
May, 2022

Things To Do List—Before America is Totally Lost

Things To Do List--Before America is Totally LostTurn back to God, by the thousands--it’s called a revival. It has happened five times already in America. it can happen one more time. Start praying by the thousands--then stand back and see what God can do. Praying for our nation is God’s idea not ours. Stop thinking you are smarter than God. Since we are seeing death, perversion, drug use, open borders, school shootings, and general mayhem constantly increasing in our nation, it is obvious that we are not even smarter than God’s enemy--the Devil.
By Rev. Michael Bresciani - Tuesday, May 31, 2022 - Full Story

Questioning Computer Climate Models

Climate change prophecy hangs its hat on computer climate models. The models have gigantic problems. According to Kevin Trenberth, once in charge of modeling at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, "None of the models correspond even remotely to the current observed climate of the Earth." The models can't properly model the Earth's climate, but we are supposed to believe that, if carbon dioxide has a certain effect on the imaginary earths of the many models it will have the same effect on the real earth. 1
By Jack Dini - Tuesday, May 31, 2022 - Full Story

Canada risks European-like energy crisis if similar policies continue to be pursued

VANCOUVER—Europe’s current energy crisis should serve as a cautionary tale for Canada as the federal government is pursuing the same set of policies that has led to skyrocketing energy prices in Europe, finds a new study by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank. “The current energy crisis in Europe predates Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and is largely the result of self-inflicted wounds brought about by unsound energy policies—policies that the Canadian federal government is also pursuing, which could lead to similarly disastrous results in Canada,” said Robert P. Murphy, a senior fellow with the Fraser Institute and co-author of Can Canada Avoid Europe’s Energy Crisis?
By Fraser Institute - Tuesday, May 31, 2022 - Full Story

An open letter to the President

May 26, 2022 Jim Ross Lightfoot Dear Mr. President. I write to you today with a broken heart. As you well know, 19 children and two teachers were gunned down by a mentally ill teenager in an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. When you gave a public message of condolence to the parents and families of these murdered young people, I thought you started your comments on the correct note. You were going to be the leader the President of the United States is expected to be. I expected that you would say kind words to soothe our broken hearts and bring all Americans together to understand what a tragedy this mass murder of innocent children and teachers is for all Americans.
By Jim Ross Lightfoot - Monday, May 30, 2022 - Full Story

UN & PLO rejection of Trump Peace Plan caused Akleh’s death

UN & PLO rejection of Trump Peace Plan caused Akleh’s deathThe media missed their mark this week when blaming an Israeli soldier for allegedly firing the bullet that tragically killed Palestinian Arab journalist Shireen Abu Akleh--rather than investigating why that bullet should ever have been fired at all. The United Nations (UN) and the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) jointly share the blame for Akleh’s death –having allowed the security situation in Judea and Samaria (West Bank) and Gaza to progressively worsen by doing nothing to procure the commencement of negotiations between Israel and the PLO on former US President Donald Trump’s Peace Plan released on January 28, 2020 (see image following).
By News on the Net - Monday, May 30, 2022 - Full Story


POLICE FACING TOUGHEST CHALLENGE IN HISTORYIn our politically correct society today, it is not easy being a police officer. In the aftermath of the death of George Floyd, leftist politicians started a nationwide movement to defund police departments. This led to a massive decline in police departments as officers either resigned or retired. Sadly, the result was very predictable as violent crime rates soared across the country. Not only are average citizens being victimized more than ever, but police officers are being targeted in greater numbers. According to Michael Letts of In-Vest USA, police officers are facing “On average…more than 60,000 assaults against law enforcement officers each year, resulting in 17,500 injuries and an average of one death every 55 hours or 158 per year.”
By Jeff Crouere - Monday, May 30, 2022 - Full Story

Please Cancel My Subscription To Marxism

Please Cancel My Subscription To MarxismDear President Biden (or whoever you are in the shadow government pulling his strings): I first have to admit, just so you know, I did not want another subscription to Marxism, progressivism, socialism, communism, or anything else you clowns have on your minds to try to  control me.  Part of the reason is that you gave us an eight-year long trial subscription of communism light with America’s first Muslim (in his own words) President Barack Obama.  This, of course, was the reason I didn’t want a new subscription from you; the Obama version was highly unsatisfactory.   Allow me to be specific as to why I want my subscription cancelled.  First, I’ll discuss your favorite catch phrase; “Build back better.”
By Steve Rossiter - Monday, May 30, 2022 - Full Story

