
Marc Morano

Mr. Morano is the former communications director for the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee and former advisor and speechwriter for Sen.James Inhofe. Morano's Climate Deportis a special project of CFACT.org

Most Recent Articles by Marc Morano:

‘Lab-grown meat’ harvested in ‘massive steel vats’ edges closer to fed approval & U.S. dinner plates – As EU approves human consumption of worms & cri

The Great Food ResetClimate Depot's Marc Morano: "You Will Eat lab-grown 'meat' and bugs -- and Be Happy. Or so the forces of the Great Food Reset believe. Bill Gates is gobbling up U.S. farmland (now the single largest owner) and the World Economic Forum pushes eating bugs, and the U.S. FDA and USDA edge closer to approving lab-grown 'meat' -- Bon appetite?!
- Thursday, January 26, 2023

UN: Putin a Climate Hero?! UN Weather chief: ‘From climate perspective, the war in Ukraine may be seen as a blessing’

UN: Putin a Climate Hero?! UN Weather chief: ‘From climate perspective, the war in Ukraine may be seen as a blessing’AP: The head of the U.N. weather agency says the war in Ukraine “may be seen as a blessing” from a climate perspective because it is accelerating the development of and investment in green energies over the longer term — even though fossil fuels are being used at a time of high demand now. ... Petteri Taalas, secretary-general of the UN's World Meteorological Organization: “From the five- to 10-year timescale, it’s clear that this war in Ukraine will speed up our consumption of fossil energy, and it’s speeding up this green transition." “So we are going to invest much more in renewable energy, energy-saving solutions...“So from climate perspective, the war in Ukraine may be seen as a blessing,” Taalas added.
- Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Collapse of energy, food, & transportation systems prompt calls for government nationalization of industries

Collapse of energy, food, & transportation systems prompt calls for government nationalization of industriesMorano: The modus operandi of the Great Reset (AKA Build Back Better) is to intentionally collapse the current system with policies designed to create a crisis, havoc, and shortages. ... Once the inevitable societal chaos ensues, a huge coordinated push to promote nationalization or government takeover of the impacted industries ensues. It is always claimed that the "free market" failed, and now only government can come in and clean up the mess. The advocates of nationalization usually bill it as a "temporary" nationalization of the industries, much like "15 days to slow the spread" or "2 weeks to flatten the curve" were billed as temporary measures. ...
- Thursday, September 22, 2022

Morano on TV explains how climate agenda is pushing ‘the end of private car ownership’ & end of meat-eating

Morano on TV explains how climate agenda is pushing ‘the end of private car ownership’ & end of meat-eatingMorano on Buttigieg floating ‘monthly transportation payment’ that ‘covers everything’ to replace monthly car payments: "What Buttigieg is actually up to with this monthly transportation payment that covers everything instead of a car payment -- to replace your car payment -- it is part of the plan...you're going to be funding the end of not just the internal combustion engine but the end of private car ownership, which literally, group after group and the climate agenda is saying has to come to an end. Private car ownership has been called 20th-century outdated thinking. 
- Thursday, April 28, 2022

International Energy Agency report urges ENERGY LOCKDOWNS:

International Energy Agency report urges ENERGY LOCKDOWNS:IEA report 'A 10-Point Plan to Cut Oil Use' excerpts: "Reducing highway speed limits by about 6 miles per hour; more working from home; street changes to encourage walking and cycling; car-free Sundays in cities and restrictions on other days; cutting transit fares; policies that encourage more carpooling; cutting business air travel; and more." ... "Governments have all the necessary tools at their disposal to put oil demand into decline in the coming years, which would support efforts to both strengthen energy security and achieve vital climate goals." ...
- Saturday, March 19, 2022

The Great Reset: WHO declares ‘We cannot go back to the way things were’

The Great Reset: WHO declares ‘We cannot go back to the way things were’WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus during a news conference from the agency's Geneva headquarters: "In particular, the Covid-19 pandemic has given new impetus to the need to accelerate efforts to respond to climate change. The Covid-19 pandemic has given us a glimpse of our world as it could be: cleaner skies and rivers." Marc Morano comments: "You were warned, COVID & Climate - A marriage made in authoritarianism. The morphing of the public health bureaucracy and the climate establishment is at hand. Nothing good can come from this arranged marriage."
- Monday, August 24, 2020

Calls to add ‘climate change’ to death certificates – New study demands ‘climate change’ be added as ‘pre-existing condition’

‘Adding climate change’ to death certificatesProfessors in academia are touting a new study that is being used to call for “climate change” to be added as a cause of death on death certificates. “Climate change is a killer, but we don’t acknowledge it on death certificates,” co-author Dr. Arnagretta Hunter, from The Australian National University (ANU) Medical School, said. The study was published May 20, 2020 in The Lancet Planetary Health.

- Friday, May 22, 2020

Watch: Morano testifies at Congressional Hearing On The Green New Deal as AOC Backs Out

Watch: Morano testifies at Congressional Hearing On The Green New Deal as AOC Backs OutMorano, on the other hand, believes that the increased focus on the Green New Deal “has shifted the Democratic Party into serious, unscientific, nutty territory.” As a result, he continued, “The greatest danger we face right now with the Green New Deal… is very simply the Republican Party coming up with the Green New Deal-lite.” “We need to oppose it and oppose it firmly,” Morano said. “We don’t need to come up with the lite version of the plan.”
- Thursday, February 28, 2019