
WEF has already engaged in global economic terror, the proof of which is inciting conflict, restricting energy, constraining trade, redefining health, stifling food production and cutting access to funds and banks

Globalist "stakeholders" explain holding nations hostage to WEF salvation

Listening to the founder of the World Economic Forum should send chills up any normal person's spine. The language of Klaus Schwab in his welcome address sounds, if anything, like an updated version of a speech given by the founder of the Third Reich (note avoidance of specific names to, hopefully, reduce censorship).
"The future is not just happening, the future is built by us. By a powerful community as you here in this room. We have the means to improve the state of the world but two conditions are necessary. The first one is we act all as stakeholders of large communities. We serve not only our self-interest, we serve the community. That's what we call stakeholder responsibility. And second, that we collaborate. This is the reason why you find many opportunities here during the meeting to engage in very action- and impact- oriented initiatives to make progress related to specific issues on the global agenda."

Stakeholder is an invented term meant to empower corporate management

Schwab has crowned himself and the Davos attendees "stakeholders" – the royalty that, in their minds, have say and sway over the rest of the world's populace who are the true stakeholders as the individuals who create the wealth the billionaires and crony politicians manipulate and steal. Stakeholder is an invented term meant to empower corporate management, including non-profits, that has institutionalized shutting down free speech and, for all intents and purposes, free enterprise. These self-appointed social adjusters are attempting to normalize economic pressure to conform to the "powerful community[‘s]" edicts by limiting access to food, energy, commodities and funds (raiding bank accounts). Through implementing "impact-oriented initiatives," like locking up energy sources and creating scarcity of foodstuffs and household goods, the collaborators are serving their self-interest. Unequivocally, this powerful community is not serving the community at large. More than one speaker has clarified the WEF's position to force nations to abandon the reliability of oil, gas, coal and nuclear based power generation. They, including Financier Kjersten Braathen, reminded the peasants that they (meaning we) must suffer pain, poverty and famine to usher in the Davos vision of a perfect world where unaffordable, inefficient, unreliable and unsustainable wind and solar power is necessary to change, or "reset," the social order. In effect, WEF and other assorted quasi-governmental organizations have reinvented the community they "serve" as the environment, not the people. They go so far as to relegate humanity to the level of a virus that must be eradicated, treated with the same regard Bill Gates expressed at the conference. They have taken the title of stakeholder and defined it as a champion for vegetation, animal populations and the physical landscape, setting the non-sentient as being worthy of saving and serving above that of humanity. Plainly, the idea "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" means the "each" that has needs is the environment, and the "each" who has ability to give are those (that would be us) who offend the environment.

The environment is the straw man for billionaire elites

The environment is the straw man for billionaire elites, set-up to serve as the victim of bogus human-caused atmospheric and geographic destruction. The narrative makes the earth the injured party. Unscientific legislation and mandates have been instituted over the last 60 years to marginalize and subjugate humanity under well-heeled heels. All the legal manipulations are centered around an illegitimate theory that CO2 is killing the planet, when this would be a dead planet without CO2. Schwab's address is a window on how the WEF emulates national socialists that enlisted a black-clad SS (Schutzstaffel or Protection Squadron). Employing a private police force, not a city or state sponsored law enforcement agency, the WEF has taken to targeting journalists who aren't parroting their propaganda. The detention, scrutinization and frisking of Jack Posobiec in Davos is a prime example of WEF's intimidation tactics on the personal level. On the macro plane, WEF has already engaged in global economic terror, the proof of which is inciting conflict, restricting energy, constraining trade, redefining health, stifling food production and cutting access to funds and banks. The assembly in Davos is nothing more than a celebratory back-thumping between chums openly announcing their intent of imposing their stakeholder values to build their self-serving future.

A. Dru Kristenev -- Bio and Archives

Former newspaper publisher, A. Dru Kristenev, grew up in the publishing industry working every angle of a paper, from ad composition and sales, to personnel management, copy writing, and overseeing all editorial content. During her tenure as a news professional, Kristenev traveled internationally as a representative of the paper and, on separate occasions, non-profit organizations. Since 2007, Kristenev has authored five fact-filled political suspense novels, the Baron Series, and two non-fiction books, all available on Amazon. Carrying an M.S. degree and having taught at premier northwest universities, she is the trustee of Scribes’ College of Journalism, which mission is to train a new generation of journalists in biblical standards of reporting. More information about the college and how to support it can be obtained by contacting Kristenev at cw.o@earthlink.net.

ChangingWind (changingwind.org) is a solutions-centered Christian ministry.

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