
Claudia Rosett

Ms. Rosett, a Foreign Policy Fellow with the Independent Women’s Forum, a columnist of Forbes and a blogger for PJMedia, is a contributing editor of The New York Sun.

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Most Recent Articles by Claudia Rosett:

Xi Jinping's Tiananmen Vision Is Coming for Us All

If you want to understand what China’s Communist Party, wannabe boss-of-the-world, envisions for us all — just look today to the grim transformation of Hong Kong’s Victoria Park. This pleasant area near the harbor, with its greenery, sports pitches and big central lawn, is where, for more than 30 years, Hong Kongers have gathered and lit candles to celebrate the courage and dreams of liberty that animated China’s 1989 Tiananmen uprising, and mourn the slaughter with which China’s communists crushed that movement for freedom, centered in the heart of Beijing. Since 1989, Beijing’s commissars have gone all out inside mainland China to obliterate the truth of Tiananmen, 1989. This year, one of China’s state propaganda outlets, the Global Times, celebrated the 1989 Tiananmen “incident” as having “inoculated the Chinese people with a political vaccine, helping us acquire immunity from being seriously misled.”
- Sunday, June 6, 2021

"We Are All Hong Kongers Now"

We Are All Hong Kongers NowChina's top communist, President Xi Jinping, aspires to dominate the world order — and if you want a preview, take a look at China's assault on the rights and freedoms of Hong Kong. You don't even need to start as far afield as Hong Kong itself. Xi's Hong Kong flunkies, in their zeal to obliterate the territory's democracy movement, are now targeting Hong Kong democracy advocates not only at home, but abroad, in places such as London and Washington. On Friday, according to Reuters, Chinese state television reported that "Hong Kong authorities had issued arrest warrants for six pro-democracy activists who fled the city and are suspected of violating a national security law that came into effect on June 30."
- Saturday, August 1, 2020

Hong Kong, Coronavirus, and the Specter of Tiananmen

Not since the eve of the 1989 Tiananmen slaughter have we seen China’s communist regime more clearly girding to demolish a vibrant democracy movement. Thirty-one years ago, China’s Communist Party shut down democracy protesters in Beijing by shooting them in the streets. This time the CCP’s target is the former British colony of Hong Kong, where protesters turned out in huge numbers last year to defend the rights and freedoms that China promised them for at least 50 years after the 1997 British handover.
- Monday, May 25, 2020

China is exploiting the coronavirus chaos to advance its agenda

China is exploiting the coronavirus chaos to advance its agendaChina’s dictator, President Xi Jinping, aspires to transform his country into the world’s supreme power, a goal he calls “the China Dream.” To that end, Xi has been exploiting the chaos, fear and ruin of the coronavirus pandemic to try to advance an agenda that would place China at the center of a new global order. Xi’s aim is a world in which his totalitarian Chinese Communist Party, bolstered by his aggressively modernizing military, sets the norms and calls the shots.
- Monday, May 4, 2020

Is China Aiming to Blame America for the Coronavirus?

Is China Aiming to Blame America for the Coronavirus?Having brought us the global breakout of a killer coronavirus, China's Communist Party dictatorship is now fostering the insinuation that this virus originated not in China, but in America. Mind you, China's President Xi Jinping and his CCP flunkies have not so far adopted this Orwellian lie as the official line. But there's a growing blame-America stench now wafting from China's state propaganda mills. American authorities need to pay close attention, and do everything in their power to push back, as China's commissars begin bioengineering a narrative to blame this contagion on others.
- Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The same sickness that spread the coronavirus threatens to bring Hong Kong to ruin: the Chinese Communist Party

coronavirus threatens to bring Hong Kong to ruin: the Chinese Communist PartyHong Kong’s democracy protests have been overrun in the headlines by the new, and in some cases deadly, coronavirus now spreading from the Chinese city of Wuhan. But to wave aside Hong Kong’s massive democracy movement as last year’s news would be a terrible mistake. That movement has been the healthiest and most clarion response of modern times, anywhere on the planet, to the basic ailment long amplifying out of China.
- Thursday, February 6, 2020