Memorial Day: To remember those who died that freedom would survive

Memorial Day: To remember those who died that freedom would surviveMemorial Day used to be celebrated throughout the United States as a holiday most Americans took advantage of by maximizing the three-day holiday through traveling (if they could afford it) or by simply relaxing in gatherings of family and friends in backyard barbecues or events held locally. The central focus was on spending precious time together with those who matter most. Unfortunately, after the tragedies on September 11, 2001, Memorial Day took on a whole new meaning for many Americans, especially those who lost loved ones in the terrorist attacks on American soil. That day continues to be a demarcation point from which many other events are measured in the “post 9/11 world.” In the aftermath of the horror, the ashes from destroyed and broken lives were strewn throughout the nation. The memories of such devastation left permanent scars.
By Dennis Jamison - Monday, May 30, 2022 - Full Story

Sakrete Days

Sakrete DaysIt’s a great ad. The old duffer out there in his coveralls looks like he’s confused about how much gravel and how much cement to put into each batch of concrete he’s making. Then he adds too much water and has to add some more sand and gravel and a little cement to get it to come out right and oh, gosh! This is hard! What a mess! In the second frame the old duffer is smiling and in control. He only has to dump a bag of Sakrete in his wheelbarrow, add water, and presto! It’s the perfect mix. Ahh! He even has a proper tie on now, along with his suit. No muss, no fuss! Duffers everywhere love Sakrete!
By Dr. Bruce Smith - Monday, May 30, 2022 - Full Story

The Marxist Boat

The Marxist BoatSocial activists in this country are not familiar with the sordid history of Marxism but are nevertheless brainwashed and absurdly convinced in their ignorance that communism is the best answer to their imagined problems and their failures of personal responsibility. Ardent Marxists and accidental social activist travelers are convinced by Marxist academics and seasoned NGO lobbyists that they must replace with socialism the western “rotting” capitalism that enabled so many in this country to live the most prosperous lives in modern times. There is a reason morality and Christianity have fallen so low in the west. The new Marxists take to heart and believe Marx’s pamphlet entitled The Communist Manifesto. They are convinced that “communism establishes eternal truths,” while promising “to abolish all religion and all morality.”
By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh - Monday, May 30, 2022 - Full Story

Young Generations, Hopeless Marxists

Young Generations, Hopeless Marxists,A famous acquaintance told me that our country is run and controlled by technocracy, control by those who own technology. Technological corporatism is enabling government control around the world, led by the U.N. and NGOs endowed by woke corporatists and member countries. The west is controlled by globalist Marxism, more powerful than the former Soviet style Marxism. It is a 21st century technocratic Marxism on steroids with the addition of a powerful technocracy that did not exist in the former Iron Curtain countries. The former Soviet Marxists had to employ an army of informants who spied on their neighbors and their families.
By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh - Saturday, May 28, 2022 - Full Story

The Simple And Safe Answer For School Safety

Of course, it involves the "M Word". Just before I once again turned off Hugh Hewitt this morning, he said that Red Flag laws carefully drawn and hardening schools would solve the school gun shooting problem. The cost for two highly trained officers in each school in the US would cost about $45,000,000,000.00 a year. And, carefully drawn Red Flag laws wouldn't jeopardize gun ownership. Of course Hewitt is a typical middle of the road Republican claiming to be a Conservative, only concerned with real liberty as a concept. 
By Joel Goodman - Saturday, May 28, 2022 - Full Story

Life and Liberty Amidst the Culture of Death

On the threshold of Memorial Day the nation is in mourning over the Uvalde, Texas school tragedy – at least in some non-political realms there is genuine mourning. Within the political realms there is posturing and pointing of fingers for political capital. That in itself is tragic – that the “leaders” of the country would use the horrific and insane actions of a deranged individual to bolster their own advancement or their political agendas. The ugly murders of the children and the teachers at Robb Elementry School in Uvalde, Texas is just the latest tragedy to wrench people’s hearts all across the nation. But, as regular people attempt to grapple to understand this tragedy and not just become overwhelmed with emotion, or seek sly political spins for self-centered motives, intelligent people must also look at a much bigger context in which events such as these unfold.
By Dennis Jamison - Saturday, May 28, 2022 - Full Story

