
Rob Cunningham

Rob is a writer, filmmaker, small business owner, constitutional activist and blogger at RobCunninghamUSA.com. He’s co-founder of a leadership and training company with his wife, previously worked as a investment banker and mortgage industry consultant, flew as a Delta Air Lines pilot and served seven years in the USAF, including 33 combat missions during the 1991 Gulf War. He holds a degree in management information systems from the University of Georgia. You can follow him on Twitter @Rob_Cunningham.

Most Recent Articles by Rob Cunningham:

Out With the Old, In With the New

Out With the Old, In With the New50 years ago, in August of 1971, President Nixon removed America’s dollar from the Gold standard and linked it to Saudi Arabian oil, creating what’s called the “Petro-Dollar.” Saudi Arabia agreed to transact ALL of their global oil sales in US Dollars, thereby forcing all nations on earth that needed to buy Saudi oil to first purchase US dollars. In exchange, Nixon & Henry Kissinger promised our US Military would provide Saudi Arabia with complete, unlimited military protection to all their interests in the Middle East. This agreement has since generated a virtually unlimited global demand for US dollars from the US Federal Reserve. Our status as the “world reserve currency” was extended under this agreement.
- Sunday, August 29, 2021

Enormous Hope, Unchanging Vice

If one man stands clearly apart from the entire western world, alone in his unwillingness to utter the simple phrase "radical Islamic extremism", why on earth should Americans expect this same man to utter the simple phrase "personal responsibility" when facing racial issues; those not exclusively in our black communities, but within all American communities?
- Monday, January 26, 2015

Dear Rush, "I Hope He Stays!"

Dear Rush, I Hope He Stays
In the same spirit of love for America that compelled Rush Limbaugh to famously state, "I hope he fails!", my plea today is, "I hope he stays!" Driven by a love for America, I pray our blessed nation regains it strength. So, I hope Obama remains in Washington, DC, for many years after his term officially ends in 2016. Why?
- Thursday, November 6, 2014

Refreshing Our Independence

Not for Kings, Rulers or "cool" people, have millions of citizen-heroes been willing to sacrifice everything, but for cherished, well-defined, and time honored principles. Duty. Honor. Country. These are the ideas for which millions have and will serve, fight and die.
- Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The GOP Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

Republican Party elders have learned well from their political idol, Barack H. Obama. After observing the total lawlessness of President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder over the past five and half years, as both men ignored all checks and balances without consequence, ruling Republican elites have seen fit to adopt their strategy of overt lawlessness.
- Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Dave Brat's $1,000 Earthquake

Truth is one of the most powerful forces on earth. And perhaps the force most feared by compromised politicians.
- Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Reaching Beyond The Echo Chamber

With unrelenting determination, we should help fellow citizens understand why the concept of “one nation under God” is essential to preserving America. At an ever accelerating pace, we are tolerating one set of rules for “ordinary” citizens and a separate set of rules for “elite officials” intent on lording over the ordinary. If allowed to continue, these double standards will be the demise of our republic. America is based on a total rejection of the British caste system that respected heredity and rewarded royalty.
- Thursday, May 23, 2013

Dr. MLK, Jr. and Mr. 301.81 Cluster B

In recognition of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s, indelible contributions to America and the world, let us honor him this week with recognition and reverence of his most memorable admonition;
- Monday, January 21, 2013

Florida vs. Soros

George Soros, for those who may or may not be familiar with the name, is a bold advocate of communism and marxism, a convicted international felon, a world currency manipulator, an outspoken anti-American, one of the world's richest hedge fund billionaires that has gleefully invested untold millions of his personal wealth in support of Barack Obama, as well as dozens of other far left political organizations.
- Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mr. Beck, If I May?

imageGlenn, you have perhaps no bigger fan of your philosophy, nor a more eager consumer of your many books, broadcasts and events, than me. One of the more memorable events in my life was attending your Restoring Honor rally in Washington, D.C., and sharing breakfast with you, several hundred supporters and Gov. Sarah Palin, in support of the Special Operations Warrior Fund. Never will I forget hearing you announce, "Ladies and gentleman, security just notified me that we should all go soon, because the crowd is already filled beyond the reflecting pool." Thank you for the greatness of your vision and the amazing courage of your convictions. The emotional turmoil and political strife swirling throughout our beloved country only grows in intensity by the day. The significance of 2012's monumental election is creating an ever growing wedge between my political reasoning and yours. Our political divergence is something I - and my instincts tell me - millions of your God fearing, patriotic devotees are struggling with as well. Given this assumption, my personal request is simply this: Seek first to understand. Disagree with vigor, but please respect the intelligence, reasoning and conclusions of millions that disagree with you, without caustic sarcasm, demeaning ridicule or elitist derision. The spirit you exemplified on stage during your Restoring Honor rally is not being modeled in the heat of this debate.
- Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Committing Romneycide

As a perfect electoral storm for constitutional and fiscal conservatives rapidly approaches, GOP establishmentarians are hell bent on prioritizing their commitment to abstract "moderatism" above a clear opportunity to achieve landslide, conservative political victories in 2012.
- Thursday, October 13, 2011

Modern GOP Mythology

(ALPHARETTA, GA) - Many establishment Republicans were fired in 2008, with McCain/Palin enduring that year's highest profile loss. Democrats achieved a "default" victory based on high levels of dissatisfaction with President Bush, an economic crisis and war fatigue. The 2008 election results were in no manner a glowing endorsement of liberalism, much less a public mandate to radically pervert America's fundamental structure.
- Friday, September 16, 2011

How long will we allow the lies & destruction to continue before we take a stand?

My friends, I have one question: Is the WH intentionally distracting the public with orchestrated "slow leaks" concerning Obama's fraudulent/unknown past, his 100% verifiably fraudulent "birth certificate" and his clear ineligibility to hold office for this single purpose: to simply divert the public's attention from his greater goal of destroying Israel, supporting the rapidly unfolding Middle East Caliphate (Arab Spring) and the purposeful, intentional bankruptcy of America?
- Friday, May 20, 2011

Of Tea & Hate

Quoting from Ed Morrissey at HotAir.com;
"The (Democrat) party’s bloodied moderates Wednesday released two years of pent-up anger at a party leadership they viewed as blind to their needs and deaf to the messages of voters who never asked for President Barack Obama’sambitious first-term agenda. Liberals pushed back hard: The problem, they say, was those undisciplined moderates, who won delays, unsightly compromises and a muddled message from a too-accommodating administration. Yet a third group of Democratic politicians and operatives blamed not policy but a failed sales job for the party’s woes. One thing all sides agree on: The White House blew it."
- Friday, November 5, 2010