
Warner Todd Huston

Warner Todd Huston's thoughtful commentary, sometimes irreverent often historically based, is featured on many websites such as Breitbart.com, among many, many others. He has also written for several history magazines, has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows.

He is also the owner and operator of Publius' Forum.

Most Recent Articles by Warner Todd Huston:

Somali Muslim Immigrants Stealing MILLIONS in Welfare from Minnesota

Somali Muslim Immigrants Stealing MILLIONS in Welfare from Minnesota They came to the U.S. as supposed “refugees,” but now it has been discovered that a number of Somali immigrants are stealing hundreds of millions in American welfare money that they are literally shipping back to Africa stuffed in suitcases. Worse, the cash is going to fund the various Islamist terror armies there.
- Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Obama ‘Library’ Is Anything But, Violates Federal Monument Rules

Obama ‘Library’ Is Anything But, Violates Federal Monument Rules Because it isn’t a library, it is destroying national parks that by law were supposed to remain untouched, was based on lies even to the local African American community, and has been approved through typical Chicago corruption. Sounds like Obama, doesn’t it?
- Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Charlie Hebdo: A Perfect Example of Why Liberals Should be Hated

Ed Morrissey reminded me today that I wanted to say something about this foolish cave in to Islam perpetrated by the Charlie Hebdo magazine folks. And the long and short of it is that the people running this magazine are proof that modern liberalism is venal, ignorant, stupid, and evil and should be eschewed by any logical, caring, thinking person.
- Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Obama’s Answer to Terrorism Against Our Troops: Have Them Remove Their Uniforms

On the heels of a terrorist attack on two military recruiting offices in Tennessee by a Muslim immigrant, the Obama administration announced a policy change to help prevent future attacks. Was it to finally arm our soldiers? Nope. It was to have them take off their uniforms. No really! According to the Military Times, Obama’s weak-kneed Defense Secretary Ash Cater approved the decree that recruiters should take off their uniforms while performing their recruitment duties from now on.
- Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Gun Banning Group Proposes Gov't Use its Gun Buying 'Power' To End Run the Constitution

On Friday a group of left-wing "ministers" in some little-known "social justice" organization was given the platform of The New York Times to flog their ideas on how to ban guns. Their idea was to use the "buying power" the US government ostensibly has to force gun manufacturers to toe the gun banning line or face a reduction in federal guns and ammo purchases. Essentially, these purported ministers want to use the federal government's buying status as a way to make an end run around the courts and the Constitution. For the Metro Industrial Areas Foundation--a group that claims its goal is to "build power for social change"--authors the Rev. David K. Brawley, the Rev. Otis Moss III, the Rev. David Benke and Rabbi Joel Mosbacher had a novel if insidious idea on how to beat the courts, the Constitution, and force their ideas about guns on the country in a totally unaccountable manner.
- Sunday, July 19, 2015

Liberal Liars, Mass Shootings, And Making Excuses for Muslim Terror

A Twitter user named Kevin Schaffner found the absolute perfect example of how the left lies about Americans while at the same time making excuses for Muslim terrorism. His example lies in two headlines from the ultra left-wing website Salon.com, one saying how all white people must answer for the shooting at the church in Charleston and a second saying that no Muslim needs to answer for the Boston marathon bombing. Schaffner was apparently driven to look for examples of Salon’s hypocrisy after the website’s June 19 piece garishly entitled “Charleston church massacre: The violence white America must answer for.”
- Saturday, June 20, 2015

OUTRAGE: Teachers Union Caught Using Tax Dollars to Fund Tax Hike Campaign

This is one of my preeminent examples of why there should never, ever be such a thing as a union for a government employee–ANY government employee. A teachers union in Colorado has been caught red handed using tax money to fund a campaign to urge lawmakers to raise taxes. This is the single best reason to be rid of government employee unions. The fact is, they are entirely un-democratic and blatantly un-American.
- Thursday, June 11, 2015

‘New York Times’ Attacking Marco Rubio’s Wife for Traffic Tickets

Liberals love to say that family members of their candidates should be "off limits" for attacks in an election. Despite this claim, The New York Times set its sights on Florida Senator and GOP candidate for President Marco Rubio and his wife because they have a few traffic infractions.
- Saturday, June 6, 2015

Another Obama Agency Says Conservatives More Dangerous Than Islamic Terrorists

Yet again President Obama and that coterie of anti-American cretins he calls his administration deems conservatives to be more dangerous and worth "watching" than Islamic terrorists. The newest attack on Americans unleashed by Obama is the announcement that the politicized Department of "Justice" is now investigating "far-right" activity on Twitter and other social media.
- Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Democrats Tweet Us Another Reason to Loathe Them on Memorial Day

Democrats really know how to celebrate Memorial Day, don’t they? We get another prime example of the hate Democrats have for America with the Party’s Tweet featuring Barack Obama eating ice cream in front of a gaggle of adoring “reporters.”
- Monday, May 25, 2015

Obama Claims Anti-Semitic Iranians are Just Being ‘Rational’

Obama has now decided that being a wild-eyed hater of Jews is a “rational” action and that the Iranian’s hate for Jews doesn’t make them bad people. How can Jews still support Obama? In discussing his foreign policy ideas concerning Iran getting a nuke, Obama once again had harsher things to say about Israel than he does about Iran despite that Iran has actually helped kill thousands of American soldiers.
- Friday, May 22, 2015

You Can Now Be Fired for Posting a Cartoon Gun Emoji on Twitter

In an idiotic act of PCism run amuck, The Houston Rockets NBA team has fired its social media director because he dared to posted two emoticons (or emojis) of a horse being shot by a gun after the Dallas Mavericks lost to the Rockets on Wednesday. The media guy's bosses said that the gun emoji "wasn't appropriate" and so fired him over it.
- Friday, May 1, 2015

Calling a 5-Yr-Old ‘Transgender’ Is Child Abuse

A school in Maine got in hot water last week for feeding 5,6,and 7 year olds a "lesson" on being transgendered. But can a 5-year-old even be a "transgendered" kid? No. And to impress on them to think so is child abuse.
- Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Army 'Diversity Training' Badgers Soldiers About 'White Privilege'

Hey, you evil white solders, don't you know that you are bad people? Well, that was the message that the US Army had with its "diversity training" session, anyway. Apparently Obama is trying to gut our military in every way possible, not just with the budget.
- Tuesday, April 7, 2015