
Samuel Totten

Samuel Totten, a genocide scholar at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, has conducted research in the Nuba Mountains. His latest book, Genocide by Attrition: The Nuba Mountains, Sudan

Most Recent Articles by Samuel Totten:

Open Letter to US Government, UN: Urgent Action in relation to Chemical Attacks in Darfur

As most of you are no doubt aware, this past week Amnesty International issued a report in which it decried and spelled out in great detail how the Government of Sudan has recently carried out chemical attacks against civilians in Darfur. In part, the report asserts that "horrific evidence," including satellite imagery and more than 200 in-depth interviews with survivors, along with the analysis of dozens of images, suggest "at least 30 chemical attacks between January and September took place in the Jebel Marra region."
- Saturday, October 15, 2016

The Teflon “Blonde”: Hillary Clinton and Her Lies, Half-Truths, Obfuscations

In the 1980s mob boss John Gotti wrangled his way out of so many prosecutions that the media deemed him the Teflon Don. In light of her habitual habit of trafficking in lies, half-truths, obfuscations, and smirking off important questions about potential malfeasance, Hillary Clinton has rightly earned the sobriquet of The Teflon “Blonde.”
- Saturday, August 13, 2016

Obama Never Really Planned to Keep His Promise About Recognizing the Armenian Genocide

"Two years ago, I criticized the Secretary of State for the firing of U.S. Ambassador to Armenia, John Evans, after he properly used the term 'genocide' to describe Turkey's slaughter of thousands of Armenians starting in 1915. … as President I will recognize the Armenian Genocide." — Barack Obama on the Importance of US-Armenia Relations"
- Saturday, June 11, 2016

Samantha Power: From Fiery Activist to a Typical "All Talk, No Action" Bureaucrat

Samantha Power made her name on both her hard-hitting, Pulitzer-prize winning book, "A Problem From Hell: America and the Age of Genocide," and her no holds-barred lectures and articles decrying the U.S. Government's lax responses to crimes against humanity and genocide. In the aforementioned book, Power excoriated a host of presidential administrations for what she deemed to be their "toleration of unspeakable atrocities, often committed in clear view." Proudly, she welcomed the sobriquet -- and took on the mantle of -- "the genocide chick."
- Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Obama’s Atrocity Prevention Board’s Silence: Where is the Action and Transparency?

Over the past several years U.S. President Barack Obama has touted his administration’s concern vis-à-vis crimes against humanity and genocide and for its transparency. Pathetically, his administration has fallen sorely short on both fronts. There’s been some movement in the former, alright, but a lot of it has been more cosmetic than real.
- Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Why Does the US Continue to Appease Sudan?

Imagine a corrupt Third World dictator who took power in a coup, who locks up opponents, journalists, civil society leaders, students and anyone else who dares doubt his right to absolute power.
- Friday, April 5, 2013

Severe Malnutrition and Starvation Consume the Nuba Mountains

Empty promises by the world’s statespersons are as useless as dead donkeys to the people of South Kordofan and the Nuba Mountains who continue to face an onslaught of violence and forced starvation at the hands of the Government of Sudan (GoS).
- Tuesday, July 31, 2012

President Obama Needs to ACT NOW to Prevent Mass Starvation in the Nuba Mountains

For nine long months now, the Government of Sudan (GoS) has laid siege to the Nuba Mountains. Irate at being challenged by the people of the Nuba Mountains over what the people perceived as a rigged election that eventuated in Ahmed Haroun becoming the Governor of South Kordofan and their aversion to the GoS’ goal of Islamacizing the region, Sudanese President Omar al Bashir began an aerial and ground campaign last July. Yes, that is the same Ahmed Haroun who is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) on charges of crimes against humanity and war crimes for atrocities perpetrated in Darfur. And, the very same Omar al Bashir who is also wanted by the ICC on charges of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes allegedly perpetrated in Darfur.
- Saturday, June 30, 2012

Has “The Genocide Chick” Checked Out?

Because of the threatening and murderous actions of the Government of Sudan (GoS), thousands of people in the Nuba Mountains are suffering malnutrition. This is a well-known fact amongst UN personnel, U.S. officials, and human rights activists. At one and the same time, the GoS continues to bomb towns and villages at will in an effort to either subdue the Nuba Mountains people or altogether force them out of Sudan.
- Sunday, February 5, 2012

Where is Samantha Power When the People of the Nuba Mountains Need Her Most?

At the dawn of the new year, some 200,000 thousands of people in the Nuba Mountains are huddled in caves and crevasses in the mountains in an effort to evade potential death at the hands of the Government of Sudan (GoS). Many thousands have been in the mountains since the GoS first attacked the people of the Nuba Mountains back in July, and the vast majority has gone for months without access to adequate amounts of food. One has to wonder, “Where is the Samantha Power who once lashed out at government insiders in the Clinton and Bush administrations for their silence in the face of crimes against humanity and potential genocide?” Indeed, where is her voice now that she is a heavyweight (Senior Director for Multilateral Affairs, National Security Council) in the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama?
- Wednesday, January 4, 2012