
Ron Arnold

Ron Arnold, a Washington Examiner columnist, is executive vice president of the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise.

Most Recent Articles by Ron Arnold:

US funding dubious science and unfounded fear

Donald Trump's EPA is facing a tsunami of vitriol for trying to drain the DC swamp of rogue regulators that rule with made-to-order scientific lies and invented threats, such as its ruling that the carbon dioxide which makes life on Earth possible is a pollutant.
- Thursday, June 29, 2017

The Big Green job-killing machine

The abuse of environmentalist power to hurt people never stops. "Another one gone," began the Lost Coast Outpost's report in late January. A.A. "Red" Emmerson, chairman of Sierra Pacific Industries, announced the permanent closure of its sawmill on Samoa Peninsula in Arcata, California--with the loss of 123 crew member jobs (and over 100 secondary jobs that depended on sawmill employment).
- Saturday, April 2, 2016

EPA deletes “navigable” from statute – states sue

Twenty-nine states, more than half the stars on the American flag, have filed lawsuits against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for redefining the “Waters of the United States,” or WOTUS. EPA rewrote the law, erasing “navigable” and usurping states’ rights by including local seasonal streams, farm irrigation ponds, roadside ditches, and even “connective” dry lands placed under authority of the Clean Water Act.
- Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The real climate threat to our national security

President Obama had it all wrong in his recent commencement address at the United States Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut. He warned that climate change "deniers" endanger our national security--insisting that denial "undermines the readiness of our forces."
- Thursday, May 28, 2015

The trouble with Google defining "truth"

With its $385 billion share value, Google, Inc. has bumped ExxonMobil to become America's No. 2 ranked company in market capitalization.
- Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The hidden “persuaders” of the environmentalist elite

America’s environmental agenda is set by elite foundations that decide which activists get the money. And they form “affinity groups” to collude with President Obama’s bureaucracy, which funnels tax dollars to Democratic advocates to enforce that agenda.Meet the conservation cash cartel of the uber-rich: the Environmental Grantmakers Association, a veteran organization (founded 1985) of more than 200 ultra-wealthy foundations caught in the spotlight of a new 92-page report exposing Big Green wealth eating away America’s industrial strength.This is the same EGA that emerged during the Senate confirmation hearings for Rhea Sun Suh, the Interior Department’s new head of national parks and the Fish and Wildlife Service — a veteran EGA member who invited colleagues to come visit her any time.
- Thursday, August 7, 2014

Big Green Goliath wages anti-Keystone war

The "Kill Keystone XL" crowd isn't little environmental David up against a Big Oil Goliath. As usual, conventional wisdom isn't wisdom when the mainstream media ask all the wrong questions, and get all the wrong answers. Behemoth Big Green outstrips Big Oil in expendable revenue by orders of magnitude--if you know how to follow the money.
- Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Obama’s intransigence closed America’s natural wonders

For anyone who doubts that President Obama and his minions are trying to make the government shutdown as painful as possible, remember that it’s a decades-old White House ploy with a revealing name: “the Washington Monument Strategy.”
- Saturday, October 12, 2013

Big Green helps Big Wind hide bird and bat butchery

It uses tons of fossil fuels every day, emits a greenhouse gas that's like CO2 on steroids, can’t do the job it’s made for, costs taxpayers exorbitant fees, and makes the federal government look mentally ill for giving it outrageous subsidies. It also chops up birds, bats and scenery with roads and monstrous 400-foot-tall machines. “It” is wind power, of course.
- Monday, May 20, 2013

How Rockefellers battle the Keystone pipeline

Americans concerned about gasoline prices were encouraged by the Pew Research Center's new poll, whose headline blared, "Keystone XL Pipeline draws broad support." A score box showed 63% supporting and only 23% opposing the pipeline that would transport oil from Canada's vast Alberta oil sands deposits through the Plains states to Texas refineries.
- Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Greedy green land grabbers

On Sunday, February 28, 2010, armed troops evicted villagers in Uganda’s Mubende district, to make way for a tree plantation. The troops were acting on behalf of a British forestry company that claims it fights global warming. The trees will supposedly absorb carbon dioxide, so that carbon-credits can be sold to transnational polluters, to stave off “dangerous manmade climate change and disruption.”
- Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Climategate leaker: Our civilization is being killed by lying “science” elitists

“What if climate change appears to be just mainly a multi-decadal natural fluctuation? They'll kill us probably.” This private musing between two climate scientist colleagues first surfaced along with a whole raft of embarrassing material in 2011, when the anonymous Climategate leaker who calls himself “Mr. FOIA” leaked his second set of emails from Britain’s disgraced Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia. Now, Mr. FOIA has emerged for a third time, sharing with the world not only his entire batch of 220,000 encrypted emails and documents but also, for the first time, his thoughts.
- Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Greenie lying bastards

Pathetic and desperate. There’s no other way to describe the new “we hate-industry” movie, Greedy Lying Bastards. Producers spent nearly $2 million to complain about climate skeptic money, in yet another Big Green attack on anyone who disagrees with the climate fanatic industry, which is itself a multi-billion-dollar global enterprise that seeks to impose anti-energy policies in the name of preventing climate change.
- Saturday, March 16, 2013