
Grace-Marie Turner

Grace-Marie Turner is president of the Galen Institute, a nonprofit research organization focusing on patient-centered health reform.

Readers may write her at Galen, 128 So. Royal St., Alexandria, VA 22314 or e-mail her at gracemarie@galen.org

Most Recent Articles by Grace-Marie Turner:

Americans are in no mood for another health care upheaval

Americans are in no mood for another health care upheavalPAEONIAN SPRINGS, Virginia — Conservatives and progressives agree that everyone should be able to get health insurance and have access to quality health care. But the divide over how to accomplish that goal is wide and deep.
- Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Let ObamaCare expire; there will be few mourners

ALEXANDRIA, Virginia — President Trump tweeted in mid-July: “As I have always said, let ObamaCare fail and then come together and do a great healthcare plan. Stay tuned!”
- Sunday, July 30, 2017

Putting bandages on a dying program won’t help, we need to start anew

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — After embracing ObamaCare, Hillary Clinton surely must be hoping that health reform stays in the background in the presidential campaign, even as events blast it into the headlines. Costs for individual ObamaCare policies are expected to be 24 percent higher next year. Voters will see for themselves the huge premium spikes when open enrollment starts—just a week before election day.
- Friday, September 23, 2016

Supremes should declare ObamaCare unconstitutional

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — ObamaCare is unconstitutional down to its very DNA. The U.S. Supreme Court can save itself and the country years of litigation by striking down the entire law when it issues its decision this summer.
- Tuesday, March 27, 2012

ObamaCare’s latest assault on freedom

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — The Catholic Church has unleashed a firestorm of opposition to the Obama Administration’s announcement last month that it will require religious-affiliated organizations to provide coverage by next year for contraception — including controversial drugs that can abort an early pregnancy.
- Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Congress must act quickly to halt this power grab by unelected technocrats

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — There is no question that Medicare must be improved to provide better health benefits to seniors at lower costs. But Congress is abdicating its constitutional responsibility by giving a panel of 15 unelected technocrats the power to cut Medicare spending and make decisions which will only result in rationing of care.
- Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Op-Ed on Generic Drugs

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — The whole point of providing a prescription drug benefit in any health plan is to make sure that patients have access to the right medicines to treat their specific illnesses. Why, then, would some analysts recommend that state officials limit the prescription drugs available through Medicaid just to generic drugs when evidence shows those may not be the right drugs for individual patients?
- Monday, April 25, 2011

Slicing and Dicing ObamaCare

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — The American people consistently have said they fear government control over their healthcare choices. And the more they learn about ObamaCare, the more they realize their fears are justified.
- Monday, January 3, 2011