
Kevin Jackson

Kevin Jackson is a highly sought national speaker, and he has graced the stage with luminaries as Sarah Palin, Neal Boortz, Herman Cain, Judge Napolitano, and Andrew Breitbart, to name a few. In addition to his Amazon best-selling Sexy Brilliance … and other Political Lies and The BIG Black Lie, Jackson is a regular on the Glenn Beck show, writes his almost daily blog, The Black Sphere.

Most Recent Articles by Kevin Jackson:

Cracking the Liberal Egg

I have a lot of people trying to tell me how to do what it is I do. Nothing pisses me off more.
- Saturday, June 20, 2015

Baltimore Prosecutor asked for what?!

--Kevin Jackson Uh oh. The truth comes out. It turns out that it was not the COPS who were targeting blacks, but instead it was State Attorney of Baltimore, Marilyn Mosby who did it. As they say, “The plot blackens!” Or is it “thickens?”
- Wednesday, June 10, 2015

G-7 Summit: They Call This a Protest?

I cracked up seeing the title: Crises darken the G-7 Summit, knowing that Obama would be in attendance. That title is cleverly racist against the world’s black leader. I love it! Yes, the G-7 Summit time is here. When taxpayers from all over the world finance paid vacations to their “leaders,” who do nothing but laugh at the very people financing the trip.
- Tuesday, June 9, 2015