
Move America Forward

Move America Forward, Supporting our troops and their missions in the war on terror

Most Recent Articles by Move America Forward:

MUST SEE: Troopathon Guest List Released

Our commitment is to support the troops on the ground, and no matter how long their mission goes on, we will continue to support them and hope that you will join us by making a donation today. With 33,000 troops risking their lives overseas for our sake, we will need to raise at least $300,000 to send these care packages to show them our gratitude and support.
- Monday, June 23, 2014

Marine Who Fought Back Taliban Ambush Up for Silver Star Award

One extremely brave and selfless Marine is up for a prestigeous award this week: the coveted Silver Star. According to USMilitaryMedals.com it is "Awarded for gallantry in action against an enemy of the United States...[who] distinguishes him or herself by extraordinary heroism."
- Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Obama administration to go forward with ‘Gitmo North’ on U.S. Soil

THOMSON, IL – The nation's largest grassroots pro-troop organization Move America Forward, expressed outrage today upon learning that the Obama Administration was moving forward with the purchase of a correctional facility in Thomson, Illinois previously marked by the Administration as the future housing of terrorist detainees from Guantanamo Bay.
- Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Attack show Obama as unprepared and perceived as weak says pro-troop group

Sacramento, Calif. – The pro-troop group Move America Forward, which supports American troops overseas and their missions in the war on terror, said that the disturbing protests and attacks on American installations and personnel in Egypt and Libya showed that the Obama administration was unprepared for possible attacks or plots related to the anniversary of 9/11 and is perceived as a weak Commander in Chief.
- Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Amazing 25-Year-Old Girl Delivers Hundreds of Care Packages to Afghanistan!

One of our most special and important guests of this year's Troopathon was not a big-name celebrity who everyone has heard of, but someone who is just as important to our troops as anyone else on our guest list. Her name is Lacey and even though she's just 25 years old, she has done some amazing things with MAF to help our troops in a direct way. Lacey is a civilian contractor and works out of air bases in Afghanistan and volunteers for Operation Care. She is one of the people that MAF and other pro-troop groups use to distribute our support packages to troops on the front lines. She joined us on Troopathon to tell her story.
- Thursday, July 19, 2012

Leftists openly admit they wished Cheney would die after he received new ticker

In a disgusting display of vitriolic hate, thousands of far-left commentators and their supporters have been filling the airwaves and the internet with hate messages, openly hoping and praying for the death of former Vice President Dick Cheney, after his risky but successful heart transplant surgery.
- Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Remembering A Lion for the Conservative Cause

imageAndrew Breitbart was our friend, our colleague, and our brother in supporting America’s troops. We are saddened beyond belief by the news of his untimely death last night. Our prayers and thoughts go out to his wife Susannah, his four children and his family. May he rest in peace with God.
- Friday, March 2, 2012

Pro-troop group says Obama Punishes Military Families with Health Care Costs

Sacramento, Calif. – The nation’s largest grassroots pro-troop advocacy organization, Move America Forward came out strongly against President Obama’s proposed military defense budget, which cuts billions of dollars of military spending, especially at the cost of military families in higher healthcare costs.
- Tuesday, February 28, 2012

President Obama again taking credit for following plan set forth by President Bush

Sacramento, Calif. - The nation’s largest Pro-Troop group admonished President Obama today for shameless political posturing from a president who refuses to acknowledge his faulty foreign policy pronouncements during his campaign for President, but now finds himself following the plan set forth by President George W. Bush
- Friday, October 21, 2011

Melanie Morgan speaks out about support for our troops

The 10th Anniversary of the 9/11 attacks has passed us now, and we hope you spent the day doing all you could to reflect on 9/11 and support our troops in the wars that followed and continued to this day.
- Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hanoi Jane Fonda lying again about aiding enemy

One of the reasons Move America Forward for formed in 2004 was to defend our troops in Iraq who were being unmercifully criticized by anti-military activists like Jane Fonda and Cindy Sheehan and left-wing politicians like Illinois Senator Dick Durbin, who compared American soldiers to Soviet gulag and Nazi concentration camp guards.
- Monday, July 18, 2011

Rush Limbaugh joins Troopathon for 4th year!

Great news everyone! We’ve just received confirmation that the most important radio personality in America, the legendary Rush Limbaugh, will return to Troopathon for a fourth year participating. Rush has been an extremely critical asset to every Troopathon we’ve held and we continue to count on his support to make Troopathon a success. Without Rush Limbaugh and his huge audience, we would be hard pressed to get the word out to as many people as we otherwise could!
- Tuesday, June 21, 2011


In the latest and most outrageous move, the Obama administration wants to cut pay and/or benefits for our troops and their families, even those deployed overseas fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, in order to reign in budgetary spending.
- Friday, May 27, 2011

Indiana Dem Says Running from Job is Like Serving in Afghanistan

In a display of outrageous arrogance, Indiana State Representative Dave Cheatham defended himself and fellow Indiana Democrats who fled to Illinois last month, just as Dems in Wisconsin had done before, to avoid having to vote for harsh spending cuts necessary for the state budget there. Cheatham said on video “I address the idea of showing up vs. not showing up...my wife teaches first grade, this past week one of the kids in her class his dad is getting sent to Afghanistan. And she said well you know your dad’s doing something that’s really good…so he’s leaving, to do something good. And one of the little girls in class..said it’s kind of like Mister Cheatham, he left to make our schools better. And when I heard that, that gave me a reason..”
- Wednesday, April 6, 2011

“President gave no clear answers to the American people”

Sacramento, Calif. - The pro-troop grassroots organization Move America Forward says that President Obama’s speech on Libya provided no tangible answers that the American people were waiting for. “We have been waiting for answers from the president, and tonight he talked a good game, as he usually does, but provided no clear answers to the American people.” said Danny Gonzalez, Director of Communications for the group.
- Tuesday, March 29, 2011

President Obama: “I’m done doing this!”

President Obama’s true feelings about supporting the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are revealed in journalist Bob Woodward’s newest book, “Obama’s Wars.” In it, Woodward details that when crafting America's strategy for a troop surge in Afghanistan, President Obama was concerned with pleasing his left-wing supporters, not achieving victory.
- Thursday, September 23, 2010

Obama disingenuous in taking credit for Iraq success

Sacramento, Calif. – Gold Star Mother and Move America Forward Spokesperson Debbie Lee, whose son Marc Alan Lee was the first US Navy SEAL to be killed in the war in Iraq, had this to say in response to President Barack Obama’s Oval Office speech on Iraq. Obama's 20 minute address was delivered last night to the 1.5 million heroes who served in Iraq, their families, and millions of Americans across the country, Move America Forward, the nation’s largest pro-troop organization, issued the following statement:
- Wednesday, September 1, 2010