
Jim ONeill

Born June 4, 1951 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Served in the U.S. Navy from 1970-1974 in both UDT-21 (Underwater Demolition Team) and SEAL Team Two. Worked as a commercial diver in the waters off of Scotland, India, and the United States. Worked overseas in the Merchant Marines. While attending the University of South Florida as a journalism student in 1998 was presented with the “Carol Burnett/University of Hawaii AEJMC Research in Journalism Ethics Award,” 1st place undergraduate division. (The annual contest was set up by Carol Burnett with money she won from successfully suing a national newspaper for libel). Awarded US Army, US Navy, South African, and Russian jump wings. Graduate of NOLS (National Outdoor Leadership School, 1970). Member of Mensa, China Post #1, and lifetime member of the NRA and UDT/SEAL Association.

Most Recent Articles by Jim ONeill:

Remember, Remember, the 3rd of November

Remember, remember, the 3rd of November
Remember, remember, the 3rd of November, Betrayal, treason, and plot. I see no reason Why backstabbing treason Should ever be forgot. -- (Apologies to Guy Fawkes)
Move over December 7, 1941, there's another date that will live in infamy – November 3rd, 2020 -- the date that the United States government was overthrown in a well-planned, devious, and successful coup, carried out by both foreign governments and quisling traitors.  You know it, and I know it…hell, the world knows it.
- Monday, November 7, 2022

Deja Vu All Over Again…Dammit!

Deja Vu All Over Again…Dammit!Make no mistake, We the People are fighting the same enemy that Churchill and the Allies fought during WWII – different guises, different players, different scenarios and angles – but the same damn psychotic vicious enemy.  I am talking about totalitarian Fascist/Socialist tyranny.  Fascist eugenics, Fascist anti-Semitism, Fascist propaganda, Fascist deceit, Fascist "brown shirt" thugs (disguised as anti-Fascists).
- Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Has the Medical Establishment Done Itself Irreparable Harm?

Has the Medical Establishment Done Itself Irreparable Harm? To answer the question posed in my title, I would say that the answer is definitely yes.  The medical field has shot itself in the foot to a crippling extent. If stories of the medical establishment’s greed, corruption, and malfeasance turn out to be even partially true, and tales of their purported collusion with Big Pharma gain traction, then individual doctors and nurses, and the field as a whole, are sure to suffer severe blowback.  Medical practice as we have known it will in all probability die of self-inflicted wounds.
- Friday, January 14, 2022

Bereavement Announcement for the Passing of James E Barnes

Bereavement Announcement for the Passing of James E BarnesPrayers said for a wonderful warrior. I rode back and forth to many UDT/SEAL Assoc. meetings in Tampa with Jim Barnes.  What a gentleman!  I pray that he is at long last reunited with his beloved wife Hazel, who passed away years ago.  Jim P.S. I believe that the bio immediately below was written by Jim's friend Rick Green, a platoon-mate of mine in SEAL Team 2.  Rick and I rented a house in Chania, Crete when we were stationed there in '73-'74.
- Thursday, January 13, 2022

Monolithic Monopoly?

Monolithic Monopoly, The Vanguard Group Inc., Blackrock Inc., State Street CorporationPresident Trump appears to be unhappy with the pharmaceutical company Pfizer. Fair enough.  An obvious question I asked myself was, "Who controls Pfizer?" I searched for the top shareholders of Pfizer with my browser, and found that the top three shareholders in Pfizer are: The Vanguard Group Inc., Blackrock Inc., and State Street Corporation.
- Monday, August 30, 2021

Doing Due Diligence

Doing Due DiligenceI believe that it is time for us to brush up on our knowledge regarding Klaus Schwab and transhumanism…the sooner the better.  Drat, first sentence in my new article and I'm already off topic.  This article is not about either Schwab or transhumanism – although both are well worth researching.  This article is about the infamous Jab.
- Sunday, August 1, 2021

Time to Wake Up

Time to Wake Up"There is a tide in the affairs of men.
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures." -- William Shakespeare Julius Caesar, Act 4, Scene 3 I feel like telling Trump and the military, "How about we move things along lads, any frigging time you feel ready!"  I’m getting a bit antsy you understand. Watching my country die the “death by a thousand cuts” has that effect on me. “Trust the plan” you say? Fine, but throw us the occasional bone to gnaw on dammit – a real, tangible, 3D technicolor “bone.”
- Wednesday, March 10, 2021

A Message for the U.S. Military

A Message for the U.S. Military
I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God. -- United States Uniformed Services Oath of Office
I have a question for our military: Did you not take an oath, a solemn oath, to “support and defend” the United States Constitution “against all enemies, foreign and domestic?” And is it not your DUTY to protect and defend the American republic and its citizens?
- Monday, January 25, 2021

Hold fast, stay strong

We are the storm, Hold fast, stay strongNegativity, fear, and defeatism helps no one but the enemy. Hold fast, stay strong. Like Daniel in the lion's den, stand firm in faith. "Walk as children of light," righteous and courageous. We the People are God's warriors, having donned the armor of God we stand. We stand humble yet fearless before our Creator, and committed to our beloved country. We are the storm.
- Monday, January 18, 2021

