
Cherie Zaslawsky

Cherie Zaslawsky is a writer, freelance editor, educator and English tutor who lives in California

Most Recent Articles by Cherie Zaslawsky:

Beware the “New Normal”

Beware the New NormalPresident Trump is right that we're at war with an invisible enemy. But that enemy is most emphatically not a virus. He has been lured into fighting the wrong war. It seems the President's advisors are insisting he focus on Covid-19—the red herring—rather than on the true invisible enemy: the America-hating Left and the elite globalist cabal that's been trying to take down America for years to implement their One World Government “utopia.”  Note also that this New World Order plan looks a lot like worldwide Communism, complete with high-tech Big Brother surveillance. It is antithetical to everything America stands for, and all the liberty Americans enjoy.
- Saturday, May 2, 2020

The Last Time I Saw America

The Last Time I Saw AmericaOn March 16th of this year, I went to bed in America as usual, but woke up in Venezuela. I didn't know it over breakfast, however. It didn't dawn on me until a few hours later, after I had reached the paper goods aisle at our local Target store, when I encountered two long rows of empty shelves where the toilet paper used to be stacked.
- Wednesday, April 22, 2020

America’s Pyrrhic Victory

America’s Pyrrhic VictoryAn unintended consequence of my years of reading Agatha Christie mysteries is that I learned how to separate the red herrings from the salient facts hiding in plain sight, which are always the key to solving the puzzle. Admittedly, the queen of the mystery novel often outsmarted me, as many times her chief detective Hercule Poirot conducted his denouement before I’d figured out who done it; nevertheless, I learned quite a bit from his exemplary method. And I’m going to attempt to use it now with respect to the unprecedented situation in America today.
- Thursday, April 16, 2020

Surf-riding over the Republic and the Rule of Law

Surf-riding over the Republic and the Rule of Law
Before surfers and friends celebrate their victory over venture capitalist Vinod Khosla regarding access to Martin's Beach through his land, they would do well to consider the following: now that the Governor has chimed in, threatening the use of eminent domain, what we have is the State controlling and/or taking someone's private property. Recall that the function of our government is to protect our freedom, lives and property. So the government should have stood firmly behind Vinod Khosla and his right to use and control his own property as he sees fit.
- Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Game’s Afoot

If we’d been paying attention, we might have noticed that Al Gore, while using highly controversial—some say spurious—evidence to sell us on the notion of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming, leapt to a rather curious and drastic solution: the “wrenching transformation” of America.
- Friday, October 11, 2013