You Reap What You Sow

Galatians 6:7 tells us that we will reap what we sow. The American Marxist community doesn’t seem to understand that from either an agricultural or human behavioral standpoint. Boss Biden’s Marxist Democrat administration has sowed lawlessness as illustrated by the lawlessness on the southern border. That lawlessness is further illustrated by Marxist Democrat states and cities failing to prosecute theft of property and shoplifting. They are surprised that the lawless keep testing and expanding lawless activities. They sowed lawlessness and they are reaping lawlessness. Lawless states and cities sowed chaos and riots in their cities, even to the extent of permitting murder. The Marxist Democrats fail to understand that chaos and riots only beget more chaos and riots. They sowed chaos and riots, and they are reaping chaos and riots. This is a biblical truth.
By Steve Rossiter - Saturday, May 28, 2022 - Full Story

Eve of Destruction

Eve of DestructionAs a writer, I am obligated to write what I see and interpret it through a reality prism, not a political one. I have to travel the road given, not pave a new one to my liking, especially now with so many crises coming together. There is so much at stake. It is not an easy journey for we live in strange and evil times. We are going to ask many questions. The questions alone will leave traces as to their answers. Our country and much of Western civilization is dying a death by a thousand cuts...record crime, food shortages, inflation, COVID and the promise of new pandemics on the horizon, vaccines that kill, threats of war.
By Ray DiLorenzo - Saturday, May 28, 2022 - Full Story

Shrinking ratio of Canadian workers to seniors will strain government finances in coming years; only 3 working age individuals for every senior by 2027

Shrinking ratio of Canadian workers to seniors will strain government finances in coming years; only 3 working age individuals for every senior by 2027VANCOUVER—As Canada’s population ages, the number of working-aged Canadians relative to the number of seniors has declined from 5.4 in 2000 to 3.4 in 2022, which means government spending related to demographics is increasing at the same time that the growth in tax revenues is declining, finds a new study by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank. “Workers pay the bulk of taxes, which governments need to fund important services, including health care and income transfers to seniors. As the relative number of seniors grows, and the relative number of workers declines, government finances across Canada will be put under increasing strain,” said Ben Eisen, senior fellow at the Fraser Institute and co-author of Understanding the Changing Ratio of Working-Age Canadians to Seniors and Its Consequences.
By Fraser Institute - Thursday, May 26, 2022 - Full Story

Globalist “stakeholders” explain holding nations hostage to WEF salvation

Globalist 'stakeholders' explain holding nations hostage to WEF salvation,Listening to the founder of the World Economic Forum should send chills up any normal person's spine. The language of Klaus Schwab in his welcome address sounds, if anything, like an updated version of a speech given by the founder of the Third Reich (note avoidance of specific names to, hopefully, reduce censorship).
"The future is not just happening, the future is built by us. By a powerful community as you here in this room. We have the means to improve the state of the world but two conditions are necessary. The first one is we act all as stakeholders of large communities. We serve not only our self-interest, we serve the community. That's what we call stakeholder responsibility. And second, that we collaborate. This is the reason why you find many opportunities here during the meeting to engage in very action- and impact- oriented initiatives to make progress related to specific issues on the global agenda."
By A. Dru Kristenev - Thursday, May 26, 2022 - Full Story

Pills with microchips: Pfizer CEO is in love

Pills with microchips: Pfizer CEO is in loveIn a recent Davos chat, Pfizer CEO Albert Boura described his company’s new tech:
“A pill with a tiny chip that sends a signal to relevant authorities when [the pill] has been digested…imagine the implications…the compliance…”
Patient compliance is a very big deal in the pharma/medical universe. The patient gets his orders. He follows them.
By Jon Rappoport - Thursday, May 26, 2022 - Full Story

Understand Monkeypox Before They Turn It Into Fear Porn

Understand Monkeypox Before They Turn It Into Fear PornMonkeypox is in the news now. How afraid should you be? Authorities may use this as the next pandemic to justify authoritarian control of your life again. Judge for yourself if this is warranted. What is Monkeypox? Dr. Robert Malone gives a good overview of the virus in his Substack article Monkey Pox. Key points are:
By Ian Nunn - Thursday, May 26, 2022 - Full Story