol at the Constitution’s perimeter are leaders like Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, among others, who refuse to back down and bow to totalitarianism.
- Friday, April 26, 2013

Obama Torpedoes Economy

Forbes, FOX, Bloomberg, Congress – anyone? Do you see the pattern? America’s economy is not self-destructing, it is being dismantled. Amid bad unemployment numbers, high food and fuel prices, a devalued dollar, the already devastating impact of Obamacare on businesses and hiring, President Barack Obama is again pressuring banks to make bad housing loans to people with weak credit.
- Monday, April 8, 2013

Murder by any Name

Abortion, partial-birth, infanticide, they all meet the profile. America is progressively moving into a new era of the slaughter of the innocents. A baby is born. It takes its first breath of life, its heart beats, it hears voices. Feeling every nerve in its newborn body, it experiences the marvel of a profound consciousness outside of the womb. Instead of being swathed in warm blankets and celebrated as new life – it is placed in a waste bin or on a shelf and left to die. It is to suffer death through dehydration and starvation. To expedite death, a more efficient means to end its life is now being proposed: out-right murder. The newborn’s crime, it survived an abortion.
- Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Warning: Obama’s Green Money Scheme Exposed

Rare is the opportunity where you can make a critical difference. No need to leave home, spend money or expend energy. With simple computer keyboard clicks you can stand for freedom, combat America's enemies and become a solution to the problem and not an indolent part of it.
- Thursday, March 14, 2013

Homeowner vs. EPA Home Invasion

The Obama Administration bullied its way into your doctor's office, now it is bullying its way inside your home. Claiming a need for "healthy housing," new 2013 policies enacted by the Obama administration give the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Housing and Urban Development Agency (HUD) the right to decide the condition of your home.
- Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Clash of Faith and Tyranny

Tyrants in-the-making initially display the veneer of compassion for “their people.” They make irrational promises of a utopian existence to garner support of the masses. Their power often emanates from public adulation. Such adulation, combined with a tyrant’s narcissistic inability to be self-critical, imbues a superiority that progresses into self-worship. The greater their power, the more tyrants succumb to self-glorification even to the point of challenging the laws of God. Progressively, they enforce an aberrant legal system with fines, penalties and punishments to force compliance to their will. Those who disagree, pay severe retributions. Devaluing life is key, in that it allows for mistreatment or eventual eradication of selected groups whether they are in opposition or indefensible numbers. Absolute control comes with the power to decide the death of citizens without legal oversight. It is the way of tyrants.
- Saturday, February 9, 2013

When ignorance is no longer bliss

The saying, “ignorance is bliss,” is what is known as an idiom. It refers to the refusal to acknowledge the reality of a situation. Some people hide in that “ignorance” because the truth is unpleasant or too overwhelming or they just do not want to worry about it. They prefer someone else take the burden of dealing with whatever the issue is, in other words, that someone else stands-in for them as the adult. Being an adult means you recognize and deal with circumstances as they exist; that you do not ignore the truth of those circumstances.
- Friday, November 16, 2012

Black First, Then American

Retired General Colin Powell raised the specter in the media, unintentionally or otherwise, that when it comes to voting -- skin color matters. It is no surprise that Powell supports President Barack Obama since he did so in the 2008 election. What is surprising is that the General can lend his support to a Commander-in-Chief who refuses to identify the enemy. With Obama reluctant to publicly admit it, Powell knows that Iran funds radical Islam's war on the West and that Al- Qaeda is reconstituted and represents a rapidly rising danger throughout the Middle East.
- Saturday, November 3, 2012

Bloomberg: Dems behind housing scam

Old news, except it isn’t. Last week, in regard to the devastating housing fraud that helped collapse the U.S. economy, a Reuter’s headline read: “U.S. Sues Bank of America for Alleged Mortgage Fraud.” According to Reuters, Barack Obama’s Justice Department “filed a civil mortgage fraud lawsuit against Bank of America, accusing it of selling thousands of toxic home loans to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that went into default and caused more than $1 billion of losses.”
- Tuesday, October 30, 2012