A Thirsty Tree

A Thirsty Tree
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." -- Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States, author of the Declaration of Independence
As I write this, We the People have stormed the US Capitol building and are inside it. The lame stream media is reacting with a pearl clutching swoon, and spineless Republican leaders are claiming “This is not who we are.”
- Thursday, January 7, 2021

It's Not Just the Steal

It's Not Just the Steal, election,
There is a growing, gnawing, seething cold anger among Real Americans, towards the pure evil we've watched steal from the citizenry & usurp power by the hand of Lucifer himself, the driving force behind the darkness in their hearts.  
I received the above comment in an email sent to me today by a longtime friend.  I believe that her cold fury speaks for many – myself included.  It is a fury that the "powers that be" ignore at their peril.
- Monday, December 14, 2020

Is Violent Revolution Inevitable?

Is Violent Revolution Inevitable?
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." -- John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) 35th President of the United States, “Alliance for Progress,” March 13, 1962
Well, you can’t say we didn’t try…going the peaceful revolution route I mean. We the People gave President Trump a historic landslide victory this past election, and thereby cemented our preference for peaceful revolution. President Trump represented We the People more honestly and effectively than any politician before him, and we showed our appreciation.
- Monday, December 7, 2020

Play Time is Over

Play Time is Over
If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves. -- Sir Winston Churchill It is our life.  It is our country.  This is the time in our country's history where if we don't get this right our country is done.  It will be over.   -- Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn
- Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Time to Fish or Cut Bait President Trump

Time to Fish or Cut Bait President Trump,
We're not going anywhere. We're not retreating. We're not hiding. We're not pulling into our conservative shell like some right-wing tortoise. This is our country. We built it. We feed it. We fuel it. We defend it. And we're not giving away any of it or ceding a single inch to a bunch of corrupt incompetents with delusions of dictatorship.
- Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The Captain is Still on the Bridge

The Captain is Still on the Bridge
  1. Remember that we are fighting a spiritual battle, not a human conflict.
  2. Demons claim victory and rights when they have no such things.
  3. Do NOT get demoralized, for despair is the devil's most potent weapon.
  4. Keep the focus on God.
-- Father Chad Ripperger "Leading Catholic Exorcist Sees Signs of Demonic Oppression and Possession in Unhinged American Left" The captain is on the bridge. God is still in business. All that you have to do is to realize the Presence of God where trouble seems to be, to do your nearest duty to the very best of your ability; and to keep an even mind until the storm is over. -- Emmet Fox (1886-1951) "Around the Year with Emmet Fox" Paul's advice in the New Testament is as relevant today as it has ever been.  He advises us to put on the "full armor of God": the Belt of Truth, the Breastplate of Righteousness, the Sandals of Peace, the Shield of Faith, the Helmet of Salvation, and the Sword of Spirit.
- Thursday, November 19, 2020

Rough Seas Indeed

Rough Seas Indeed
I believe we're at a key decision point in American history.  And, make no mistake: This is about America – not the president or any elected leaders. This is about whether or not we as Americans are willing to look the other way while a system of elite leftwing corruption undermines our Democracy. -- Newt Gingrich "It's Time for Us To Get Mad"
Let me set something straight right from the start.  No way do I believe that America just had (is having) an election.  What we are witnessing is an attempted coup by an elite globalist/fascist/communist cabal, aided and abetted by their idiot minions.  
- Monday, November 9, 2020

Prepare for Heavy Seas

Prepare for Heavy SeasI felt heartsick as I watched the wretched globalists stealing the election yesterday…as they gleefully rang the death knell for the American Republic. It doesn’t matter what we do, I told myself, they will cheat and worm their way to a victory – a victory over freedom, a victory over my beloved America. I was definitely down in the dumps, and barely watching the TV, when President Trump, at a bit after 3:00 this morning, addressed the nation from the White House and called the cheats out, and told them (politely) to go screw themselves, the election was over, and he had won!
- Friday, November 6, 2020

The Red, White, and Blue Counterculture Revolution

The Red, White, and Blue Counterculture Revolution"You've seen the boat parades. Well, I've been to six. And I've been to three tractor parades. And I've been to a golf cart parade. And now, there's communities all over the state…every single night," this source said. "And I can't even keep up with them. I mean, every single night. It is absolutely unreal." This source said: "We've never seen this kind of real organic, grassroots energy. We haven't seen it. I've never seen anything like it." -- Katherine DoyleTractor Parades and Grassroots Intensity
- Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Are We Worthy of America?

Are We Worthy of America?Trump…will be unleashing hell on these people.  Anyone who has seen him operate knows.   This is his time.   This is how the beginning of the end of the swamp, or should I say the sewer, begins.   This is the kind of chaos these smartest people in the world, ever, haven't seen before.   Algorithms will not help them.   Censorship will not help them.  It will be a rushing mighty wind, coming to destroy all those who didn't understand that their corruption could be turned on them. -- David Prentice "This Is How the Left's Power Structure Collapses"
- Saturday, October 24, 2020