Hong Kong's Finest Hour

Hong Kong's Finest HourHONG KONG — Since massive protests for freedom, justice and democracy erupted here almost six months ago, China's puppet chief executive for Hong Kong, Carrie Lam, has been trying to impose "calm" and "order" by way of threats, force, emergency laws, tear gas, water cannon, bullets and more than 5,000 arrests. Call it the Communist China method. It hasn't worked for her.
- Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Reagan’s Berlin Wall strategy was simple and could work today: ‘We win, they lose’

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall

Ronald Reagan made it his driving mission not to appease and accommodate the USSR, but to defeat it.

Thirty years ago last week, the fall of the Berlin Wall transfixed the world, heralding not only the liberation of communist East Germany, but the crumbling of the entire Soviet empire, which collapsed two years later on Christmas day, 1991. Thus ended the long and terrifying Cold War, with a victory for America and its democratic allies — and without the global conflagration long feared.

- Monday, November 11, 2019

China Seeks To Mollify Hong Kong With Bread, Circuses

China Seeks To Mollify Hong Kong With Bread, CircusesHONG KONG -- Draconian rule having failed so far to shut down Hong Kong's protests, the government here now hopes to distract the public with economic handouts and yet more exercises in official "dialogue." That's what to expect Wednesday, when Hong Kong's chief executive, Carrie Lam, delivers her annual policy address. That would be an insult to Hong Kongers, who have not been protesting by the millions in pursuit of bread and circuses. With great courage, they have been demanding things far more profound -- freedom and the right to elect their own leaders.
- Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Hong Kong and the Truth About China

Hong Kong and the Truth About ChinaThe Wall Street Journal ‘Tell the truth about China!” has become a rallying cry for protesters in Hong Kong. It is exactly what demonstrators in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square were saying 30 years ago, before many of today’s protesters were born. The truth is that for all China’s economic advances, it remains a brutal, dehumanizing tyranny in which the ruling Communist Party would rather destroy people than give them a genuine say in their government.
- Tuesday, September 3, 2019

'Stand With Hong Kong!' Where Is the Free World's Reaganesque Response?

Image credit Claudia Rosett/PJ MediaPJ Report HONG KONG -- "Fight for freedom! Stand with Hong Kong!" This was the chant echoing through the arrival hall of Hong Kong's international airport on Tuesday, as thousands of protesters beseeched arriving passengers -- and the world -- for help in their struggle against China's encroaching tyranny.
- Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Coming Hong Kong Crackdown

The Coming Hong Kong Crackdown--The Wall Street Journal Protesters in Hong Kong have delivered the most stunning rebuke to Chinese tyranny since the Tiananmen Square uprising of 1989. The question now, after eight weeks of demonstrations, is whether China’s dictator, President Xi Jinping, will respond with the same brute military force used to crush that democracy movement 30 years ago. Serious observers worry the backlash is coming. For Mr. Xi, who took power in 2013, the situation in Hong Kong presents an immediate threat to his domestic political legitimacy. State repression, bolstered by staggering levels of high-tech surveillance, has increased under his rule. In China’s western province of Xinjiang, despite international protest, the regime has for two years been dishing out torture and forced political indoctrination to an estimated one million Uighur Muslims held in internment camps. Dealing harshly with Hong Kong’s protest movement would remind the city’s residents—and the rest of China—who’s boss.
- Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Why Hong Kong hearts are burning

Why Hong Kong hearts are burning NY Post HONG KONG — Wrecking and defacing property isn’t a custom in this capitalist redoubt. But during seven weeks of protest, some Hong Kongers have appropriated police barricades as battering rams, bashed in doors, broken windows, hurled bricks and eggs, scrawled graffiti on government buildings and splattered paint on emblems of Chinese sovereignty and Hong Kong authority. China, and its anointed chief executive for Hong Kong, Carrie Lam, aren’t pleased. The Beijing regime has accused the protesters of having “blatantly challenged the ­national sovereignty” and called for Hong Kong authorities to use “all necessary measures.” Lam has warned that “violence will only breed more violence” and repeatedly stressed that “nothing is more important than the rule of law.”
- Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Sky-High Stakes in Hong Kong

