
Robert Bowie Johnson, Jr.

Mr. Johnson is the author of "The Parthenon Code: Mankind's History in Marble" and "Noah in Ancient Greek Art." He is also the inventor of the board game, “Obozo’s America: Why Bother Working for a Living?” His latest book is “Outing the Moronocracy: Ending the Rule of the Blind, the Stupid, and the Disgraceful in American Society.” His Web sites are obozosamerica.com, solvinglight.com, outingthemoronocracy.com, and atruergod.com.

Most Recent Articles by Robert Bowie Johnson, Jr.:

Neil deGrasse Tyson: Sowing Atheism Throughout the Cosmos

As a creationist, I find Neil deGrasse Tyson's presumption to educate America on the meaning of science as host of Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey repulsive and sad. I am repulsed by Tyson's transparent attempt to promote atheism and discredit the Word of God, and saddened that so many cannot recognize the Dark Age a priori pseudo-science animating his slick words.
- Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Why Oprah Must Cover Obama’s Lies with White “Racism” Charge

At a UCLA rally during the 2008 presidential campaign, Oprah said, “Barack Obama has the gift of wisdom . . . I’m not voting for Barack Obama because he’s black, I’m voting for Barack Obama because he’s brilliant.” The truth is that Barack Obama is gifted with the ability to distract and deceive. His words are slick, not brilliant.
- Thursday, November 21, 2013

Barack Obama and the People of the Lie

Christian Psychiatrist M. Scott Peck (1936 – 2005) wrote the definitive book on Barack Hussein Obama in 1983, although, of course, he never met him or mentioned him. The title of Peck’s book is “The People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil.” While Dr. Peck is more widely known for his best-selling “The Road Less Travelled,” his “The People of the Lie” remains one of the most important scientific contributions to the study of the origins of evil.
- Thursday, October 24, 2013