
Bob Shoup

Most Recent Articles by Bob Shoup:

Time for a Constitutional Line-item Veto

Time for a Constitutional Line-item Veto Trump's signature of the massive pork-laden omnibus spending bill highlights the need to give the president the authority to apply a line-item veto to budget bills, that is, the ability to veto individual items in an appropriations bill as opposed to forcing the president to choose all or nothing.
- Tuesday, March 27, 2018

The Resurrection of Christ as told by the Shroud of Turin

Easter Sunday marks the anniversary of the Resurrection of Christ. Forensic evidence from the Shroud of Turin gives us a better understanding of how the resurrection occurred. It also gives us scientific evidence that Christ did indeed rise from the dead as told in the New Testament.
- Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Passion of Christ as told by the Shroud of Turin

Good Friday marks the anniversary of the Passion of Christ. Forensic evidence from the Shroud of Turin; combined with an understanding of Roman history and the story of the Passion as told in the Bible, can give us a better understand just what Christ endured on our behalf. The story told by the Shroud is more gruesome than what we have traditionally heard.
- Friday, March 25, 2016

Lying for the Good of Society

Dr Stephen Schneider, a well known climatologist at Stanford University, stated in a 1988 interview with Discover Magazine:
- Friday, March 7, 2014

Elitism or Arrogance

Lately it seems as if conservatives have been barraged by insults. Think that climate change may be natural, you are labeled a denier. Concerned about the record-breaking deficit, you are a tea bagger or a statist. Don’t want a mosque built near the site Islamic terrorists killed over 3000 Americans, you are a racist. Think that the current administration is taking the country too far to the left, there’s that racist charge again.
- Monday, August 30, 2010

The Truth is Not the Story We Want to Tell

May was an interesting month in Bangkok Thailand. Thousands of protestors, “the red shirts” had been in Bangkok for almost a month. Although they had caused financial hardship for many businesses by effectively shutting down a portion of the downtown, their protest of the current government was pretty quiet. More like a picnic than a protest. And for many of the protestors, poor farmers from across Thailand, it was more of an outing than a protest.
- Saturday, July 17, 2010

Agendaism and Fraud; the Sordid Tale of Climate 'Science'

The theory of Anthropomorphic Climate Warming (AGW) rests on a three-legged stool. The first leg of the stool is that is that global average temperatures are at historic highs. The second leg of the stool is that CO2 levels are also at historic highs. The third leg of the stool is that peer-reviewed articles on global warming show a clear consensus of opinion. The recent release of e-mails from Britain's Climate Research Unit, dubbed "climategate" by the media, have made available information that kicks all three legs out from under the stool.
- Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Grand Theft-Climate

Grand Theft-Auto is a popular virtual reality video game. The game allows players to commit a series of crimes in order to rise through the ranks of an organized crime syndicate. The IPCC and its handling of human-caused global warming has many parallels to the game Grand Theft-Auto.
- Sunday, October 25, 2009

Can America Survive its Sharp Left Turn?

In November of 2008, with the assistance of a compliant media, a poorly educated electorate, and widespread dissatisfaction with the Republican Party's abandonment of its conservative base, the Democrats swept to power in 2009. In less than one year, President Obama, with the help of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and a gaggle of radical czars, has steered our Country into a sharp turn to the left.
- Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fighting Back? Then Know How the Enemy Fights

Based on the turnout and anger displayed at Tea Parties and Townhall meetings, it looks like many folks are now ready to fight back. To make that fight effective, it is important to know the enemy and how they fight. The enemy is the far left and their principal weapon is radicalism.
- Friday, August 7, 2009

Preparing for the coming Economic Tsunami

As discussed in parts 1 though 3of this series, the global demand for energy, and fossil fuels are expected to increase. At the same time, the supplies to meet that demand are declining. We examined how the gap between supply and demand is at risk of becoming too large and making the current economic crisis far worse. Finally we examined how a comprehensive policy that includes increasing U.S. supply and decreasing U.S. demand for fossil fuels can help ensure that we have access to a cost-effective and reliable source of energy for the foreseeable future.
- Monday, July 20, 2009

Facts versus Myths about the US Energy Industry

As we discussed in parts 1 and 2 of this series, the global demand for energy, and the fossil fuels that are the source of that energy, is increasing while at the same time, the supplies to meet that demand are declining. We examined how the gap between supply and demand is at risk of becoming too large and making a current economic crisis far worse. Finally we examined a number of ways that the government can help avoid this crisis.
- Thursday, July 16, 2009

Economic Prosperity and Fossil Fuels

The economic prosperity of the United States, and for that matter, your own personal quality of life, depends on reliable access to low-cost energy. If you are not sure of the validity of that statement, simply imagine your life without energy. No air conditioning, no travel, no imported goods, no plastics. Assuming that a life without those things is not what you want, then it is very important that you understand the real nature of the energy you depend on because the media is not telling you.
- Monday, July 13, 2009