The Sky-High Stakes in Hong KongPJMedia: The Rosett Report In Hong Kong's huge protest over a proposed law that would allow extradition from the territory to mainland China, there is far more at stake than "confidence" in the integrity of Hong Kong's legal system, or the health of Hong Kong's economy -- important though those both are. The real showdown going on in Hong Kong has long been between despotism and democracy, between tyranny and the Free World. And whether we, the free people of America, and our allies, choose to think of it this way or not, the reality is that the showdown now taking place in Hong Kong will shape our future as well.
- Friday, June 14, 2019

30 years later, the Chinese people still yearn for the freedom that the Tiananmen protesters demanded

30 years later, the Chinese people still yearn for the freedom that the Tiananmen protesters demandedThe Dallas Morning News China's Tiananmen uprising of 1989 is remembered today mainly for the brute force — the gunfire and tanks — with which China's ruling Communist Party, on June 4, snuffed out the peaceful protests centered in Beijing's vast Tiananmen Square. But it is vital to remember the uprising itself. It was a protracted act of incredible courage, in which for weeks millions of Chinese citizens defied their rulers to call for freedom, justice and democracy.
- Monday, June 3, 2019

Huawei's An Asset All Right--But It's Not Our Asset

Huawei's An Asset All Right--But It's Not Our AssetPJMedia: The Rosett Report Technology can be a beautiful thing. But in the matter of who wields it, it can be vital to distinguish friend from foe. The late historian Samuel Eliot Morison, in his classic 15-volume naval history of World War II, bequeathed us a "grimly humorous" anecdote from the aftermath of the 1942 Doolittle Raid on Japan -- in which, in order to surprise Japan with a retaliatory bombing less than five months after Pearl Harbor, two U.S. aircraft carriers, the Hornet and the Enterprise, sailed much closer to Japanese waters than Tokyo was expecting. After U.S. bombers took off from the deck of the Hornet, the carriers turned for home. They were sighted by a crew member of a Japanese patrol ship, who -- mistaking them for Japanese aircraft carriers -- went below deck to rouse his sleeping skipper, telling him to come look at "our beautiful carriers."
- Friday, May 24, 2019

Trump Should Counter North Korea's $2 Million Bill for Otto Warmbier with an Invoice from the American People

Trump Should Counter North Korea's $2 Million Bill for Otto Warmbier with an Invoice from the American PeopleAre there any limits to the greed, audacity and multivalent evils of North Korea's Kim regime? It now appears that having monstrously abused and mortally injured a visiting American college student, Otto Warmbier, Kim Jong-un's regime then handed the U.S. a bill for Otto's medical care -- as a condition of releasing him, in a vegetative state, to be flown home to die.
- Saturday, April 27, 2019

Trump, Kim and the Death of Otto Warmbier

Trump, Kim and the Death of Otto WarmbierThe Rosett Report Even some of President Trump's habitually vociferous critics are right now inclined to agree that he did the right thing in walking away from the Hanoi summit with North Korean tyrant Kim Jong Un. In doing so, Trump defied not only Kim's duplicitous demands, but also the dire predictions from assorted American pundits and former policy makers that Trump would sell out his own country at this second meeting, whether by contenting himself with a nuclear-armed North Korea, endorsing a phony peace deal or generally giving away the store in self-interested pursuit of a Nobel Peace Price.
- Saturday, March 2, 2019

Timeline of the ISIS Bride

Timeline of the ISIS Bride, Hoda MuthanaPJMedia: The Rosett Report What are we to make of the ISIS bride who now wants to return to America? Hoda Muthana left her home in Alabama in 2014 to join the terrorist "caliphate" of ISIS in Syria. Now, reportedly thrice-married to ISIS terrorists, twice-widowed, and recently arrived with her 18-month-old son at a Kurdish-run refugee camp in northern Syria, she says she "deeply regrets" joining ISIS, and wants to come back to the United States.
- Sunday, February 24, 2019