
Dr. Steven J. Allen

Steven J. Allen, Senior Editor, Labor Watch and Green Watch Dr. Allen covers labor union organizing and the environmental movement for Capital Research Center, CRC. He previously served as press secretary to U.S. Senator Jeremiah Denton, as editor of Tea Party Review magazine, and as senior researcher for Newt Gingrich 2012. He has a master’s degree in political science from Jacksonville State University, a law degree from Cumberland Law School, and a PhD in Biodefense from the College of Science at George Mason University.

Most Recent Articles by Dr. Steven J. Allen:

Revolt of the Deplorables: Dr. Steven J. Allen addresses Mensa

Capital Research Center’s Chief Investigative Officer, Dr. Steven J. Allen, spoke before the Mensa Convention in northern Virginia on August 19, 2017. His speech, entitled “Revolt of the Deplorables: Inside the Greatest Upset in American Political History,” dives into Donald Trump’s historic electoral upset in the 2016 election. Mensa is the world’s oldest and largest high-IQ nonprofit organization. Watch Dr. Allen’s speech here: (Capital Research Center is the parent organization of Bombthrowers.)
- Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Hillary doesn't lie, according to Hillary: How the fact-checkers blew "open borders"

It appears that "fact-checkers" have one thing in common: They lie. The latest evidence comes from documents released by WikiLeaks revealing Hillary Clinton's private speech for Brazilian bankers, for which she was paid $225,000 by Itau BBA, a unit of Itau Unibanco Holding, Brazil's largest private-sector bank. Her remarks followed by eight months a speech by Bill Clinton for which the Brazilian bankers paid a reported $400,000.
- Thursday, October 13, 2016

E-cigs and Joe Camel: To the Washington elite, we’re all children

What do Sports Illustrated magazine, vampire movies, NASCAR, The X-Files, piña colada flavoring, and puns based on the expression “Let it go” have in common? Why, they’re all aimed at children, of course—which you would “know” if you were a member of the braindead Washington political elite.
- Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Miss Universe hoax, or 'No good deed goes un-Clintoned'

"Clinton Shaming Trump for His Alleged 'Miss Piggy' Comment Was Maybe Her Best Moment," proclaimed the online magazine Slate. After accusing Donald Trump of attacking women--of saying, for example, that "women don't deserve equal pay unless they do as good a job as men"--Hillary Clinton, in Monday night's debate, brought up "a woman in a beauty contest."
- Saturday, October 1, 2016

Birthered in the U.S.A

September 20, 2016 / Dr. Steven J. Allen [Continuing our series on deception in politics and public policy.] The so-called "birther" story--the claim that President Obama was born outside the U.S. and is not a "natural born Citizen," thus ineligible to be president--was back in the news last week. Was it spread, as Donald Trump alleged, by the Clinton organization? Among those allegedly spreading the birther story during the 2008 campaign: Sidney Blumenthal, Clinton's top political advisor. According to James Asher, former Washington bureau chief of the McClatchy Company, one of the nation's top news organizations, Blumenthal suggested to him that Obama was born in Kenya, and sought to persuade Asher to pursue the story--which Asher did, leading to a determination that the birther story was false. The Washington Post, in a news story Friday, characterized as false Donald Trump's charge that "Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy," with the Post calling Trump's claim "an assertion that has been repeatedly disproved by fact-checkers who have found no evidence that Clinton or her campaign questioned Obama's birth certificate or his citizenship." The rest of the media followed suit. The idea that the Clinton campaign was involved in the birther effort was a "false conspiracy," reported the Associated Press. It was "a claim that does not stand up to scrutiny," said Reuters.
- Tuesday, September 20, 2016

E-cigs and Joe Camel: To the Washington elite, we’re all children

What do Sports Illustrated magazine, vampire movies, NASCAR, The X-Files, piña colada flavoring, and puns based on the expression “Let it go” have in common? Why, they’re all aimed at children, of course—which you would “know” if you were a member of the braindead Washington political elite.
- Thursday, September 15, 2016

The E-Cigarette Ban: A Win for Liars and Big Tobacco

The Food and Drug Administration has joined with Big Tobacco in an effort to crush the small businesses that make up most of the e-cigarette industry. In doing so, the FDA is putting at risk the lives of millions of Americans.
- Thursday, September 15, 2016

The continuing and non-existent collapse of Donald Trump

Donald Trump's continuing decline in the polls is a clear indicator that the GOP is facing disaster--that Trump will lose cataclysmically in November, perhaps becoming the first candidate to win a negative number of electoral votes, and that every other Republican on the ballot, from governors to U.S. Senators to Zika mosquito squashers, will perish in a landslide comparable to the Ruatoria debris avalanche off North Island, New Zealand, circa 170,000 B.C.
- Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Unindicted, Clinton accepts Democratic nomination

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA -- The Democratic Party comes out of this convention deeply divided, with a nominee who, 56 percent of Americans believe, should have been indicted.
- Friday, July 29, 2016

Trump, traitor (and the truth comes limping after)

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA — How has Hillary Clinton survived in politics, and risen to her current position of trust, despite the fact that most people have an accurate impression of her character? Because the Clintons have an army of sycophants, ready to lie for their cause at a moment’s notice, and to smear anyone who dares criticize or otherwise challenge them.
- Thursday, July 28, 2016

Honors at Dem convention for attempted cop killer, attempted gay basher

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA — Last night, the Democratic National Convention paid tribute to a would-be cop killer and a would-be gay basher. Lezley (Leslie) McSpadden, mother of would-be cop killer Michael Brown, appeared on the stage of the convention, along with other women whose children were shot to death, died during encounters with law enforcement, or both.
- Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Harvard students: How stupid are they? (and the case of the Louisiana literacy test)

One of the great deceptions in American politics is that students at Ivy League schools such as Harvard know more about the great issues of the day than, say, students at a typical state university. In fact, a study conducted by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute suggests that students at “elite” schools such as Harvard and Yale are less knowledgeable about economics, politics, and American history than students at other schools—and, incredibly, that seniors at Harvard and Yale and some other prestigious colleges and universities know less than freshmen at the same schools.
- Tuesday, November 25, 2014